EASTER MONDAY=somebody? moved item [fp]in front yard; took stick out that held item down; put item[fp] close to window; later that evening relatiave took to Walmart and helped by buying some grocieries=?upon coming to CRB libary=somebody had taken note off of front door;
Picts. Taken over EASTER holiday;
Copy of statement by officer A. N. 3/23 or 3/27 inyear 2013; asked officier A. N. to write that a child that has been stolen in 1983 was asked about.
White male in royal blue midsize pickup truck; just came from house chris [judge hayes son?]
lives in;
Weekend before EASTER[2013]=was forsale sign in Charles Mccrae yard[?]; now TWO stacks of sticks=one at one end of the property and one at other end=harassment=stack of sticks represent bodies=local street code-when people doing their yards;
Also day before EASTER[sat,2013]=male that came from Boston's house[know he's participating inharassment]=black pickup truck-like one brother murdered in=code; along with the NEW white building inside the fence[also guy drive black pickup truck and chris[judge hayes son?] stop in front of house and had long conversation=harassment;

Sat. before Easter 2013; went to see relative who was transferred from out from Shattlon Drive=by the name of HALL who has sticker on their car=code=sister one that worked for pentegon;
Sat before EASTER 2013= Vehicle driven by Boston female parked at house where chris[judge hayes son?] lives; front sticker has WAKE FOREST; license plate=BHE=code=be he; communicating that AFrican American females suppose to have role of MALE or man=code to be used in the transformation of African American female children into being gay through intimidation, harassment and abuse through the school system=connection=Wake Forest where given a warning ticket for looking up fed. laws which is violation of fed. law for them to give me warning ticket because Wake Forest is a Federal Depository Library=meaning any law abiding citizen is suppose to be able to go to the Wake Forest Law Library without any type of harassment;but that is a LIE;
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