Originally "Peaceblog"[Peacenowst]had over a half a million readers; today only about 128=BUT issues blogged about on "IfRosa Parks KNEW" all in the national news; now how did that happen? Could it be that the issue concerning the fact that people's emails, phone calls, communications, video's are all being monitored be an issue; being that guy who by the name of ? who worked for suvelliance company went to the guardian newspapers and told them that he was working for company that allowed him or anybody [two million people] to access everybody's telecommunications.
HER[bert]MAN is at CRB library today=?; large BLUE heavy machinery outside?= at Carver Road entrance;
***A. The pastor of ? church TILLman-working for big time males of the larger society; like the ones connected to the IRS scandal=there was a tillMAN that was at Carver Road Christian church=did not attend=

code that the pastor tillMAN=supports the Carver Road system of abuse of whoever inorder that a few my have jobs=[Nita OWENS attends WSSU-psychology-always on the honor rolle=?]daughter of E. KINGS Givenso graduate some time next year=by that time a lot of stuff should have blown over-attention should be somewhere else; then will Nita will get back the job [gov] that she had to give up when vistor came to the church=so there would be no connection Nita's employer and gov.=being that CRCC was in the process of increasing the harassment=when the guy[that the pastor TYrone Johnson] invited in the church threw food in my face-and pastor TYrone Johnson has yet to give me the name of the guy who threw food in my face.
****B. And CONFIRMATION that PAYMENT is on the way=

That picture is to Sylvia Hamlin: system of BILL/KING? is still in operation [like DOLLAR BILL]; and black people/especially African American female prostitutes who are working in secret will get their MONEY; why the big push for the EQUAL PAY ACT=code to males of the larger society that their African American prostitutes who work for white males should have EQUAL PAY; for the hard work that their African American female Prostitutes are doing.
" Obama was surrounded by a group of beaming lawmakers, most but not all of them Democrats, in the East Room of the White House as he affixed his signature to the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, a law named for an Alabama woman who at the end of a 19-year career as a supervisor in a tire factory complained that she had been paid less than men." [http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/30/us/politics/30ledbetter-web.html?_r=0];male of color signs a bill that women should get EQUAL PAY; while African American females that are seeking to work in Winston-Salem, NC that just want to work to support themselves are directed to companies that are hiding hispanics who are being paid to harass them because they want to work;
EQUAL PAY ACT is also incentive to African American female prostitutes working for white males to go to another level [illegal/immoral]that they have never gone to before=you want more MONEY/PAY=do what white men tell you to do; Rush Limbough on 6/10/13 laughed about it; is one of your family members doing you in?
****C. When DVD Under the Cherry Tree is put into the DVD player and told to go to menu-it goes to

In harm's way; and person[usually an African American] will have to click the link that says play movie[which says 'In Harm's Way] which is a subliminal message as well as organized threat-first time ever seen that kind of threat[a written threat]=through a DVD;
***D. Blogged last week that picture [taken at Chestnut and Liberty street[blocked off]] were CONFIRMATION of situation blogged on prior blogged; KEY Word=TOWER-one of the Buildings have WINSTON-TOWER on it-that is symbolic of white peoples society; community; the raising of TWIN TOWERS in New York respresented the rising of the African American community in the white people's society.
In the picture is also Wake Forest University=where water tower was painted RED=code=Wake Forest University-taking rights;privileges of African Americans=advertising it through buying the Joel Colisium[then change the name from an African American male to ?]=to begin the process of tearing town and subtracting from the African American society.
One of the radio talk show hosts stated it as a CULTURAL REVOLUTION=in acutality it is the continue robbery of the African American heritage. CONFIRMATION: white male called into the Rush Limbough show-["RICH" from "WHITE" PLAINS
The picture above is of Chest NUT and Liberty;
****E. The ROW of NEW CD's that BreshANNA put up to communicate support of robbery from African Americans [especially one African American female] to give to NICOLE / who sits at front desk as a receptionist-who working as a prostitute working for males of the larger society at Mazie Woodruff Forsyth tech[same COMMUNITY college that the current Re-elected?head of the United States Adminstration went to on the SAME day Carver Road Library put me out of the Carver Road Branch Library for no reason.
Which brings me to the African [HER[bert]man] just walked over to me and his hands on my chair with his KEYS in his hand and a ROYAL BLUE WATCH on; when I asked if there were a problem; he said,"I work here and I can touch anybody chair I want to; regardless of who is sitting in it; then asked again; what was the problem; the African [HER[bert]MAN stated," It is a different day; things are changing and we are going to have some fun, things will be different; I said, "what fun?"; he kept looking at me and then out of the window where white males were digging at the entrance of Carver Road to Mazie Woodruff/Carver Road Branch library driveway.
African upset because instead of person helping to develop an African herb industry [mor--ga] in the African American community; mor--ga - is a herb which is for people who are suffering from starving; which means if it is developed then there have to be some starving people-means the Africans would have to help white males develop system of starvation for African Americans; but the person followed instructions of Divine God; which means the African [HER[bert]MAN] will not be rising as quickly as he thought; and because of coded communication; he thinks it is me.
***F. Radio commentator made statement: tired of churchs YIELDING to CULTURE rather than TRUTH;[and the only CULTURE that African American churches in Winston-Salem, N. C. allowed to yield to is the WHITE CULTURE; if they yield to African American CULTURE-they are attacked; and the other African Americans doing the attacking; abuse are REWARDED;
and the way they do that is through devleoping a system of abuse; ethnic intimidation; etc. first they identify the target; then the process begins; which is what the Carver Road area is in the process of devleoping; which they and their families will get paid for [ESPECIALLY with the EQUAL PAY ACT]; but/AND THE ONLY way that it can be successful is that the head of the family of the targeted person has to be in agreement with it; or agree to turn their head; Are any of my family members due to get EQUAL PAY[raise, promotion=?][and amazing how IN TUNE the passing of the EQUAL PAY ACT with the timing of the new system being developed:
Do KNOW that the name JOHNSON and GWENDOLYN has a lot to do with it; nurse that lives across the street whsoe family participated in the stealing of the TWIN child name is GWENDOLYN gwyn=GWENDOLYN was at Carver Road Church; gave speech to those who had graduated; one was Nita Owens daughter Vestal and E.K. Givens granddaughter; of coarse EkGivens granddaughter Victori had to sit with her sister Vestal=to communicate that grandmother still working with white males to give them the CULTURAL VICTORY[which would be to develope and maintain white males mentality that African Americans can be pets, dogs, animals; BUT not human beings; the only way an African American can be a HUMAN being is to turn agains African American CULTURE and celebrate the mindset of the WHITE CULTURE] and since everybody likes to steal; hopefully the Divine God will fix it so that they steal the DARK [heard a few of the males of the larger society sending the message that they need to stop because in a minute the country[those in charge-white males were going to be doing some DARK things; that they were sending the United States down a DARK road/area=which is where they should end up= down the DARK road where African Americans have lived for centuries.
****G. Went to ride WSTA[6/8/13]=and was trying to transfer to route 10[same route guy who is a DUKE Blue Devil fan rides] and
hurried up and ran to stall of route 10 to hurry up and get on it before I did;[supervisor for WSTA];

****H. [6/8/13][Carver Road Library]White male hanging out in front of library to harass young African American females- KNOW-two young girls came out of the library-he came out following; when he realized that I knew what he was doing; he changed directions; and tried to get out of the view of a picture being taken of him. He KNOWS that Director Williams SUPPORTS white males activities[turns her head-to keep her JOHN].
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