Wrote on blog [http://ifrosaparksknew.blogspot.com/2013/07/pillsbury-douhgboy.html]-
[And it is not just the IMAGE to the jury; it is the IMAGE to FEMALES accross the United States; keep your johns[who think they are husbands] in place or your son[s] may suffer the same fate as Travon Martin;
Remember, keep in mind that Rush Limough PRIDES himself on KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING American Culture and KNOWS what words and images to use to communicate to white males to calm them down to let them KNOW they are still in control=code=George Zimmerman is the DOUGH boy for white male economic system=dough is also associated with RISING= race/ injustice=violence=control=need for authorities=JOBS[not to mention a legal way to beat up on African Americans]; message to white males=stay in hiding=current re-elected? head of the United States is male of color[raised by white males][but NOT white] and George Zimmerman[white male color][ but NOT white]=gives white males freedom from being accused of causing anytype of racial race war; they can claim innocence; doesn't anyone think it strange that with all the racial tension there is NO WHITE MALE at the CENTER of t he problem when it is WHITE MALES who CONTROL the media, banks, money, weapons, businesses, resturants, movies, bowling lanes, service stations, department stores, gov,[suppose to be owned by the people-but white males own it/control it] YET with all the racial tension there is NO WHITE MALE to be found; raised by white males; color of white males, BUT NO WHITE MALE that can be directly identified=?][http://ifrosaparksknew.blogspot.com/2013/07/pillsbury-douhgboy.html]
Think found the CENTER [WHITE MALE] to be used to communicate instructions/directions to white males and African American female prostitutes working for white males=the NEW ROYAL BABY-[boy] is the CENTER [white male] to be used to communicate to people in the United States instructions about how to continue to attack the United States [because white males in the United States DO NOT allow real African Americans[that want their race and culture to prospser] or any body elses to rise;=thus it is easy to go to hungry people and offer them food, etc. to attack those in the United States that are attacking them for one reason only-COLOR; maybe two-[control/MONEY];
The NEW ROYAL BABY=CENTER[WHITE MALE]communication system; can't get any whiter than WHITE MALE PRINCE from ENGLANDl;[not to mention that the FATHER is well versed in authority[mindset][to be passed on to son][tried to post picture but computer would not allow?];

Wouldn't a DUKE come from/through the royal family? Isn't it interesting that the NEW ROYAL BABY in England comes EXACTLY at the time when there is the BEGINNING of RACIAL
PROTESTS by African Americans BECAUSE an African American male [BOY] was killed and nobody had to be held responsible for anything;
Know AMBER in WS, NC[18yr.old fat/black female/looked down upon by most people in society][looked like Trayvon Martin's girlfriend]=African American female's baby son[CRCC]=one of the NEW babies to be USED to communicate instructions= KNOW one of the instructions will be to target BIG BLACK FAT FEMALES to USE them because they will feeled rescured from the abuse [that white males orginally designed into the African American culture]=[for those of you who think over kill=ONLY SKINNY WHITE females IMAGE allowed to be lifted up and accepted in white society; not to mention the African American culture where being BLACK and FAT=the person gets a double wammy;
Think found the CENTER [WHITE MALE] to be used to communicate instructions/directions to white males and African American female prostitutes working for white males=the NEW ROYAL BABY-[boy] is the CENTER [white male] to be used to communicate to people in the United States instructions about how to continue to attack the United States [because white males in the United States DO NOT allow real African Americans[that want their race and culture to prospser] or any body elses to rise;=thus it is easy to go to hungry people and offer them food, etc. to attack those in the United States that are attacking them for one reason only-COLOR; maybe two-[control/MONEY];
The NEW ROYAL BABY=CENTER[WHITE MALE]communication system; can't get any whiter than WHITE MALE PRINCE from ENGLANDl;[not to mention that the FATHER is well versed in authority[mindset][to be passed on to son][tried to post picture but computer would not allow?];

Wouldn't a DUKE come from/through the royal family? Isn't it interesting that the NEW ROYAL BABY in England comes EXACTLY at the time when there is the BEGINNING of RACIAL
PROTESTS by African Americans BECAUSE an African American male [BOY] was killed and nobody had to be held responsible for anything;
Know AMBER in WS, NC[18yr.old fat/black female/looked down upon by most people in society][looked like Trayvon Martin's girlfriend]=African American female's baby son[CRCC]=one of the NEW babies to be USED to communicate instructions= KNOW one of the instructions will be to target BIG BLACK FAT FEMALES to USE them because they will feeled rescured from the abuse [that white males orginally designed into the African American culture]=[for those of you who think over kill=ONLY SKINNY WHITE females IMAGE allowed to be lifted up and accepted in white society; not to mention the African American culture where being BLACK and FAT=the person gets a double wammy;
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