Friday, February 8, 2013

Secret DRONE workers


African American female[you know what]working in secret for males of the larger society to ensure that she has a BED[or male in the bed];BED=first letters in her license tag given by local DMV; Picture above is where she went and sat beside African American male that had come and sat beside me; then started jinkling her keys; then authority was running outside from the Library parking lot to Mazie Woodruff building; went back and forth about three times-in between she would go back outside and come back in; in meantime=guy is observing and looking at me; prior to situation; guy was friendly after their show; he was standoffish.


Get out of my BED;
There are all kinds of drones that have been directed at the African American people for centuries= which include: coded messages about what males of the larger society are to do to the African American men, and relationships:

There is no MASS-produced human[African American male];

                           African American male/foreign female

Message on right page="there is no MASS-produced human[African American male]=code.;hinder and block African American males from being born;


Message on left page= Nationwide produce African American males by number/individualized=ONLY for African American female
prostitutes working for males of the larger society or their female offspring=

NOW how would they do that=answer=control of African American female/male population=punishement to all who do not do as males of the larger society say=slavery; they controlled which slave had a child and which one didn't [Steve WHITEheart=code; usually STEVE=secret name=]

Has anyone noticed how the male is smaller, skinner, shorter=?; well just hold on-it will be quite evident even to white people; because you are next in line;first they did the indians, then blacks, next whites;


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