Just blogged about concept that African Americans are basically stuck in white man's land:
Picture in the Wall Street Journal Adventure and Travel
[Caption says: What's bolder than taking the steep rooute up Mouont WHITney? Doing it with a couple of PREteens]
Name of the artilce is "A-No-Kidding-Around Climb";
article by Diana Kapp;
And just like in that picture that show a HIDDEN area that most people will never see or experience so it the experience of the African American person[male, female, boy, girl] that does not live as a person whose only objective is to serve white miles[which include helping white males to destroy the African American culture];
Communication designed by the 5th Street Public Library Media to-guy who wants to date me[and any other African American that may be aware:
If he does not do what white males tell him the picture above is to communicate what he is to expect from white males and what their attitudes would look like to him [basically messed up towards him][ and everybody knows white males own/control everything] and to be fully convincing:#2.

The truth will not set you free [guess the female suppose to represent a female who may know the truth about the white males secret systems operated to intimidate, abuse, harass African American people;
#3. The North Carolina Theater Festival-in which Sylvia Hamlin-somehow is aware of the fact that the guy who is a Duke fan wants to date me-which is not good=being that she helped them[white males] to kill Larry Leon Hamlin [her husband] of which I don't want to help a bunch of white males to kill anybody; and the fact that the entire North Carolina Theater Festival was switched over to a system to attack any African American attending [which includes setting them up=confinement=more jobs for those in authority] of which the guy who is a Duke fan wants to date me recieved a special inventation=?;
The picture in the Wall Street Journal authority who was dressed like the one that was on 4th Street in W-S, N. C. did come up; except with the pointing of the gun; that is the impression of fully dressed authority male that was on 4th Street [downtown], Winston-Salem, N.C. to send message=stay out of white people area;[ must say though-since that day they have put African American male bumps [they control-tell what to do] in the area=illusionary freedom; let an ordinary African American go in the area without prior permission; the ordinary American [black and white] citizens DO NOT have a chance against such;
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