Had an appointment to meet with an attorney on GREEN [evergreen] and Academy[learning]=he [male of the larger society was located ont he west end of downtown=last year=he moved=mostly=so operators of system can have him at GREEN and Academy=for Africnan Americans=no growth or no money:

Notice that it is at the 600 [SIX ]hundred block=code for operation of MONEY system;
Because of APPOINTMENT= why stop making appointments if can=the appointments are used to harass African Americans ; and just incase stopped at the 5th Street Public Library=
At 5th Street PUBLIC library =

All of the computers/RESEARCH are taken by females of the larger soceity= computer number four is broken=? Afriican American female [you know what she is=] at desk=?
Not a good clear picture=but up close=quite scary to someone who may have a learning disability=can be a very clear message/threat=to person with a learning disability=concerning person you speak to that sits at desk at top of stairs [communicating slander of chraracter];
Clearer picture=in CHILDREN'S section that was intentionally PLACED beside the bottom of stairs; after WJA started coming to 5th street public libbrary to look for me;

And after I stopped going to the 5th Street public library because of the harassment= and started going to the Carver Road Branch Library [99.9% African American community]=male of larger society=in DUKE [Blue DEVIL] attire[coincidental=?] started showing up communicating with Williams the director and harassing me[along with the white female];

Picture at bottom of page=message to local AFrican American prostitutes=to be real close to males of the larger society in Winston-Salem, N. C.=?
Thus abuse/intimidation=all in this blog=concerning anything negative=
Picture of services Sunday[12/9/12] in which the pastor Tyrone JOHNSON invited CYNTHIA WRIGHT [RIGHT] to service=who is marride to DON [done] right=African American couple in picture= standing beind NEW Miniter{MOORE}=[more] and Gail Vestal LONG BLONDE hair][senior] [local car dealer ship name]standing beside Minister {Moore}[more]=Cynthia WRIGHT[right] and husband=came directly to the seat I was sitting on=?[where usually sit]; I moved=
Prior to Cynthia WRIGHT [2nd time visit] coming to sit on seat=prior to=Deacon MURDEN[murder] went and sat on seat with Minister {Moore}[more]=code=
Picture of Deacon Murdern[murder] [who usually sits up front=for the second time=came and sat in seat usually sit in for Sunday School] and after got up sat on seat with Minister Moore[more] to communicate[code] to authority who have hidden cameras in church =more murder=Don[done] Wright sitting directly behind Minister Moore [more] and Cynthia Wright[right] sitting beside Don [done] Wright [right]=codes:
Thus as stated above anything negative that occurs is NOT an accident=authority[AFrican American female prostitute] said that my brother had had an accident=he did not have an accident=they killed/murdered[Deacon MURDEN] him and all those on this page and I mean ALL had something to do with it and had a part in it:
All libraries were closed on 12/7/12=PEARL HARBOR DAY=BUT the FORSYTH TECH building beside the libraries where opened=where at Carver and Lansing Road= [98% of the participants were males of the larger society taking tests=]; when went in to get coffee=senior male of the larger society=in white shirt and black tie=came out and walked in front of door=as if to communicate=you don't belong here=? To try and enure control=that no African American does what was done on PEARL HARBOR DAY to the system of males of the larger society=they closed the PUBLIC library [89% of patrons African Americans] but kept open the PULBIC education buildings where 95% of people are people of the larger society=So?
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