After going to 5th Street Public Library=in which person was speaking to=called male of the larger society as walking down the stairs where the blue devil was intenionally place [at bottom of stairs]=the person called the male of the larger society coming down the steps=BILL[code for DOLLAR Bill]; my father had a person who use to be with him all the time by the name of BILL=?

Picture of blue devil put at bottom of stairs after WJA started coming to 5th Street Public library looking for me;
Was put on sidewalk as harassment when walking to CSR branch library;
person called the male of the larger society coming down the steps at 5th Street Public Library =BILL[code for DOLLAR Bill][and Bill had a picture of Santa Claus under his arm=symbolic communication for someone with a learning disablity; [my father had a person who use to be with him all the time by the name of BILL]=?
Street told to get off on GREEN and ACADAMY=? for an appointment [represent earning money using educational knowledge];
Signature of worker at Salvation Army [ROBIN BROWN]=when applied for food;=African American female [you know what] helping males of the larger society [HOOD-head of salvation army] rob African Americans=it appears as if they are helping the person but in actuality helping to keep them in poverty;
Signature of ROBIN BROWN[code[robbing African Americans][first have to occur in the spirit realm] worker of the Salvation Army;=when added with
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