Pictures taken this week:
On 6/7/13 after Gwyn male[son of Gwyndolyn Gwyn] parked Royal Blue Tractor trailor in driveway; then about twenty minutes later=black pickup truck came and parked :
This week in "The Chronicle"[illusionary African American local newspaper] and saw where the North Carolina Theather festival owner? was greeting Vanessa WILLIAMS p. A2 [title-NBTF season begins in earnest Monday";[except] the picture of the African American female was not of Vanessa Williams[];
then when watching segments of DVD Soul Food in which Vanessa WILLIAMS character was one of three sisters; again Vanessa WILLIAM S picture appeared; but the name NICOLE PARKER was under Vanessa WILLIAMS picture=? and Vanessa WILLIAMS name was under the picture of another African American female=quess that was Nicole PARKER;
Picture of Vanessa WILLIAMS[but she is identified by the name of NICOLE PARKER] [ in approx 7 of the series];
Picture of Vanessa WILLIAMS[but she is identified by the name of NICOLE PARKER [ in approx 7 of the series];

When put DVD under the Cherry Tree in the DVD player:
The picture for "In Harm's Way" shows; when I tried to take a picture of the screen like above of Vanessa William in Soul Food; the Telephone camera turned pink; and couldn't hardly take the picture.
Picture to CONFIRM what Wake Forest is going to do to African American community=right out front for everybody to see:[Switzer put me in center of section owned by True RELIANT credit union=code to white males of Winston-Salem =in agreement with nut=like Chestnut street: any African American not working for; being a slave to white males is a NUT. Picture was taken a couple of days before I put the original mailbox back up and Gwyn pulled a weapon on me when I was trying to put the origianl mailbox back up.
RJR Building; Wake Forrest;[another=verifies issued blogged about earlier].
Nicole at MAZZIE WOODRUFF Forsyth TECH [where current re-elected? head of the United States administration went to when they put me out of the library for no reason before [working their system];
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