It is Official; the Winston-Salem Forysth County Human Resource[where they hire people] has a person[s] that are connected to harassment and intimidation of African American females not working for white males=
?from GREENVILLE, S.C.=NEW EMPLOYEE [just hired (said he hasn't completed a week)at 5th Street Public Library;
And right before the NORTH CAROLINA BLACK THEATER FESTIVAL [where a lot of African Americans were harassed by authority last year][lot of the black leaders were in shock because so many blacks harassed]
Blacks attending the NORTH CAROLINA BLACK THEATER FESTIVAL for 2013 are really going to be in shock for 2013;
And right before the NORTH CAROLINA BLACK THEATER FESTIVAL for 2013 are really going to be in shock because all of the authority will probably be black vs them being white; black=black on black[ethnic intimidation][allowed] vs white=white abusing black[discrimination][not allowed];
Approx. four years ago=right before/after Larry Leon Hamlin left the face of the earth; the yard/ground in front of the building where the
NORTH CAROLINA BLACK THEATER FESTIVAL is held {N.C. Children Theater} was completely dug up [lot of digging][which is the theme for the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public library[digging][]
with the theme being DIGGING to implant the thoughts into the minds of the African American men/women [who usally are at the libaries[because they have no where else to go with no money] the concept of DIGGING-like Digging in the ground-like to put people=usually the only thing African Americans can relate to:=Greene=6feet under=ex-ample=local female [usually looks like somebody ran her over with a mac truck[being nice]; her mother died[turner] and she looks like a new person the day after=hair done, makeup; the entire family has had a party everyday since[only way African Americans are allowed to socialize]

and who ever hired ? from GREENVILLE, South Carolina is sending the message=death to African Americans who come to/through the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public Library=same one who hired PAULA and HERBERT and MALISSA at the Carver Road Branch Library.
"DIG into reading" and "BENEATH the Surface" messages= the beneath the surface is EXACTLY what they do to African Americans[like a second system] where the African Americans are not allowed/punished for exercising their rights based upon the United States Constitution; when they do; they are punished; and a lot of the punishment is "BENEATH the Surface" which is why the African American communities with the illegal and immoral activity take place because the African Americans get tired of being punished or seeing their family members punished so they begin to participate to get along and have some type of life instead of fighting the African Americans and white males who are in partnership who are attacking them because they won't attack other African Americans to satisfy white males image of white supremacy.
Heard BILL O'reily speak and have Laura Ingraham as a guest about the plight of the African American community in which the Dem. are just using black people; but GILL O'reily did not offer any SOLUTIONS to the problem; maybe BILL O'reily can come to Winston-Salem to the
NORTH CAROLINA BLACK THEATER FESTIVAL and at least put up some messages of hope for African Americans who have given the system their mind.[]
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