Question=FREEGAL=FREE-GAL=bulletin board=?=easy read to person with a disability=6 to sever Royal Blue rugs at the entrance of 5th Street Public library=[code to them]=lot of African American females in super tight pants=FREE=prostitution=being operated out of the 5th Street Public Library=??????
FREEGAL=FREE-GAL=Royal Blue rugs[6 to 8] of them=person think one thing[they in actuality represent
death to their family,etc.. Along with killing of person's mother in MAY; removal of other support=associate who has mental issue=who has appartment funded=[means anyone staying with them would have to find another place to live] along with great suggestion of a DIAMOND RING ad=on Peterscreek Parkway [off of I 40 east]=that goes along with the ads on the WSTA buses DIAMOND RINGS=mind control=over person to MAKE them be who males of larger society=means person is out of the way=?????[and the making of own FREE decisions [without manipulations=FREE-GAL]=STALKING of person;
FREE of what=and FREE of who=living in the United States of America=the only way a person is NOT FREE=is that somebody was holding them captive; and if the person was being held captive=who was it;
FREE=gal=based upon the Bible=anything good held captive=stolen=is to be returned seven fold;and the United States Constitution is the avenue of restoration [Give my my husband, family, money, etc..] So please spare the attempts at lying [has been confirmed=when its real=it will show];
Wonder how many people on this blog post KNEW about the kidnapping of the twin child=? because their system of communication dictates that the item and what's happening concerning the item be identified=like WIN=[winning]frey.
Headlines for Winston-Salem Journal=[]Investigation about Womble=not wrong;
Pay attention=somebody telling the truth= and because of [] the picture below article about Womble=African American female prostitute ([based upon Mia Angelo's experience as a prostitute]who they learned from) with picture of male of the larger society from Winston-Salem=CODE=males of the larger society can help African American females prostitutes for males of the larger soceity to reach heaven=code=males of the larger society can depend on the local African American female prositutes for males of the larger society to back up their illegal/immoral activity=
This is not the picture in the Winston-Salem Journal:
This is the picture in the Winston-Salem Journal=which is code to the local AFrican American female prostitutes that males of the larger society are working on blocking the truth that the are African American female prostitutes working for males of the larger soceity;
May the truth come forth;

Ms. Angelou has stated on Oprah WINfrey program numerous times that her past is just what is =her experiences and participation of the past [prostitution]; and of coarse lifting herself up;[Book=KNOW WHY the CAGED Bird Sings][]
Same page =picture of an Angela=[code=STILL young=keep working with who][?] and you get to stay young]
Ms. Hartsfield moves on: is it suppose to be BIG=?
Loretta Biggs
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