ROYAL BABY is code for CENTER of communication for white males [DOUGH/MONEY]=
Statement]Rush Limbaugh praised Liz Cheney on Monday while interviewing her on his radio show, calling her a "
Republican ROYAL" and one of former Vice President Dick Cheney’s “greatest contributions” to the country=code to African American community=?=the daughter of the "DICK"=?;
"Remember, keep in mind that Rush Limough PRIDES himself on KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING American Culture and KNOWS what words and images to use to communicate to white males to calm them down to let them KNOW they are still in control";
ROYAL=code word to white males;
Liz Cheney stated" COMPROMISE intended for good leads to COMPROMISE that is CAPICULATION[which is where the African American community is at]; Capiculation=whatever you want to call it -SLAVERY=CIVIL WAR;
Compromise=to cease to resist; acquiesce;
to submit, accept, comply tacitly or PASSIVELY;
CAPICULATION=what African American so called LEADERS suffer from:CAPICULATION;
and AIN'T no White male or man of color [the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration] going to admit to that=that would mean that somebody would have to admit that a lot of African Americans have been done wrong and somebody would have to pay[MONEY]; better a war than pay African American people;
Rush Limbaugh praised Liz Cheney on Monday while interviewing her on his radio show, calling her a Republican royal and one of former Vice President Dick Cheney’s “greatest contributions” to the country.
“After all the great things Dick Cheney has done for our country over his long brilliant career, Liz Cheney might turn out to be one of his biggest contributions of all,” Limbaugh said.
While interviewing Liz Cheney on his radio show, Limbaugh called her
announcement to run against GOP Sen. Mike Enzi in a Wyoming primary as “momentous” and said the country needs more people like her.
PHOTOS: 10 fiery quotes from Liz Cheney)
“People like you are needed,” Limbaugh said. “We need about 95 more of you, at least 51 of you, and then we’d be talking.”
Limbaugh said Cheney comes from “Republican royalty” and praised her conservatism.
“Liz, you come from Republican Party royalty, if I can use that phrase. Your family, your dad, your mom, yourself — Republican family royalty,” Limbaugh said. “I want to tell the audience here that I’ve known you for many many years, and throughout the entire time I’ve known you, you haven’t changed, your conservatism has been consistent and solid, and in fact, it may have even gotten stronger, your commitment to it may have even increased.” [
PHOTOS: 10 fiery quotes from Liz Cheney)
Liz Cheney, the elder daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney,
announced Tuesday that she would challenge Wyoming Sen. Mike Enzi in the Republican primary next year. Here are some of the notable comments she’s made on TV and on Twitter:

“Obama says he is learning from Isl-mi-t Tu-kis- PM Erd-gan how to raise his daughters. Wonder what Michelle thinks of that.”
Twitter, May 16, 2013[Michelle is not allowed to thinkl; only follow ORDERS; Liz Cheney however has ALWAYS been allowed to THINK; really think -with no punishment;[in other words Liz Cheney is allowed to keep blinders on-code- for don't tell certain white females the truth; let them live in their barbie/disney land view of life and society[what I was suffering from];
“[Obama] continues to feel the need to proclaim that he is not Dick Cheney, and every time I hear him say that I’ve got to say, ‘You’re right. Absolutely.’ This president is no where near the man or the leader that Dick Cheney is.”
The Sean Hannity Show, June 19, 2013;[And the current re-elected head of the United States Administration will not ever be the leader that Dick Cheney is because he is NOT ALLOWED to THINK; only allowed to FOLLOW ORDERS;not to mention that he is NOT ALLOWED to reveal that he does what is best for his African heritage in African and is fighting the African American heritage in the United States because in reality he has NO connection to the African American culture and heriage[his daughters are up under his heritage[AFRICAN]like Liz Cheney is up under her father Dick Cheney's heritage; the current re-elected head of the United States Administration will not ever be the man or the leader in the eyes of African Americans or Whites because he is sending mix signals; trying to juggle; Dick Cheney did not have to juggle; just be coniving[sp], slick because he had the same goal=all policies were to maintain the white supremacy mindset[in secret of coarse];
Too bad President Obama isn’t as dedicated to disarming al Q--da as he is to disarming law-abiding Americans.”
Twitter, Jan. 17, 2013;[Because the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration KNOWS that either way; Black or White some of those law-abiding citizens do not want to follow orders and are tired of taking the abuse[from the lies]; and are tired of the illusions=solution-take their guns away;
The notion that this White House says he will go to Oslo to accept this (Nobel Peace) prize just adds to the farce.”
Oct. 11, 2009, Fox News Sunday;[technically Nobel Peace) prize based upon readings and research=part of system to throw the current re-elected? head of the United States Administration off so that he will have the big head/throw him off from being able to see clearly; just in case he may try to fix it so that the white male system of abuse stops in the African American communities =which the abuse represents "DOUGH"-mean MONEY;
The president has launched a war on Americans’ Second Amendment rights. He has launched a war on religious freedom. He has launched a war on fossil fuels. He is working to nationalize one-sixth of the economy with job-killing Obamacare. He wants to collect a greater portion of every American paycheck, not for the purpose of paying down the national debt but to expand his governing machine. He doesn’t believe in creating a bigger pie with more opportunity for all. He believes in greater redistribution of a much smaller pie. If you’re unsure of what this America would look like, Google ‘Cyprus’ or ‘Greece.’” -
Wall Street Journal Op-ed, March 28, 2013;[Based on research, reading=really some of what he is doing[re-distrubing the wealth] has been recommended by proir sciencetist, researchers, politicians[problem is that he can't see the African Americans that so much has been taken from them that they are willing to do whatever to fix it so that some of the WHITE folk have their wealth taken to the point they don't know where their next meal will come from=fair is fair; and he can't see the African Americans that are tired of being dam used by white male systems];
9. “But, you know, Can I just point out that I think one of the things that makes the American people frustrated is when they see, time and time again, liberals excusing racism from other liberals.” On controversial
comments Harry Reid made about Obama’s race.
ABC’s “This Week”, Jan. 10, 2010;[At least Liz Cheney is AWARE of racism; but KNOW she is FAR removed from observing the effects or experiencing those who suffer from the effects];
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