The movie "Boycott" is coded with scences in the beginning from the first 106 frames/shots of the movie to tell those? who watch the movie for coded information that:
some of the scences/frames:
a.Rosa PARKs sitting in bus chair;
b.picture of little girl sitting on mothers lap;
c.tree with no leaves with a TIRE[code for authority][Steve WHITEheart-Goodyear tire/patterson Ave,W-S.,N.C.] swinging;
d.Black tire swing from tree converts to a black figure swing that is hanging from the tree;
e. Rosa PARKS says she is not moving;
Black Americans boycott the public buses during the 1950s civil rights movement. [Stars:Jeffrey Wright, Terrence Howard, CCH Pounder ]=coded= issue TWINS=
The character
CCH Pounder | ... |
is played by Jo Ann Robinson
Iris Little Thomas | ...plays the character of |
Rosa Parks (Thomas is the code name for kill);
![]() | Tom Nowicki | ..plays the character: |
Commissioner Sellars[code name for SELL];
![]() | Danny Nelson | ..plays the character : |
Commissioner Parks [code name for PARK=means don't move];
Plot Keywords:[civil rights movement | racial segregation | protest | social activism | reference to martin luther king];[];
The Lone Ranger (2013)
Native American warrior Tonto recounts the untold tales that transformed John Reid, a man of the law, into a legend of justice.
Stars:Johnny Depp, Armie Hammer, William Fichtner =coded JONH[like john for a prostitute]; dep[like dept]; Armie[like army]; Hammer[like a hammer the situation];Some of characters names used as codes=have Blogged about=[others would n't post];
Mason Cook | ... | Will |
Narrative of: The "Lone Ranger" movie as given by Steve Deace [radio commentator][white male]on
The movie was vile in that it purposefully seeks to undo the character they are trying to protraying; The writers have such contempt for the lone ranger character;it was as if the writers said; how can we de-
stroy the lone ranger character? The question is why? and why remake the movie; The Lone Ranger character is ionic[] and it is clear that people who made the movie were intentionally trying to destroy the character and show the history of the Lone Ranger character in a negative manner to the United thats so much so that they reveal the hate and so that the hate the writers have for the United States they decided that they were going to show the hate. Examples: 1. they had indians[code for African Americns[2013]=Travon Martin/Zimmerman trial produced[marches]] slaughtered in massive amounts [with no mercy]in the name of Christ[code for kill the African Americans in the church not working for white males];
2. And the ONLY person to be TRUSTED was a WHITE [WHORE]=[code African American females who work for white males in secret];[Steve Deace=fear God, tell the truth and make MONEY!];
One of the radio talk show host [male-documented stated "that once it is established that a hidden group that is participating in abuse is revealed;then it is time to start attacking the collaborators][Travon Martin/Zimmerman trail=code];
The statement-"then it is time to start attacking the collaborators" is what the bastards have been waiting for me to do-attack somebody[physically]=which would create a job for the bastards; because everybody knows that it is illegal to attack a person for no obvious reason;
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