CAUTION signs: placed outside of the women's bathroom at Reynolda Branch library for harassment/threats from those who operate the Reynolda Branch library where Paul Ragsdale volunteers who ran in front of me to put the Two books:
1. the incrediable truth about motherhood;
2. The TWINS of tribecca;
on shelf in front of me;
The sign inbetween the TWO CAUTION signs says: UPCOMING EVENTS;

Of which on 11/27/13 [27=birth date of stolen twin] at 6:28 am; on Fox New 8 there was story of DOREEN GUMMOE [moe=code= more=moore]:
Doreen Gummoe Details Fight With Gov’t Over Compensating Bone Marrow Donors
by Fox News Insider // Nov 27 2013 // 8:52am
As seen on Fox and Friends
Gummoe explained on this morning’s Fox and Friends that the Department of Health and Human Services is working to get bone marrow donations to be classified as organ donations, even though the donation process is basically the equivalent of donating blood. “My opinion is they lost in court through numerous appeals and this is just another way to try and take back that win so to speak.”
If you are interested in being a donor, Gummoe recommended seeking out a national registry.
of which I wrote about at:
Went to WS forsyth county court house to file infomation in nephew's case [who was jumped on by five authority[white males] at the North Carolina Theater Festival -[where control of the NCTF was turned over to white males by the African American female prostitute who working for white males that used the title of wife to Larry Hamlin]BUT the clerk of criminal court [ROBBIN bauer] would not allow me to file any papers=?; stated that only attorney's could file papers=? have blogged for at least five years about the meaning of the name of ROBBIN=code to robbery of African American[s] wealth, money, freedom;
Statement[s] filed in the WSFC court house in Winston-Salem, N. C.:
1. Families fight for Survival [Doreen Gummoe][3 children]; New Hamshire; TWIN [girls] and JORDAN [girl];

2. Commentator asked "Why is the federal government trying to stop you? even to the point of having wording changed after courts gave you permission?
REF: Fox news, channel 59; 6:28am
a. C.W. ------;
b. [to hide fact of harassment/intimidationand robbery of CW ------ and his family members and communicate to those in the legal system about stolen twin and mother;
1. T. JORDAN -[forced to marrry D----[who is working with white males]];
2. TWIN [girl] stolen at birth through Gwynolyn Gwyn[nurse at forsyth hospital]whose son pulled weapon on the mother of the stolen twin girl who was engaged to T. JORDAN;
******[of which they have no problem killing one of Doreen Gummoe twins to communicate to those who [Gwyndolynn Gwyn] participated in stealing of twin child in Winston Salem to stop the reunion of the stolen twin with real birth mother and sibling];
3. Proven system of a family member of an incarcirated person being intimidated/threaten to force into taking incarcirated person's place=school to prison system;
And what was really interesting was when I called to get the court case number for nephew-they told me there was no case; there was no case number; told the clerk-the court date and still there was no case #; but since I had been in court; I had written down the case #=why couldn't the clerk locate the case #?=harassmsent of African Americans trying to get information from the courts;
None of the clerks/criminal or civil would answer any questions; told to go do research yourself like an attorney;of which I do know that a person can enter a statement if they have an interest in a public case-there is a law;
After coming from the WSFC court ; and upon logging on to webpage at the 5tth Street Public library = a new page had been put put on wsfc 5TH St. Public Library website:

Code=you are a FREE GAL[girl]=
***** [actions speak louder than words]=COMPLETE RESTORATION!!!****
[while typing this the white males controlling the 5th street public library called out ROBERT to the 2d floor desk];ldsurfwinaat;btdgwsmvet;
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