Bastards Prostitution Ring=City of Winston-Salem, North Carolina=5th and Broad=operated through the Winston-Salem Transit Authority board of directors=[ttp://][]=don't let the faces fool you=they KNOW what they are doing:
Employee stated that the Board of Directors decide when to change a bus route; route 1 was changed to route #17[drug route] and route #16 direction was changed to go past Gray? apartments on the corner of 5th and Broad Street=where when African American female gets on the bus to go to the Reynolda Road area=African American male comes out of Apartments-yells d-m Black B-tches,s-ck-m-d-ck,etc. while authority rides past observing; African American male=went into Grey Apartments[Pastor name Gray-Charles Grey of Mt. Olive Baptist Church]; one of the bastard ministers/pastors or churches sold out African American females again; Not a coincidence that route that Socialpeacest keeps getting changed and associated with negativity=part of d-m system.
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Original Appointment Date: September 1985 Daniel Beerman is serving his 8th term on the Winston-Salem Transit Board
Original Appointment Date: July 1987 Martha Jones is serving her 6th term on the Winston-Salem Transit Authority Board
Original Appointment Date: March 1993 Doris Shultz is serving her 6th term on the Winston-Salem Transit Authority Board
Original Appointment Date: May 2002 Ruth Carter is serving her 2nd term on the Winston-Salem Transit Authority Board
Original Appointment Date: May 2005
Robert Garcia is serving his 2nd term on the Winston-Salem Transit Authority Board;
Notice the name ROBERT=hispanic=NEW=?see if hispanic routes/drivers/people increase=depends on how much crookedness Robert will do to Rob African Americans of the heritage and wealth;
1985 and 1987 most DEFINATELY KNOW whats going on=Martha Jones or either Mary Jones use to be considered a pest; laughing stock by lot of the boards in city=guess they decided to join the African American female prositute system; and
Confirmation=Owners of Grey? Apt. building on corner of 5th and Broad= gets some type of special privileges=don't have to have building up to code,etc.=something? and not to mention that nephew Brand--'s cousin lives around corner from Reynolda road=O-JAY s related to some Switzer's=GERMAN and prior history research will reveal=connection to the Johnny Cockeram=specially the killing of Johnny Cockeram[sp] the attorney=to ensure that no attorney would take case against males of the larger society authority=why they want to control [people]=that way they know who is in the system=who is at the beginning that may help someone at the end=and vice versa;
Confirmation of system= Rob African Americans of the heritage and wealth= No businesses or business area in African American community and if there is Africans and foreign people own and operate the business=May God allow all who are robbing AFrican Americans through the United States Constitutional interpretation to expereince the same.
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