Saw ad on television for new television series: "Almost human" [];
tried to get copy of picture that was on yahoo sign in page; but picture disappeared?] but found it at [ insyndicate/&docid=T4ZWWlTvXOYQ1M&imgurl=

which is code to communicate that there are African Americans[can't speak for other races] that are "almost human" meaning that there are some people that are not in the secret group that are seeking the priveleges of those in the secret group [inside the United States]
Confirmation of Cuba in the house that is white are the"
"Secret talks helped forge Ira- nucl-ar de-l"
Meetings that ran parallel to official negotiations help achieve most significant Washington-Tehran agreement since 1979;
The real dea- is to help those that run Ir-n to UNDERSTAND that those who are in charge of the United States and other countries around the world will UNITE with those in Ir-an to rob/steal and kill the people systematically; Of coarse Ir-n doesn't understand/trust that-even though they do know that the United States do have people in that run/in charge of the United States that are e xperts at robbing people-espcially African Americans;

Delegates at the Iran nuclear talks at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. Photograph: /Xinhua/Landov/Barcroft Media
It is EASY to make a DEAL= in public [KNOWING that it is just a show] KNOWING that the real deal is the SECRET deal to join forces[GLOBAL] to rob/steal/kill masses of people in secret ; which means there has to be some proof to the Ir-anians that those in the United States who [lot of super rich people that made sure that the re-elected? head of the United States ]was originally elected with the goal of transitioning the robbery of the wealth/heritage of the people of the United States while using African Americans as the scape goat; Oh!, that is happening to black people it will never touch white people!
Remember the "WHITE" hispanic George Zimmerman; everybody wanted to KNOW-what difference does his color make; he is a hispanic; why they keep talking about his color being white; the above picture is why they keep talking about his color being white; because there is a SECRET system being operated where no one is allowed to work, eat, live, have relationships UNLESS they are serving "WHITE MALES" and evidently from the picture above, it doesn't matter what the race is as long as they fit the category of being "WHITE";
Remember the "WHITE" hispanic George Zimmerman;


everybody wanted to KNOW-what difference does his color make; he is a hispanic; why they keep talking about his color being white; the above picture is why they keep talking about his color being white; because there is a SECRET system being operated where no one is allowed to work, eat, live, have relationships UNLESS they are serving "WHITE MALES" and evidently from the picture above, it doesn't matter what the race is as long as they fit the category of being "WHITE";[image being the poster face to communicate to white males who control countries][and being that George Zimmerman was doped up during the entire process-his life is not his anymore-they will continously keep putting him through stuff so that the other white males will know what's going on with their white system designed to kill African American[s]/male-TRAVON MARTIN; and Kedrick Johnson[
Most of the Ir-nians I have seen on televison always seem
Most of the Ir-nians I have seen on televison always seem to have darker skin than white males; maybe it was the color on the television; but looking at the picture above there does not seem to be any one that is "NOT WHITE" as least by skin color; kind of looks like the "Congress" during slavery time; of which if one were to just glance at the modern day "Congress" they really almost have to search to find [color][African American];
Picture above is of the back of the heads of the United States Congress [99.99% white][well maybe 1% black];

A closer view of the back of the heads of [think person can see that the back of the heads belong to:] 99.99% white people;
Isn't is interesting that there is never a racial profile of the color of the people in the United States Senate and Congress; yet they are suppose to speak for people of color in the United States=? kind of backwards don't ;you think?
It is interesting that :
googled -[racial profile of united states congress or senate];the result:
But there were no obvious website that tells the racial makeup of the United States Congress or Senate;
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