If one factors in the fact that State Street-Aid (Powell Bill) Program ["Connect NCDOT = Business partners RESOURCES; "Bringing Business and Government together with "collaboration"";through the department of transportation[WSTA][https://connect.ncdot.gov/municipalities/State-Street-Aid/Pages/default.aspx]] is the system being used to CONNECT THE DOTS to identify African Americans who under Black Wall Street would be wealthy [then the following fits;
Mailed the following document[s][comments added] to a Human Relations Commission in various states[as appropriate][last week]:was told should hear something within a few days[couple of people working Human Relations Commission office sent back info in my name[made the mistake[or not] of listing my return address] and Know that one of the human relations depts just got a NEW DIRECTOR[position been vacant for years-directors name has LOVE in it=?[males or females prositiutes in the making or killing] when two of the people at the Human relations Commission sent back info; they put my last name on them[AFTER I asked that they use a specific name other than my real name=?
The photos sent last week should have included the following pictures ; tried to place in order of occurance:

TWO “V”’s were placed at the corner where have to cross the street to go to the Carver Road Library;

The first Winston-Salem Officer concerning the mailbox issue associated with harassment from the Gwyns was name “AN”;

After the mailbox issue with the GWYNS-Gwendolyn Gwyn- Gwendolyn Johnson appeared in/at social event as part of secret group; [local church group][where people in church live on street where brother was murdered];
Royal Blue Vehicles sudden manifestation:
A. Royal Blue Recycle bin placed at corner where people next door would continuously park in front of house to harass and intimidate; [The two white trucks with red trailors were parked there by the city of winston-salem housing dept. [ALL four of the vehicles connected to people who work for the city of Winston-Salem];
[city of Winston-Salem, N. C.];

B. TWO “V”’s were placed at the corner where have to cross the street to go to the Carver Road Branch library;
C. Royal Blue- PICKUP TRUCK;driven by African American male that lives a couple of houses down the street De-Anna lives on [Winston-Salem, North Carolina]:a nurse who works for Forsyth Hospital associated with the GWYN group-used to communicate about twins; connected in some manner;[have picture];

D. The first Winston-Salem Officer concerning the mailbox issue associated with harassment from the Gwyns was name “AN”;
E. Royal Blue-TRACTOR TRAILER; driven by African American male that lives across the street De-Anna lives on [Winston-Salem , North Carolina ] who is the Gwyn[male] that took down my mailbox; then pulled a weapon on me when I was putting mailbox back up; Gwyndolyn Gwyn nurse at Forsyth Hospital [city of Winston-Salem, N. C.];
F. Royal Blue Tractor Trailer in background;Gwyn family gathering to show support when Gwyn[male] put up three new mailboxes and put De-Anna’s address on one[without De-Anna’s permission];
G. Royal Blue SUV; driven by African American male that lives down the street on the same side of the street De-Anna lives on [Winston-Salem, North Carolina]; the entire family is NEW [last year or so]to the street De-Anna lives on [Winston-Salem, North Carolina];
H. Royal Blue-MUSTANG; driven by African American male that lives beside Gwyn[male] across the street from De-Anna in [Winston-Salem, North Carolina];who is the son of male [who worked for city of Winston-Salem, N. C.] with same name as De-Anna’s ex-husband[have picture];
H. Royal Blue-MUSTANG; driven by African American male that lives beside Gwyn[male] across the street from De-Anna in [Winston-Salem, North Carolina];who is the son of male [who worked for city of Winston-Salem, N. C.] with same name as De-Anna’s ex-husband[have picture];
Royal Blue souped? up car driven by driven by African American male that lives on the corner of Carver Road and Butterfield in [Winston-Salem , North Carolina ][used to communicate to Bridget and De-Anna’s ex-husband] who drive on Carver Road on a regular basis;
J. At the Carver Road Branch Library-the machines turned into Bright blue[first time ever seen blue machinery for street work];[city of Winston-Salem street division or State of N. C. street division?]
K. Blue dumpster placed at Carver Road Library;
L. After the mailbox issue with the GWYNS-Gwendolyn Gwyn- Gwendolyn Johnson appeared in/at social event as part of secret group
D-A--a D-A--a
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