Today is a TWO day; and white males are harassing African American males riding the WSTA=Carver Road branch library=Melissa Williams at a director meeting down town; white female jennifer dole taking melissa williams place=the number "6" is the issue=TWO sixes="66";; one white male was driving the WAKE Forest research SUV; had one of those telephones in the ear pieces; other old white male was in a white truck; both stopped at the corner of Carver Road and Lansing Drive; with both vehicles stopped on Carver Road; Wake forest suv kept going straight towards 311; the white male in the white truck turned left off of Carver Road on to Lansing Drive;
Also heard there were a lot of hispanic males that were doing to the white males what they were doing to the African American male and females-intimidating, harassing, except the hispanics were doing what the hispanic Zimmerman tried to do to Travon Martin[kill him in secret]; except the hispanics are succeeding?=heresay.
Have tried to send email
At computer #9=will not allow to access pictures from email or open up email from because it is a TWO day = if anything goes through=means person is free from the freaking as- bastards anyway; had to switch to computer #10 to get picture from email.
Also NEW program =[][MILISSA HARRIS-PERRY][MSNBC]= who thinks she is so special; bet she is trying to figure out WHY is she the one with the NEW television program when white males do their best to block African Americans from off of television=especially with her serving white males the whole time[or not=?]; probably more so -IS; to the point that MILISSA HARRIS=is the name they are using; \
MILISSA=The name of the African American female prositutue working for white males at Carver Road branch library [who stuck out her wedding finger; when made statement-that everything done against the Divine God's people would have to be answered to];
HARRIS is the name of the male that is on the down low at Carver Road Christian Church;[just saw a dvd about bad the issue of African American males on the down low is;

And MILISSA HARRIS is the name to be used to communicate the entire situation in the Carver School Road area concening weather Cynthia Wright = code is [CINTAS] [RIGHT]=?;
Will the harassment, intimidation, abuse force Socialpeacest to KILL?
Saw MILISSA HARRIS program[[May 30.2013 to June 1,2013]=kept the words RICH in the background=code to bastards around the country who are operating their system of abuse;
Thus watch MILISSA WILLIAMS, and all her family members, friends, acquaintaces, church[es]; etc, connections=taking BRIBES is the technical name.
Melissa Harris-Perry
None of her pictures on the internet; have a statement behind her with the words RICH on them;
but the entire program Melissa Harris-Perry[channel 45 or 50]= had the words "RICH" as code to
MILISSA WILLIAMS crooked as- at Carver Road Branch library.
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