In the "CHARLOTTE OBSERVER" is the article "DHHS can't "JUSTIFY CONTRACTS"; the reason is that they are operating a SECRET money system for secret members ONLY; like in the Winston-Salem Journal FRONT PAGE[to make sure the secret club members know]
1. Blogged about NEW Cancer Center on 12/4/13 [article in the Winston-Salem Journal];
and that they were looking for NEW CONTRACTS to build the new MAIN WSFC Public LIbrary and the fact that whoever got the contract would have to understand the CODE posted in the newspaper concerning RE-cycling of African Americans to rob/kill/steal/threaten them;
The article in the "Carolotte Observer is titled; "DJJS can't justify contracts"; if anybody ever took time out to look; most of the contracts did amongst businesses[white and the black ones controlled by whites] there would be no justification [EXCEPT the SECRET CLUB];
The article stated, "Department policy requires a justification memo for sole-source and personal-services contracts. Under state law, the documents would be public records. No justification memorandum was located by agency persnonnel."[all of their stories seem to disappear and the next distraction takes place];
In the "CHARLOTTE OBSERVER" is the article "DHHS can't "JUSTIFY CONTRACTS"; the reason is that they are operating a SECRET money system for secret members ONLY; like in the Winston-Salem Journal FRONT PAGE[to make sure the secret club members know]
1. Blogged about NEW Cancer Center on 12/4/13 [article in the Winston-Salem Journal];
and that they were looking for NEW CONTRACTS to build the new MAIN WSFC Public LIbrary and the fact that whoever got the contract would have to understand the CODE posted in the newspaper concerning RE-cycling of African Americans to rob/kill/steal/threaten them;
The article in the "Carolotte Observer is titled; "DJJS can't justify contracts"; if anybody ever took time out to look; most of the contracts did amongst businesses[white and the black ones controlled by whites] there would be no justification [EXCEPT the SECRET CLUB];
The article stated, "Department policy requires a justification memo for sole-source and personal-services contracts. Under state law, the documents would be public records. No justification memorandum was located by agency persnonnel."[all of their stories seem to disappear and the next distraction takes place];
"Scant Justifications for flurry of personal services contract at NC DHHS"
JENNA BUSH IS A TWIN[new on segments of the TODAY SHOW];
#2. Dr. William BLACKstock [WAKE FOREST BAPTIST MEDICAL CENTER][director is BLACK[front man][like the one in the house that is white in DC];
3. George Walker Florist[death for Black people];
4. Health spring;
5 EMPIRE TODAY[white males];[blacks if the do as told]; 6. DOGGET shuler-attorney-[make ONE call];
7. Super Compare[nobody knows the neighborHOOD like;
8. Xytec "D"
9.Seg. STACY terry ;
11. zanby's PROVE YOUR FAN HOOD;
All of the above have words that are code; on 12/5/13 the ads were played TWICE=code=TWO system;
10. GO DIRECT ad was played twice after posting the street that I live on;
[Conclusion-Jameis Winston will not be charged with rape because that would be code that the entire African American neigborhoods that work in secret for white males would be targeted to be charged with the inhumane crimes[United Nations] to African Americans not working for white males[Why "WINSTON" "had" to be somebody BLACK"; so the Black prostitutes working in secret for white males would know that they are talking about Blacks; white people NEVER have to worry about incarciration unless they are like William "BILL" ROCKAFELLER"[caught red handed][who will probably make a deal because he is a white male-unless somebody white on the train that got hurt has a white family member with more clout than William "BILL"Rockerfeller];
Godwillst ****
Saw DVD "EVENING"=code= to white male system[s] in 2007 in which bastards are [as someone said that Blacks do]-do the same thing all over again:
Starting with the main character: ANNE[ ; code name in Winston-Salem, NC]; then GRANT=ANN Grant=who has a daughter name "CONSTANCE"=code=constant situation ; in the movie a man by the name of HARRIS =code=in Winston-Salem, N. C. and in the DVD is the love of ANN's life; and situations always interferred with their relationship; so that ANN and Harris never got together in the movie;
Ann Grant was played by Vanessa Redgrave
"A drama exploring the romantic past and emotional present of Ann Grant and her daughters, Constance and Nina. As Ann lays dying, she remembers, and is moved to convey to her daughters, the defining moments in her life 50 years prior, when she was a young woman. Harris is the man Ann loves in the 1950s and never forgets." [];
1. Coach Grobe came to Wake Forest University [sports team] in 2001; the same year that the TWIN TOWERS[New York World Trade Center] was blown out of the SKY=the beginning of opeation of system [that a spirit wanted their money [billions]vs being a part of robbing themself to be a dam fu-king ass maid];
a. Timeline printed in the Winston-Salem Journal Newpaper hardcopy of when Coach Grobe came [2001] to Winston-Salem and when he is leaving 2013;
b. Articles bySCOTT SEXTON[code name in Winston-Salem, NC]=ScottSEXTON=SEXTON=code=SEX; which is code to African American females prostitutes in Winston-Salem, NC who work for white males in secret;= Scott SEXton stories gives instructions to African American female prostitutes working for white males in secret to help white males to destroy, rob, steal, and kill African Americans and their wealth; life, prosperity;
The story for 12/5/13 is to communicate that the issue of wheather the white males and the African Ameican female prostitutes working in secret for the white males will be charged with doing anything illegal=code=for wheather or not the white males will be able to intimidate, harass, threaten the right person for them not to press charges=
1. "FSU's Winston unlikely to be charged with sexual assault"
[Updated DEC.4, 2013 11:04 PM ET];
2."No charges for FSU's Jameis Winston in alleged 2012 rape"
"Jameis winston will find out Thursday whether he faces charges." "[];
[note- the reason Jamie Winston will not be charged is because of the communication from the white males operating the system of robbery];
b.PAUL WAlker-=code-the actor who was killed as a result of "SPEED"=CODE=PAUL/PAULINE SYSTEM being operated in Winston-Salem; Walker=code for WALKS [means that people get away with the robbery, abuse, murder, killings done to people in Winston-Salem, NC by the white males and the African American female prostitutes working in secret for the white males] and in order for that to happen those that operate the Paul/Pauline System haved to acted with "SPEED"or the PAUL/PAULINE system dies-like Paul Walker;
3. William "BILL" "ROCKafeller" -the engineer of the train that was wrecked as a result of "SPEED"= code= unless the PAUL?PAULINE system operates with "speed" there will be a lot of people hurt/killed in the "Bill" Rockafellea system-which gets its codes through the "TODAY SHOW" with "MAT" Lauer=MAT=code for what "MATTERS';
a. TWO SPEEDY incidents =SPEED DECISION;=code=WINSTON=code name to be used in future tied to a lot of MONEY="BILL ROCKERFELLER"
b. "
The investigationinto the Bronx, N.Y., train crash that killed four people Sunday will continue WITHOUT the DIRECT INVOLVEMENTof the rail employees union the Association of Commuter Rail Employees. [No direct involvement of certain people who would question certain lies[statements] or who know the truth[way to remove confrontation of what white males secret system wants to accomplish with ROCKERFELLER];
"The union group was one of several organizations invited to participate in the National Transportation Safety Board probe on condition that their representatives "NOTnot reveal information", the federal agency said in a statement late Tuesday."[SECRET GROUPS DO NOT REVEAL INFORMATION];
"As the TWO-[WAY] reported yesterday, ACRE leader Anthony Bottalico told the media that the engineer, William ROCKEFELLER, "basically nodded" at the controls."[ROCKERFELLER [name]is officially a part of a TWO system;have blogged about the secret system that uses the number -"TWO"];
**Ps. based upon system=everything in this article can be confrimed through documents[legal] and [official];
The investigation into the Bronx, N.Y., train crash that killed four people Sunday will continue without the direct involvement of the rail employees union the Association of Commuter Rail Employees. The move was in response to remarks the union's leader made at a Tuesday news conference regarding the train engineer's awareness level moments before a catastrophic derailment.
The union group was one of several organizations invited to participate in the National Transportation Safety Board probe on condition that their representatives not reveal information, the federal agency said in a statement late Tuesday.
As the Two-Way reported yesterday, ACRE leader Anthony Bottalico told the media that the engineer, William Rockefeller, "basically nodded" at the controls.
"He had the equivalent of what we all have when we drive a car," the union leader said. "That is, you sometimes have a momentary nod or whatever that might be. How long that lasts, I can't answer that. Only Billy can."
"He caught himself, but he caught himself too late," Bottalico said. "He put the train in emergency, but that was six seconds prior to derailment."
The crash happened after the Metro-North Railroad passenger train approached a curve at 82 mph, far above the 30 mph speed limit for the area, investigators say.
"Rockefeller had begun running that route on Nov. 17, two weeks before the wreck," The Associated Press reports. "Bottalico said Rockefeller was familiar with the route and qualified to run it."
A veteran train engineer, Rockefeller is said to be cooperating with the NTSB. But an interview about the crash had to be suspended Monday due to his distraught emotional state, CNN reports.
Meanwhile, NTSB officials said the train had a "dead-man's pedal" that would slow the train if an operator lost consciousness, but they could not provide more details because the equipment is still being examined.
And NTSB member Earl Weener said an analysis of Rockefeller's cellphone records had not yet been performed, though "we are getting the forensic data from the cellphone."
As for reports that Rockefeller may have nodded off, Weener said, "It's premature to be able to say."
WAKE FOREST Baptist Hospital announced on 12/4/13 in the WS Journal that it is EXPANDING with a cancer center; which is PERFECT TIMING as Jim Grobe and Ron Wellman resign as coaches from Wake Forest University in which there is a picture take 12/2/06 of an African American male with the number 2 [showing] on his shirt secret code=African American[s] male/female in the African American neighborhoods are to be treated to the "2" treatment; which means all African Americans living, visiting, going to school on or off of Wake Forest University are to go to the new cancer center; if the black person doesn't obey/be a slave to what the white males system operated through WAKE Forest University say then those who operate the white male system are now being instructed:
"direct all African American[s] not doing as told to the NEW cancer center and diagonos[sp] them with cancer;
front page of the WS Journal=ALL WHITE MALES;="IT'S PAYDAY WHO IS GOING TO STOP US?" which is part of the Obamacare system designed to remove African Americans that will not agree to obey white males off of the face of the earth-[watch]! [if you can heal a person with medicine you can kill a person with medicine][of which I have had apprx. eight or more of my family members removed off of the face of the earth as my punishement for not prostituting for white males; for not attacking, blocking, destroying, abusing, killing of other African Americans;
In some cases, the African American person may even be obeying the white males system;BUT if the white male system needs to use their name, the white male medical system will tell the African American person that they have cancer even when they don't in order to use the black person's name; for example:
People kept asking why would anyone want to stop a mother from helping her three daughters [two twin girls and daughter name Jordan] from getting help with bone marrow?=answer:
because Doreen Gummoe's twin daughters and daughter name "Jordan" are being used to represent a twin girl stolen in Winston-Salem, NC and the name Jordan represents the name of the guy [T. Jordan] that the mother of the twin girl was engaged to until the white male system interferred by sending in an African American female prostitute as a form of punishment to the mother for serving the Devine God in order to try and control the mother;
1. Head line articles: "19 Firms intersted in desisgning CENTRAL Library"=code-information that follows on page is CENTRAL to African American[s][especially African American females who do not work for white males; reason why white male is sitting on the African American female left side=code= white male[s] privileges have left all African American females not working for white male = [why the person closest in picture is African American female=biggest issue][notice only a few white people in picture];[because even at WSFC public libraries that are located in white communities; usually 90% of the patrons are African American-because they are blocked from working and the only place available to go without money;
LOOK at what they did to the Indians:how they perfected their system of abuse and robbery on the indians;
Note: the last 3 to 4 presidents have come to Winston-salem, North Carolina =?=where both Miah Angelou and Oprah Winphrey [two biggest African American female prostitutes working for white males]live/visit too often[operate out of Winston-salem ] and Oprah Winphrey is the African American female prostitute working for white males[espeically the ones in Africa] who put in the last of the 3 to 4 presidents who have come to Winston-Salem, N. C. right after being elected=!=?
****** $125M facility is area’s first dedicated cancer hospital
Winston-Salem Journal
The $125 million expansion of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center’s Comprehensive Cancer Center will open to patients next week as the region’s first dedicated cancer hospital.
The capital construction project, which began in June 2011, added 282,800 square feet to the cancer center, giving it a total of 530,600 square feet. Features include private rooms that make use of natural light, recliners and sleeper sofas for patients’ family members.
The expansion increases the number of acute care oncology inpatient beds from 113 to 148 and adds a new oncology intensive care unit. The expansion also adds four inpatient floors, a day hospital floor and an administrative floor. It consolidates all inpatient and outpatient services under one roof. “This is a very important part in the history of our institution, and I would argue, a very important day in the histor y of North Carolina,” Dr. John D. McConnell, Wake Forest Baptist’s chief executive, said Tuesday during a news conference to unveil the center.
McConnell spoke before a group of about 100 people that included Gov. Pat McCrory, local and state government officials andWake Forest Baptist staff.
“This new facility enables Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center to continue offering world-class cancer care and treatment as one of the country’s only 41 comprehensive cancer centers and the only one in western North Carolina,” McConnell said.
“We achieved that status because of the type of integration between our research and discovery efforts and the compassionate translations of that research into improvement of cancer care not just here in North Carolina
Trying to post about "WSSU Police accredited" where picture of a group with PUBLIC SAFETY team; when saw "Robin Ervin joins Horizons" [] on the Winston Salem Chronicle website; and then looking at page A4 [CAREERS] section in the hard of
Winston-Salem chronicle was another short article "Boards NEW Members";Still trying to locate the article "WSSU Police accredtited"-like in the hard copy of the Winston-Salem Chronicle and saw the article titled,
"Gaines heroes picked"
which is CODE to white males:
Renew the pit of grandbury of African Americans=decision of the so called Black leaders in Winston-Salem, N. C. ; KNOW=Coach "GAINES was killed" to communicate to the local black leaders that there was no more ECONOMIC GAIN for Blacks in White male system;[];
There was no article, "WSSU Police accredited"; so took picture : [While at the reynolda branch library PAUL RAGSDALE went out of his way to walk around the computer/table where I was sitting then went in the back work area for employees];
News commentators kept asking Why is the shopping day being called BLACK FRIDAY and not green Friday; seems like Green Friday would be better since you are talking about MONEY; and the answer is that is the exact reason they are calling it BLACK FRIDAY: BECAUSE it is symbolic and represents the ROBBERY of MONEY that should go into Black people neighborhoods but so called black leaders are helping white males to Rob the african American neighborhoods; which is why ROBIN[s][spirits] need to be KILLED and until African American people learn how to kill the robbers of African American neighborhhoods; it will remain a BLACK FRIDAY; which has also been announced to go into a BLACK FRIDAY SEASON;
And the fact that there is no article with all of the local people connected to partner to help ROB Black people for white peoples Safety sake on the internet=proof of secret system=means that certain articles being kept off of the internet to hide Robbery of African Americans< I mean Blacks [link in BLACK Friday];
Also sent picture of article WSSU police accredited" in the Winston-Salem Journal to email; but would not post to email so can't post to blog;
*********** Robin Ervin joins Horizons
Robin Ervin has been named director of Development and Communications at Horizons Residential Care Center.
She is charged with coordinating the agency’s resource development activities and communications efforts.
Ervin brings to the position more than 20 years of non‐profit experience, much of which was spent in the areas of marketing, public relations and development. Her background includes similar positions at Winston‐Salem State University and the YWCA of Winston-Salem, where she managed the largest capital campaign in the organization’s history.
Ervin says she looks forward to parlaying that experience into very positive outcomes for Horizons.
“I am very excited to be a part of Horizons. We are winding down a very successful capital campaign and are planning for continued visibility,” she said. “Horizons is a much‐needed part of our community, providing quality and respectful care. I look forward to building new partnerships and sharing the important story of Horizons with the community. This is a well‐kept jewel in Forsyth County, with a great history, a very dedicated staff and an important mission.”
A long time resident of Winston‐Salem, Ervin has been an active member of the community. Her previous and current affiliations include the Mayor’s Task Force on Obesity Prevention, Winston‐Salem Tennis, Inc. Board of Directors, Neighbors for Better Neighborhoods Board, Recreation and Parks Commission Member, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and St. Benedict’s Church.
Horizons is a residential care facility for children and adults with severe disabilities. The agency provides a home for 40 residents who live with the consequences of disabilities such as cerebral palsy, visual and hearing impairments and brain injuries. Horizons provides care at the Atrium on its campus and at the Arches located off of University Parkway
Gaines heroes picked
Several community leaders and supporters of Winston-Salem State University will be honored Friday, Oct. 11 during the 10th Annual Clarence “Big House” Gaines Unsung Hero Scholarship Awards luncheon.
The event, a fundraiser for an endowed scholarships at WSSU that is named for WSSU’s late legendary basketball coach, will begin at noon at the school’s Anderson Center and will include a celebration of former honorees and entertainment by The Alpha Collective. “Coach Gaines was a teacher, confidant and surrogate father to many of us,” said Bethel Johnson Burton, a WSSU alum and founder of the Gaines Unsung Hero Scholarship Awards. “We honor those who demonstrate his commitment to pursuing a level of excellence in athletics, science and humanities, as well as his community service. Our efforts also support an endowment for need-based scholarships in his honor and, to date, we have awarded $88,375 to 12 scholarship recipients.”
This year, awards will go to the following: • Dr. Virginia K. Newell, a WSSU professor emeritus who has been credited as the single force behind acquiring computers for WSSU and creating the foundation for a computer science program at the university; • Keith Grandberry, the president and CEO of the Urban League of Winston-Salem since 2006 who has led that organization into an expansion of its services and its facilities; • Hoops, Inc. (Helping Obtain Opportunities and Privileges for Students), which was founded in 1999 to create a strong relationship between WSSU and the local community by using athletics; • Thomas J. Cunningham, a former WSSU basketball star who was a member of the renowned Harlem Globetrotters for seven years and also served as the team’s public relations representative; • Dr. Michael Magruder, who has been the director of bands at WSSU since the fall of 2004 and is known as an outstanding arranger, conductor, educator, performer, technician and bandmaster; and • Jacqueline Pittman Cureton, an accomplished WSSU fundraiser, ambassador and an inspiration to students entering the field of education. Jakay W. Ervin and Carleina Hampton Harris will receive special recognition awards. Ervin, a 1958 graduate, continues to demonstrate a commitment to service and excellence through his contributions to the community and his political activities. Harris has demonstrated her love and support for WSSU since the 1970s by giving back to her alma mater and encouraging her friends to do the same.
CAUTION signs: placed outside of the women's bathroom at Reynolda Branch library for harassment/threats from those who operate the Reynolda Branch library where Paul Ragsdale volunteers who ran in front of me to put the Two books:
1. the incrediable truth about motherhood;
2. The TWINS of tribecca;
on shelf in front of me;
The sign inbetween the TWO CAUTION signs says: UPCOMING EVENTS;
Of which on 11/27/13 [27=birth date of stolen twin] at 6:28 am; on Fox New 8 there was story of DOREEN GUMMOE [moe=code= more=moore]:
Three of Doreen Gummoe’s children have a rare and debilitating disease that leads to bone marrow failure. Last year thanks to Gummoe’s work, a federal court shot down the government’s decades-old ban on compensating bone marrow donors. Now, the Department of Health and Human Services is challenging that ruling.
Gummoe explained on this morning’s Fox and Friends that the Department of Health and Human Services is working to get bone marrow donations to be classified as organ donations, even though the donation process is basically the equivalent of donating blood. “My opinion is they lost in court through numerous appeals and this is just another way to try and take back that win so to speak.”
“If we’re paying donors every day to donate plasma, […] why can’t somebody donate peripheral blood stem cells used for a bone marrow transplant to save somebody’s life and be compensated for that?” Gummoe asked.
If you are interested in being a donor, Gummoe recommended seeking out a national registry.
Went to WS forsyth county court house to file infomation in nephew's case [who was jumped on by five authority[white males] at the North Carolina Theater Festival -[where control of the NCTF was turned over to white males by the African American female prostitute who working for white males that used the title of wife to Larry Hamlin]BUT the clerk of criminal court [ROBBIN bauer] would not allow me to file any papers=?; stated that only attorney's could file papers=? have blogged for at least five years about the meaning of the name of ROBBIN=code to robbery of African American[s] wealth, money, freedom;
Statement[s] filed in the WSFC court house in Winston-Salem, N. C.:
1. Families fight for Survival [Doreen Gummoe][3 children]; New Hamshire; TWIN [girls] and JORDAN [girl];
2. Commentator asked "Why is the federal government trying to stop you? even to the point of having wording changed after courts gave you permission?
REF: Fox news, channel 59; 6:28am
a. C.W. ------;
b. [to hide fact of harassment/intimidationand robbery of CW ------ and his family members and communicate to those in the legal system about stolen twin and mother;
1. T. JORDAN -[forced to marrry D----[who is working with white males]];
2. TWIN [girl] stolen at birth through Gwynolyn Gwyn[nurse at forsyth hospital]whose son pulled weapon on the mother of the stolen twin girl who was engaged to T. JORDAN;
******[of which they have no problem killing one of Doreen Gummoe twins to communicate to those who [Gwyndolynn Gwyn] participated in stealing of twin child in Winston Salem to stop the reunion of the stolen twin with real birth mother and sibling];
3. Proven system of a family member of an incarcirated person being intimidated/threaten to force into taking incarcirated person's place=school to prison system;
And what was really interesting was when I called to get the court case number for nephew-they told me there was no case; there was no case number; told the clerk-the court date and still there was no case #; but since I had been in court; I had written down the case #=why couldn't the clerk locate the case #?=harassmsent of African Americans trying to get information from the courts;
None of the clerks/criminal or civil would answer any questions; told to go do research yourself like an attorney;of which I do know that a person can enter a statement if they have an interest in a public case-there is a law;
After coming from the WSFC court ; and upon logging on to webpage at the 5tth Street Public library = a new page had been put put on wsfc 5TH St. Public Library website:
***** [actions speak louder than words]=COMPLETE RESTORATION!!!****
[while typing this the white males controlling the 5th street public library called out ROBERT to the 2d floor desk];ldsurfwinaat;btdgwsmvet;
TWO CAUTION signs: placed outside of the women's bathroom at Reynolda Branch library for harassment/threats from those who operate the Reynolda Branch library where Paul Ragsdale volunteers who ran in front of me to put the Two books:
1. the incrediable truth about motherhood;
2. The TWINS of tribecca
on shelf in front of me;
The sign inbetween the TWO CAUTION signs says: UPCOMING EVENTS;
Went to WS forsyth county court house to file infomation in nephew's case [who was jumped on by five authority[white males] at the North Carolina Theater Festival -[where control of the NCTF was turned over to white males by the African American female prostitute who working for white males that used the title of wife to Larry Hamlin]BUT the clerk of criminal court [ROBBIN bauer] would not allow me to file any papers=?; stated that only attorney's could file papers=? have blogged for at least five years about the meaning of the name of ROBBIN=code to robbery of African American[s] wealth, money, freedom;
Statement[s] filed in the WSFC court house in Winston-Salem, N. C.:
1. Families fight for Survival [Doreen Gummoe][3 children]; New Hamshire; TWIN [girls] and JORDAN [girl];
2. Commentator asked "Why is the federal government trying to stop you? even to the point of having wording changed after courts gave you permission?
REF: Fox news, channel 59; 6:28am
a. C.W. ------;
b. [to hide fact of harassment/intimidationand robbery of CW ------ and his family members and communicate to those in the legal system about stolen twin and mother;
1. T. JORDAN -[forced to marrry D----[who is working with white males]];
2. TWIN [girl] stolen at birth through Gwynolyn Gwyn[nurse at forsyth hospital]whose son pulled weapon on the mother of the stolen twin girl who was engaged to T. JORDAN; ******[of which they have no problem killing one of Doreen Gummoe twins to communicate to those who [Gwyndolynn Gwyn] participated in stealing of twin child in Winston Salem to stop the reunion of the stolen twin with real birth mother and sibling];
3. Proven system of a family member of an incarcirated person being intimidated/threaten to force into taking incarcirated person's place=school to prison system;
And what was really interesting was when I called to get the court case number for nephew-they told me there was no case; there was no case number; told the clerk-the court date and still there was no case #; but since I had been in court; I had written down the case #=why couldn't the clerk locate the case #?=harassmsent of African Americans trying to get information from the courts;
None of the clerks/criminal or civil would answer any questions; told to go do research yourself like an attorney;of which I do know that a person can enter a statement if they have an interest in a public case-there is a law;
After coming from the WSFC court ; and upon logging on to webpage at the 5tth Street Public library = a new page had been put put on wsfc 5TH St. Public Library website:
Code=you are a FREE GAL[girl]= ***** [actions speak louder than words]=COMPLETE RESTORATION!!!****
[while typing this the white males controlling the 5th street public library called out ROBERT to the 2d floor desk];ldsurfwinaat;btdgwsmvet;
Three of Doreen Gummoe’s children have a rare and debilitating disease that leads to bone marrow failure. Last year thanks to Gummoe’s work, a federal court shot down the government’s decades-old ban on compensating bone marrow donors. Now, the Department of Health and Human Services is challenging that ruling.
Gummoe explained on this morning’s Fox and Friends that the Department of Health and Human Services is working to get bone marrow donations to be classified as organ donations, even though the donation process is basically the equivalent of donating blood. “My opinion is they lost in court through numerous appeals and this is just another way to try and take back that win so to speak.”
“If we’re paying donors every day to donate plasma, […] why can’t somebody donate peripheral blood stem cells used for a bone marrow transplant to save somebody’s life and be compensated for that?” Gummoe asked.
If you are interested in being a donor, Gummoe recommended seeking out a national registry.
Went to WS forsyth county court house to file infomation in nephew's case [who was jumped on by five authority[white males] at the North Carolina Theater Festival -[where control of the NCTF was turned over to white males by the African American female prostitute who working for white males that used the title of wife to Larry Hamlin]BUT the clerk of criminal court [ROBBIN bauer] would not allow me to file any papers=?; stated that only attorney's could file papers=? have blogged for at least five years about the meaning of the name of ROBBIN=code to robbery of African American[s] wealth, money, freedom;
Statement[s] filed in the WSFC court house:
1. Families fight for Susrvival [Doreen Gummoe][3 children]; New Hamshire; TWIN [girls] and JORDAN [girl];
2. Commentator asked "Why is the federal government trying to stop you? even to the point of having wording changed after courts gave you permission?
REF: Fox news, channel 59; 6:28am
a. C.W. ------;
b. [to hide fact of harassment/intimidationand robbery of CW ------ and his family members and communicate to those in the legal system about stolen twin and mother;
1. T. JORDAN -[forced to marrry D----[who is working with white males]];
2. TWIN [girl] stolen at birth through Gwynolyn Gwyn[nurse at forsyth hospital]whose son pulled weapon on the mother of the stolen twin girl who was engaged to T. JORDAN; ******[of which they have no problem killing one of Doreen Gummoe twins to communicate to those who [Gwyndolynn Gwyn] participated in stealing of twin child in Winston Salem to stop the reunion of the stolen twin with real birth mother and sibling];
3. Proven system of a family member of an incarcirated person being intimidated/threaten to force into taking incarcirated person's place=school to prison system;
And what was really interesting was when I called to get the court case number for nephew-they told me there was no case; there was no case number; told the clerk-the court date and still there was no case #; but since I had been in court; I had written down the case #=why couldn't the clerk locate the case #?=harassmsent of African Americans trying to get information from the courts;
None of the clerks/criminal or civil would answer any questions; told to go do research yourself like an attorney;of which I do know that a person can enter a statement if they have an interest in a public case-there is a law;
After coming from the WSFC court ; at the 5tth Street Public library was the new page put on wsfc 5TH St. Public Library website:
Code=you are a FREE GAL[girl]= ***** [actions speak louder than words]=COMPLETE RESTORATION!!!****
[while typing this the white males controlling the 5thstreet public library called out ROBERT to the 2d floor desk];ldsurfwinaat;btdgwsmvet;
Three of Doreen Gummoe’s children have a rare and debilitating disease that leads to bone marrow failure. Last year thanks to Gummoe’s work, a federal court shot down the government’s decades-old ban on compensating bone marrow donors. Now, the Department of Health and Human Services is challenging that ruling.
Gummoe explained on this morning’s Fox and Friends that the Department of Health and Human Services is working to get bone marrow donations to be classified as organ donations, even though the donation process is basically the equivalent of donating blood. “My opinion is they lost in court through numerous appeals and this is just another way to try and take back that win so to speak.”
“If we’re paying donors every day to donate plasma, […] why can’t somebody donate peripheral blood stem cells used for a bone marrow transplant to save somebody’s life and be compensated for that?” Gummoe asked.
If you are interested in being a donor, Gummoe recommended seeking out a national registry.
Was looking at blog "If Rosa Parks Knews!" where they have that people have sent comments; One of the comments If I can get back to the place where they are located stated that they enjoyed the blog and that they were sure I had a lot of followers; and my question is why have they not responded? especially when I asked for help; and why is it that most of the responses come from China; nothing from the United States=?;
Heard on the television channel 6 Cspan where those involved in monitoring websites/internet can by pass certain laws if information contain certain words, phrases=why most of response[s] have ONLY been from CHINA.
Found the section; it is up under COMMENTS:
Comments › Awaiting moderation;
which started coming from China -March 20,2013]=TWO day=20th; and the comment about there should be a lot of readers:
grеat ρublish, very informative. I ponder why thе othеr specialists of this sector do not understand thіs. You must proceеԁ yоuг ωriting. I'm confident, you have a huge readers' baѕe alrеady! Also ѵisіt my homepage
on 6/4/13
If I have such a huge readers base already, can somebody tell me why noone responds to my requests for help? [legal and financial];
which is code to communicate that there are African Americans[can't speak for other races] that are "almost human" meaning that there are some people that are not in the secret group that are seeking the priveleges of those in the secret group [inside the United States]
Confirmation of Cuba in the house that is white are the"
"Secret talks helped forge Ira- nucl-ar de-l"
Meetings that ran parallel to official negotiations help achieve most significant Washington-Tehran agreement since 1979;
The real dea- is to help those that run Ir-n to UNDERSTAND that those who are in charge of the United States and other countries around the world will UNITE with those in Ir-an to rob/steal and kill the people systematically; Of coarse Ir-n doesn't understand/trust that-even though they do know that the United States do have people in that run/in charge of the United States that are e xperts at robbing people-espcially African Americans;
Delegates at the Iran nuclear talks at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. Photograph: /Xinhua/Landov/Barcroft Media
It is EASY to make a DEAL= in public [KNOWING that it is just a show] KNOWING that the real deal is the SECRET deal to join forces[GLOBAL] to rob/steal/kill masses of people in secret ; which means there has to be some proof to the Ir-anians that those in the United States who [lot of super rich people that made sure that the re-elected? head of the United States ]was originally elected with the goal of transitioning the robbery of the wealth/heritage of the people of the United States while using African Americans as the scape goat; Oh!, that is happening to black people it will never touch white people!
Notice the color of "Delegates" at the "Ir-n nucle-r talks";
Remember the "WHITE" hispanic George Zimmerman; everybody wanted to KNOW-what difference does his color make; he is a hispanic; why they keep talking about his color being white; the above picture is why they keep talking about his color being white; because there is a SECRET system being operated where no one is allowed to work, eat, live, have relationships UNLESS they are serving "WHITE MALES" and evidently from the picture above, it doesn't matter what the race is as long as they fit the category of being "WHITE";
Remember the "WHITE" hispanic George Zimmerman;
everybody wanted to KNOW-what difference does his color make; he is a hispanic; why they keep talking about his color being white; the above picture is why they keep talking about his color being white; because there is a SECRET system being operated where no one is allowed to work, eat, live, have relationships UNLESS they are serving "WHITE MALES" and evidently from the picture above, it doesn't matter what the race is as long as they fit the category of being "WHITE";[image being the poster face to communicate to white males who control countries][and being that George Zimmerman was doped up during the entire process-his life is not his anymore-they will continously keep putting him through stuff so that the other white males will know what's going on with their white system designed to kill African American[s]/male-TRAVON MARTIN; and Kedrick Johnson[
Most of the Ir-nians I have seen on televison always seem
Most of the Ir-nians I have seen on televison always seem to have darker skin than white males; maybe it was the color on the television; but looking at the picture above there does not seem to be any one that is "NOT WHITE" as least by skin color; kind of looks like the "Congress" during slavery time; of which if one were to just glance at the modern day "Congress" they really almost have to search to find [color][African American];
Picture above is of the back of the heads of the United States Congress [99.99% white][well maybe 1% black];
A closer view of the back of the heads of [think person can see that the back of the heads belong to:] 99.99% white people;
Isn't is interesting that there is never a racial profile of the color of the people in the United States Senate and Congress; yet they are suppose to speak for people of color in the United States=? kind of backwards don't ;you think?
It is interesting that : googled -[racial profile of united states congress or senate];the result:
ANSWER to the QUESTION: Was there a lone shooter for JF Kennedy=No!; there was a group that stretched around the world!
CONFIRMATION: 1. Cuba connection [still in the United Stated and in the house that is white]; Jay Z and Beyonce- [;_ylt=A0oG7js2vY9SoUoA22Kl87UF;_ylc=X1MDOTU4MTA0NjkEX3IDMgRiY2sDY2s1ZW0yNTk4dmRmZyUyNmIlM0Q0JTI2ZCUzRHhqWEhWRHBwWUVJOWsyNnpicXdvNllFWEVaajVoV1RyRmY5WXJ3LS0lMjZzJTNEbDElMjZpJTNETG9DeVNoWk9RZEVrWk9VdmVQdFMEY3NyY3B2aWQDelkuTmowZ2V1ckRLRmRZUlVvLjE4QWJheGxVVUFWS1B2VFlBQ2FCMQRmcgNzZnAEZnIyAwRncHJpZANwZS5hVGFmZlQzcU1HamZFaHQuQ29BBG10ZXN0aWQDbnVsbARuX3JzbHQDMARuX3N1Z2cDMwRvcmlnaW4Dc2VhcmNoLnlhaG9vLmNvbQRwb3MDMARwcXN0cgMEcHFzdHJsAwRxc3RybAMyNARxdWVyeQNqYXl6IGFuZCBiZXlvbmNlIGluIGN1YmEEdF9zdG1wAzEzODUxNTE4Mjc5ODIEdnRlc3RpZANudWxs?p=jayz+and+beyonce+in+cuba&fr=sfp&fr2=&iscqry=]
]. Why no big deal was ever made of Jay Z and Beonce going to CUBA[without permission];
2. Oprah Winphrey helped white males from TEXAS to put the man with BROWN skin[color of cubians] in the house that is white;
3.Oprah Winphrey was forced to TEXAS by white males in beef industry through official communication that she is nothing but an African American female prostitute for white males; and don't ever forget it because they have more money than she does; which means follow instructions- do not help African Americans in the United States to progress and/or prosper their race; only rob African Americans;
4. The man with the brown skin in the house that is white [ who was visted by JayZ and beoncye who took over/ignored all of the United States regulations after visiting the man with the brown skin in the house that is white]gave a MEDAL OF FREEDOMto Oprah Winphrey who is proud of helping to have put the man with brown skin in the house that is white;
[Only a protion of this picture is showing on blog;the other half
of the picture has the man with brown skin in the house that
is white putting a royal blue ribbon around the prostitute who is
the 2nd biggest African American female working for white males];
Miah Angelou is the first biggest African American female
prostitute working for white males;
Just as Oprah Winphrey robbed African American communities[Winston-Salem, N. C. -PATTERSON AVENUE area]; next the United States-[paid by cubans, socialist country leaders,etc.]
Oprah Winfrey winked her eye during the ceremony[document]=which means she is well aware of what she is doing-sold out African Americans and next the United States of America [why her schools for girls are in Africa []
The AFRICAN girls in the picture above [borned and rasied in AFRICA] are being prepared to work for white males in the United States and around the world; their freedom and life is already sold to the highest bidder [white male in business]; which confirms why white males showed up with the message that the African American girls would be prostitutes when I had sewing classes for African American girls; the only other alternative=not following orders=result=constant attack by/from white males such as the white male driving white truck with Meridian Realty on side of truck-who put up TWO caution signs outside of the Reynolda Branch library[where I ususally go to the bathroom while at the library] as form of harassment/threat;
The AFRICAN girls [not citizens of the United States]in the picture above will be used to represent African American females [citizens in the United States]; so when white people see the AFRICANS they will think of them as African American [there is a difference]; AFRICANS will come to the United States with the not entitled to anything attitude; African Americans will have an attitude of entitled through being a citizen expecting that if they work as hard/good as anybody else they shoud be allowed to obtain the same wealth/priviledges as white males; the AFRICAN girls with come to the United States just glad to be in the United States and will follow just about any order given-ONCE they understand the truth-that they are just prostitutes who have been trained to serve and obey white males and as a result of obeying white males will be allowed a few priviledges in the United States;
Oprah Winfrey KNOWS the plight of the AFRICAN girls-prostitutes for white males and probably coaching them; the experts say that when a person has been captured/put in bondage they begin to take on the mindset of their capture; ie. the prostitute starts to identify with their pimp[he is a good person]vs [he is taking advantage] and no different with Oprah Winfrey; The Texas trials were probably a shock; then realization; then the real realization to anger and more; then settlement-well it is better than [whoever or whatever] look on the good side; to "Oh! this isn't that bad" to "Well, this is the side my bread and butter is on!"; when in reality the white males that are controlling and manipulating Opray Winfrey are just as bad as the nale relatiave that raped her in her youth; no difference; they are forcing themselves upon her; taking advantage -Giving her a billion dollars; raping her of her integrity and self direction; if you don't have self direction that makes the person a slave because they have to follow directions from others;
Since this show, Oprah has become an adovcate for sexual abuse survivors and devoted hundreds of shows to the topic. These shows helped put child predators behind bars, raised parents' awareness and gave victims a voice." [
Sexual abuse, social abuse; abuse is abuse; guess Oprah Winfrey will do a show on how the white males in TEXAS abused, took advantage and instill fear in her [that will be the excuse in decades to come]; after people who appreciates and loves the United States stand up for the freedoms in the United States;
Heard on one of the talk network shows[white males] that TEXAS was orginally accused of having JF Kennedy killed; interesting that Oprah Winfrey was forced into court in TEXAS [where JF Kennedy was shot]; then some decades later Oprah Winfrey helped to put a man of brown color in the house that is white [in the same house that is white where J.F. Kennedy and his family lived]; and Oprah Winfrey had Jay Z and Beonyce on her television program some years before they went to Cuba [which one of the television stations said Cuba was involved][and they still are];
"Nuclelar Option"; democrats need fewer votes to get judge okayed; change was made because there have been a total of 86 hold ups to get a judge passed in the entire United States Senate; and with the man in the house that is white there have been 82 hold ups-which according to the man in the man in the house that is white -"It is holding up Congress doing the work of the people";
The reason [which none of the white males are saying] why the 82 hold ups for his judges to pass is because the 93 judge seats left-will determine the path of the United States-socialism or a democratic republic; and the congressment voting against not the man in the brown skin but they are voting against treason [they are trying not to participate in treason]; they KN OW the man in the brown skin in the house that is white is not for the United States as designed by the United States Constitution and they KNOW he is working for people who want to take over the United States to make it a third world county;
Thus in decades to follow: when people start asking well why didn't they do anything=because they are white males whose obejective is to do everything they can to destroy African American culture[Black Wall Street] and they are willing to do so at the expense of the United States; all of which is already documented=the answer whenever somebody asks, "Why didn't they tell the publc than the man with the brown skin in the house that is white was destroying the freedom[s] in/of the United States?"s
?Being that can't get to blog "If Rosa Parks KNEW!!" or any of the other blogs on without having to google name of blog and then have to sign into goole go get to blog; googled "search engines listings"; the result
Comprehensive list of Search Engines; which took me to a long list of search engines of which put in "Free blogs" in the search engine and a variety of free blogs came up; and then clicked on each link and "Blogger: Create your freeBlog" link was the ONLY link in list of free blogs that came up with the person having a SECOND sign in page for GOOGLE to reach blog to post=why?;
The entire incident[may have even been staged] was released to the media as a CODE = to white males [especially in authority]that an African American female who has children is not cooperating with white male system and that the African American female they are trying to harass has a BLOG on "" ; to inform head person of authorities! [brown man in house that is white] of what the situation is so he pretending to have lived the African American experience as a black male] can respond based upon his having brown sking and having living with white privileges [Oprah[African American female prostitute working for white males] takes credit for putting him in the house that is white];
And heard on local radio 94.5 news that Oprah[African American female prostitute working for white males] made the statement that man with brown skin in house that is white is disrespected because he is an African Americans [he is more African and more white than he will ever be African American]and the radio announcer said that Oprah[African American female prostitute working for white males] stated that there is somebody in the SOUTH that is racist and that they need to be KILLED
Angelou[African American female prostitute working for white males] both have been informed of who their
system thinks the African American female [who wants to serve the devine God rather than be a prostitute working for white males] is; meaning the African American female [who wants to serve the devine God rather than be a prostitute working for white males]wants her money back from the robbers;
And being that Oprah[African American female prostitute working for white males] takes pride in having put the man with brown skin in the house that is white; evrybody knows that surely [the man with brown skin in the house that is white] listens to Oprah[African American female prostitute working for white males] who made the statement that the person[somebody] in the SOUTH that is racist. The operators of system of robbery system are calling [the African American female who wants to serve the devine God rather than be a prostitute working for white males] a racist because [the African American female who wants to serve the devine God] is viewed as denying white males control of the life of the African American female who wants to serve the devine God];
Of which the man with the brown skin in the house that is white stated a few weeks earlier that he is "good at killing" and that he did not know that killing would come in so handy [local CNN, local white boy talk show network on television]; the local television talk work network were extremely upset and said the head of the United States should not be talking like that even if that is the case thus Oprah[African American female prostitute working for white males];
11/19/13 NOTE: Friday, November 29;Black Friday 2013
[]For every store that is listed shoppers that care should not spend any money until African American neighborhood stores, businesses are return UNCONTRLLED by white males or those who work as [prostitute [male or female]for white males.[]