Heard on WSJS 600am radio this morning = a Caucasian female guest who said that she had writtine the United Nations concerning authorities in the United States that were participating in prostitution and human trafficing=did not hear when she wrote to United Nations=BUT did hear that she wrote a book; did not get the name of the book=system=issue of males of the larger society in authority participating in prostitution and intimidation of females=brought out before the public=?[when=before of after blogging about the situation in my life=?=IF before=then I shouldn't be having to deal with the local issue[s]; IF after I blogged=system COPYING ISSUE in African American[s] life to be discussed in white system=which leaves the African American still dealing the dam issue=and nowhere/one to turn to in order for the issue to be addressed:
MLK and TRADE street[BLOCKED];[WRECK on ROBINhood]=? and the 3rd wreck this morning=?;AFTER SHERRY[like Shirlely] called and SHERRY's phone calls were BLOCKED on somebody's phone=Shirley=real realive-Sherry=substitute; Shirley presence or visits=attacks by males of the larger society; Sherry presence=constant psychological attacks for males of the larger society and cannot retaliate against Sherry and results=no attacks by males of the larger society;
Exploitation and Manipulation of African Americans never discussed:
Movie Hoover Street Revival=scene=Elderly African American female says, "ALL she wants is just one GOOD day; that's all" and then apologizes for complaining because she hasn't experienced one GOOD day that she wants for herself;[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0332649/];
Movie-by Tyler Pery- "I Can Do Bad All By Myself" -
Scene-African American female [?] singer= is singing a song-lyrics:
I don't need no one to put me down, I'm already on the grown-can't get no lower; don't need no one to hand around, make me frown, make me look older; I can do bad all by myself; I have my own dark now, it goes whereever I am go-ing; somebody told me once that pain game, we all got to play then why am I in SUDDEN DEATH EVERY OTHER DAY; I KNOW for the good life we all got to pay; But I pay till I am poor; STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS TO HAVE A GOOD DAY[2009]; since everybody knows what it is I need to do; then do me a FAVOR, let me worry about me, and you worry about you!;
Sudden death EVERY other day=concept in the African American community=to every African American female not serving males of the larger society; HOWEVER African American females serving males of the larger society have a different view[which is that as long as they serve white males of the larger society[be a prostitute] then the African American females prostitutues serving males of the larger society can have hope;=?! The other phrase=STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS TO HAVE A GOOD DAY[2009]"; =statement from two African American Females; one spoke, one sang[acting-but still communicating the message for other African American females being intimidated and threaten constantly]-"Still, don't know what it is to have a GOOD day"=which most white people take for granted; point=abuse, intimidation, harassment, exploitation and manipulation of African American females by males of the larger society[in and out of authority] is technically at point of being slavery in secret=AND those in authority-that observe are well aware; Probably would be more that would confirm the statement=EXCEPT nobody seeks those African American females out to get their point of view AND being that males of the larger society=DOMINATE the radio, television, media, newspaper=leaves room for no news EXCEPT what white boy wants!
Thought also three interesting things in movie-"I Can Do Bad All By Myself"; #1. The African American female that plays the 16 year old girl looks EXACTLY like PAULETTE MOORE [except PAULETTE MOORE'S hair is very short-about 1and 1/2 inch long] and #2just like the girl in the movie-PAULETTE MOORE has a sick brother that she helps to take care of; AND #3 Madea drives an old GOLD CADILLAC[sp] just like the old gold cadillac that my daddy and my brother [who was murdered] use to drive;#4 Scene -when Madea was acking like she was praying=talking about "Jonah looking down at whale[then out of nowhere]FREE WILLIE with Jonah inside that belly',etc."=quite coincidental=or not=Guy with name of Willie that wants to date me=used to leave me messages on his phone=concerning the name of "Free Willie"; what does Madea have to do with Winston-Salem=Oh! I know=he knows Oprah Winphrey=who know Mia Angelou=who use to be a prostitute[but knows how the system of prostitution works]=?#5 Scene as song as lyrics from song-I can do bad all by myself is being song=camera givesa shot at bus=that has an ad="BAKERY"[like Lena Baker Story=get it?] and as African American old lady gets on the bus, she dies on bus; the lyrics, I have my own dark now, it goes whereever I am going [camera goes back to African Amercan female old lady on bus=dead=?]=coincidental
However at the end of the movie=the banner was posted for a wedding =April and hispanic name BLOCK party=hope=message maybe=BLOCK everything negative in the movie=such as African American females being directed towards hispanic males as type of compromise=?

Movie-I can do bad by myself-by Tyler Perry;
Point is that ANYBODY who shows up in my life to do GOOD to or for me=is ran off and replaced with someone who will harass/intimidate/or abuse me=or other wise they can't be around me;
Switzer, Sherry, Rogers, siblings, family members; Willie, especially any male friends, at any public place or place of business[ALWAYS-somebody working for them that know]that harasses, intimidates, tries to practice ethnic intimidation.
Exploitation and Manipulation produce boredom and triviality; they cripple man and all factors that make man into a psychic crippile turn him also into a sadist or a destroyer=
EXPLAINS=why my daddy constantly said= I NEVER KILLED anybody!"[which to me was a lie=because the stress he was holding killed him;
[The Anatomy of human destructiveness; Erich fromm; Epilog;ue on the Ambiguity of Hope; p. 483];
Sibling CINTAS gave a BLACK sweat suit for 2012 Christmas present[will not be wearing] with a hood=like the hoodie Travon Martin was wearing when white hispanic killed him=code-to local authority=that CINTAS will be turning head concerning anything negative done;
Switzer=left BILL[Blackwell ] in GREENhouse with another person and a pile of dirt =stayed gone over an hour=then took BILL and myself home=at corner where AFrican American female prostititute that works for white males live that sits on the Board of Alderman=SHEriff=stopped at corner; waited for the the lime green truck painted like a water melon to past=lime green truck painted like a water melon=is suppose to be representative of what Switzer will do/make out of the African American male/female of the AFrican American male=watermelon=through process of EXPLOITATION and Manipulation=worked all day=$15.00=?
EXPLOITATION and MANIPULATION= same system operated by authorities and churches;
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