[note 23 is the number for birth/23 chromosomes-why hispanics helping white males rob African Americans of wealth system -supposedly being born; thought TRUMP was going to get rid of SANTUARY Cities[really system/people paid to attack/steal from the United States/America-as long as hipanics taking/blocking wealth of African Americans/Americans the United States is being knocked down in front of the United States/America];
1.Rde route 96 to downtown[hispanic driver-one that made me trip on route 13 before they changed it to route 83[year TWIN stolen was born];
2. Rode rte 95 to office DE-pot where Hispanic[again]=harassment=SANTUARY CITY-Winston-Saelm, N.C. where 85 % of the minority population is suffering from some form of "starvation" and constantly threaten with "jail" if they attempt to stop system of "starvation"-talking about kim jung un starving his people=after documenting a decade of more of starvation/ethnic intimidation system; upon assistance of a relative who was making $45,000.00 a year, the relative suddenly resigned from job in NY because of intimidation; where income did start and since income started, the dwelling living in suddenly has "water" issues; after constantly having duke energy white males harassing/intimidating, when income came and light bill could be paid the transformer of Carver School Road was knocked out which meant the lights at dwelling went out[that was duke energy's way of knocking out lights-electricity means life and to deal with the issue of "taking life" since the light bill can be paid; then the ------moved on to messing with the "water" system at dwelling so that the faucet in the back yard was taken off; when went to check on water bill was told it was over 1200.00 dollars of which is has been that much before when went to back of house and Charles McCrae who worked for the city of Winston-Salem, NC was in the back yard, the next day went and checked and the water faucet was broke; called and told the revenue[MONEY/LIFE] dept and gave them a statement that Charles McCrae was in back yard; now nephew being held hostage by same system[gang][Charles McCrae's son]; When went to check on water bill and was informed it was over 1200.00 dollars was told could not speak to manager "MAYS" had to call "Pam PEOPLE JOYNers" with the "WSPD" who city of WS Water Dept said that PPJ works for "City LINK" [who was told to call "WSPD" anytime i called concerning any issue of water being messed with/being harassed/intimidated by hispanics/gwyndolyn gwyn/edwina moore/chris hayes;ellen givens/cookie/melissa Williams[where presently i can not go to any public library because of white GERMANS]who stated could not come back to Carver School Road Branch library or any other public library in Forsyth County; which includes Wake Forest LAW Library/ies]
[note: song at office depot-"Crazy"in background];
3.ON 4/23/18, Rachel Ray Show [introduced by Oprah Winfrey who is a secret prostitute helping white males]helping white males rob/block African American[s] of wealth/saw only 1/2 of show=had her "JOHN" on that she calls a husband which her "JOHN"s name is really "JOHN" and by having "JOHN" on the show on the 23rd[code for birth] telling white male system that she[rachael ray]will be helping white males to make sure that African American female[s] do not have a husband but a "JOHN"[why Oprah Winfrey not married-Stedman becomes a "JOHN" to match dating a secret prostitute for white males];
4. The television show "BLACK CODE" is out front and telling the slavery system that the bastards are operating in front of the United States of America's face:
Black Code:
noun, U.S. History. (in the ex-Confederate states)
1. any code of law that defined and especially limited the rights of former slaves after the Civil War.
The Jim Crow Law is an example of black code.
If there were a show called "KKK" people would be protesting all over the place; notice how the children/teachers of PUBLIC schools are protesting [BUT the parents and the neighborhoods of the children- of the public schools which are basically 95 % African American are not protesting, fake organization/black lives matter-created and controlled by white male system-protesting; [BUT not African American neighborhoods];then there is the #ME TOO movement , which supposedly was started by a black female [BUT you never see an African American[s] females protesting or on television talking about the abuse/hasssament/intimidation suffered at the hands of white males;[why?[because the African American female who was suppose to come forth about the abuse suffered flash drive was stolen by white male authority who used the information to benefit white male culture instead of African American culture; [BUT there are NO African American males/ females
not even the students that represent abuse in/of the African American culture];
5. Starbucks incident where TWO African American males in REAL "estate" were arrested for not ordering anything; was a STAGED incident to communicate to the CEO[which a lot of the stock owners were saying they were going to take their stock out because Howard Schultz coward down to intimidation by blacks][https://www.bing.com/search?q=star+bucks+ceo&form=IENTHT&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&refig=2d9be548c38f4b05d42a5f4d81bfe02a&sp=-1&pq=star+bucks+ceo&sc=8-14&qs=n&sk=&cvid=2d9be548c38f4b05d42a5f4d81bfe02a]
to Kevin JOHNSON and Howard Schultz that it is REAL concerning ESTATE of the number TWO system[operated against African Americans] that African American[s] want their MONEY/BUCKS back where BUCKS can mean "MONEY" or "MALE":
noun, Slang.
a dollar. ;
a contemptuous term used to refer to an American Indian male or a black male.
[note: song playing at Office depot-when it rains, it POURS-girl let me warn ya]
[note: song playing at Office depot-who are you, who, who];
note: "kim jung un" is not agreeing to anything just FOLLOWING instructions based on Dennis rod-MAN being sent to" kim jung un"-walmart [national] already buys products from "n korea", which means he has already been in line with the "global" agenda, which is take from the masses to establish maintance of wealth of the wealthy];
[note: song by Stevie Wonder-Superstious-seven years of bad luck/baby];
1. System of being ignored/rights violated/rights usurped was on local television station[documentd] where massage palor owner was on television stating that the new "rules" that are being passed for massage parlors , they say to stop sex trafficking, have nothing to do with massage palors, they only make it more expensive to operate their massage palors by charging more fees, etc. white female therapist said that it is ;unfair, because when there is a problem, and they go to the pol-ce, the pol-ce say, that heave nothing to do with it[problem]; then they go to the "board" and the "board" says they have nothing to do with it and tell them they need to go to the pol-ce and the pol-ce tell them to go the "board" again; all of it is a "circle" and the new rules they are creating will not stop sex trafficking, only crate difficulties for the legitimate therapist"
[note: the system being operated above/massage palor is the same system being operated in the African American neighborhood; nobody to go to that will address an issue; just kept going in a circle; also the reason why people are being "caught" in unhealthy sexual acts of various kinds is because of the system being operated to block regular/healthy "sex"/sexual relationships so white males can control who has "sex"/or have "any type of relationship"];
7. TJ MAXX is really code for "TJ" "MA" "XX"- all of the elements connected with stealing of TWINS/Mother/TJ first fiancé of the mother of the TWIN[Twin Towers[2t's]/world trade towers[2t's];Brand name Cynthia-comforter[Gray/CHARLIE'S white relatives name] and ROYAL blue and white design on other side] code that Cynthia can have comfort from the white GRAYS IF she helps white males to rob/block her family member who dated TJ "MAXX"-called ETHNIC INTIMIDTION-where one race PAYS a member of another race to rob/block wealth/attack/steal/kill a member of another race-which is ILLEGAL-BUT who do you go to to ENFORCE the laws-why people-GO OFF/ATTACK from the frustration of being ignored and having their rights usurped; then white male system[s] look at the person like what is their issue; they broke a law; think i heard someone say[Martin Luther King]-an unjust law is NO LAW at all and they have a right as a citizen of the United States to be disobedient to unjust laws];
8. Rose ANN BAR show with the little BLACK girl is to used to communicate what is happening with the little black girl that was STOLEN at birth;
9. "Barbara Bush" was also a part of the system that was raised on the TWIN TOWERS [little black girl that was stolen] as was BILLY Graham-the father;
10. Movie - AT First Sight is a coded movie concerning TWIN Towers/World TRADE Center ISSUES;

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