ANSWER to the QUESTION: Was there a lone shooter for JF Kennedy=No!; there was a group that stretched around the world!
1. Cuba connection [still in the United Stated and in the house that is white]; Jay Z and Beyonce-
]. Why no big deal was ever made of Jay Z and Beonce going to CUBA[without permission];
2. Oprah Winphrey helped white males from TEXAS to put the man with BROWN skin[color of cubians] in the house that is white;
Texas Beef Group
201 F.3d 680
United States Court of Appeals,
Fifth Circuit
Fifth Circuit
February 9, 2000
[]3.Oprah Winphrey was forced to TEXAS by white males in beef industry through official communication that she is nothing but an African American female prostitute for white males; and don't ever forget it because they have more money than she does; which means follow instructions- do not help African Americans in the United States to progress and/or prosper their race; only rob African Americans;
4. The man with the brown skin in the house that is white [ who was visted by JayZ and beoncye who took over/ignored all of the United States regulations after visiting the man with the brown skin in the house that is white]gave a MEDAL OF FREEDOM to Oprah Winphrey who is proud of helping to have put the man with brown skin in the house that is white;
[Only a protion of this picture is showing on blog;the other half
of the picture has the man with brown skin in the house that
is white putting a royal blue ribbon around the prostitute who is
the 2nd biggest African American female working for white males];
Miah Angelou is the first biggest African American female
prostitute working for white males;
Just as Oprah Winphrey robbed African American communities[Winston-Salem, N. C. -PATTERSON AVENUE area]; next the United States-[paid by cubans, socialist country leaders,etc.]
"Those who wink their eye plot destruction"

"Oprah's Academy for Girls to Hold Its First Graduation"
The AFRICAN girls in the picture above [borned and rasied in AFRICA] are being prepared to work for white males in the United States and around the world; their freedom and life is already sold to the highest bidder [white male in business]; which confirms why white males showed up with the message that the African American girls would be prostitutes when I had sewing classes for African American girls; the only other alternative=not following orders=result=constant attack by/from white males such as the white male driving white truck with Meridian Realty on side of truck-who put up TWO caution signs outside of the Reynolda Branch library[where I ususally go to the bathroom while at the library] as form of harassment/threat;
The AFRICAN girls [not citizens of the United States]in the picture above will be used to represent African American females [citizens in the United States]; so when white people see the AFRICANS they will think of them as African American [there is a difference]; AFRICANS will come to the United States with the not entitled to anything attitude; African Americans will have an attitude of entitled through being a citizen expecting that if they work as hard/good as anybody else they shoud be allowed to obtain the same wealth/priviledges as white males; the AFRICAN girls with come to the United States just glad to be in the United States and will follow just about any order given-ONCE they understand the truth-that they are just prostitutes who have been trained to serve and obey white males and as a result of obeying white males will be allowed a few priviledges in the United States;
Oprah Winfrey KNOWS the plight of the AFRICAN girls-prostitutes for white males and probably coaching them; the experts say that when a person has been captured/put in bondage they begin to take on the mindset of their capture; ie. the prostitute starts to identify with their pimp[he is a good person]vs [he is taking advantage] and no different with Oprah Winfrey; The Texas trials were probably a shock; then realization; then the real realization to anger and more; then settlement-well it is better than [whoever or whatever] look on the good side; to "Oh! this isn't that bad" to "Well, this is the side my bread and butter is on!"; when in reality the white males that are controlling and manipulating Opray Winfrey are just as bad as the nale relatiave that raped her in her youth; no difference; they are forcing themselves upon her; taking advantage -Giving her a billion dollars; raping her of her integrity and self direction; if you don't have self direction that makes the person a slave because they have to follow directions from others;
"Oprah Reveals Childhood Sexual Abuse"
[]"On November 10, 1986, while doing a show with sexual abuse victims and their molesters, Oprah revealed to her audience that she was raped by a relative when she was 9 years old.
Since this show, Oprah has become an adovcate for sexual abuse survivors and devoted hundreds of shows to the topic. These shows helped put child predators behind bars, raised parents' awareness and gave victims a voice." [
Sexual abuse, social abuse; abuse is abuse; guess Oprah Winfrey will do a show on how the white males in TEXAS abused, took advantage and instill fear in her [that will be the excuse in decades to come]; after people who appreciates and loves the United States stand up for the freedoms in the United States;
Heard on one of the talk network shows[white males] that TEXAS was orginally accused of having JF Kennedy killed; interesting that Oprah Winfrey was forced into court in TEXAS [where JF Kennedy was shot]; then some decades later Oprah Winfrey helped to put a man of brown color in the house that is white [in the same house that is white where J.F. Kennedy and his family lived]; and Oprah Winfrey had Jay Z and Beonyce on her television program some years before they went to Cuba [which one of the television stations said Cuba was involved][and they still are];
The talk networks also had where the RULES have changed:
Senate Democrats pushed through a controversial rules change known as the "nuclear option."
"Nuclelar Option"; democrats need fewer votes to get judge okayed; change was made because there have been a total of 86 hold ups to get a judge passed in the entire United States Senate; and with the man in the house that is white there have been 82 hold ups-which according to the man in the man in the house that is white -"It is holding up Congress doing the work of the people";
The reason [which none of the white males are saying] why the 82 hold ups for his judges to pass is because the 93 judge seats left-will determine the path of the United States-socialism or a democratic republic; and the congressment voting against not the man in the brown skin but they are voting against treason [they are trying not to participate in treason]; they KN OW the man in the brown skin in the house that is white is not for the United States as designed by the United States Constitution and they KNOW he is working for people who want to take over the United States to make it a third world county;
Thus in decades to follow: when people start asking well why didn't they do anything=because they are white males whose obejective is to do everything they can to destroy African American culture[Black Wall Street] and they are willing to do so at the expense of the United States; all of which is already documented=the answer whenever somebody asks, "Why didn't they tell the publc than the man with the brown skin in the house that is white was destroying the freedom[s] in/of the United States?"s
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