To show what African Americans have to deal with; looked for a NGO for assistance since the local city agencies seem to be attacking African Americans; the first NGO agency's that came up:
WANGO International Headquarters
200 White Plains Road, First Floor
[Notice; it is INTERNATIONAL; and is the HEAD at WHITE, make it PLAIN; TARRY[go slow] concerning all issues that object to WHITE being FIRST; and have posted about "TOWN being a code word=Trump TOWERS;, which the address of WANGO International Headquarters sums it up for African American[s] who should be in droves in the street; but WHITE MALES have bought off all of the African American[s] so called leaders/while BLOCKING the real African American leaders; Minnie Mandella had a solution to the fake bastards; note also=The Black Panther is a movie that was design to do what Wango International Headquarters address says; KILL ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR who do not yield to WHITE FIRST by KILLING ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR WHO THINK THEY ARE ENTITLED TO GET WHAT BELONGS TO THEM[why the cousin in the Panther was killed-his attitude-ANGER for killing his father and BLOCKING him from his wealth]; and the movie, "the Panther" is now the number 3 movie in terms of earning MONEY-which means that many people have been program to attack their relative who is entitled through heritage who will come to get their own MONEY; and the WHITE MALE will support the Black family member who will attack the ANGRY family relative who does not trust any WHITE MALE];
1. Rode the wsta rte 96 to downtown/rte 83;starting at Airpt.rd to Tereasa and Carver School Road was a lot of WHITE MALE CONSTRUCTION; [after called the NC Attorney Generals Office;and WSSU to ask for help with resources to published research];[note: After contacting WSSU dept.; then coincidentally Wake Forest issued an apology less that eight hours to the African American's family who was killed at 'THE BARN"[had blogged about the "BARN"concept used at wsta [BARNES the director]to treat African American[s] like they are slaves in a "barn"; which is why they intentionally killed the African American male at "THE BARN" on Wake Forest University Campus [as code to communicate that "THE BARN" system had expanded concerning African American males]; think about it; why would a predominately WHITE SCHOOL have a building for "STUDENT" activities(ususally WHITE) called "THE BARN";
prior to12:00pm lot of WHITE MALE/City of Winston-Salem activity on local street in front of where secret #2 nurse prostitute stay; city truck #4009;city of ws truck with #2124 on crane; city of ws truck with no license on the back of the truck?-but white male that looks like Kenny Rogers[with a santa claus blond beard was the driver]; there were TWO white male[s] and one African American by the city of ws truck with #4009 on the front; ][approx. 12:00pm];
then walked around the corner and the great big orange signs "Men working was up from Airpt.rd to Tereasa and Carver School Road was a lot of WHITE MALE CONSTRUCTION;
then at 5th and Church Street Two white male[s] waiting on corner; walked up MAIN Street to 4th Street and 4th and Main street were BLOCKED OFF to 2nd and MAIN St.; there in the middle of the street were white male[s] in their CONstruction clothes/hats and a big RED crane with the number #1300; LIE-b-HERR[liebherr] #c3503 with GUY M TURNER; and in the corner was a mid size RED rord pick-up truck with a NEW license plate 4/26/18- with Guy M. Turner. com ;
And MAIN Street was BLOCKED so nobody could walk down MAIN street-EXCEPT a white male from local subway restaurant;
Thus person had to walk around to take a left on Liberty Street or a right onto CHURCH street where the new Sheriff office is located;took the right turn on CHURCH street and 4th; walked to CHURCH and 3rd and there was white authority vehicle red/blue stripes; black sheriff authority vehicle drove past as walked to Church and 2nd where a RED DUNBAR MONEY truck zh8073[73 year of graduation]was parked ; walked to 2nd and MAIN street where authority vehicle white with red/blue was BLOCKING the street[in front of the Forsyth County Court House=CODE to WHITE MALE judges to BLOCK ACCESS TO property that WHITE MALE AUTHORITY want in order to SELL DRUGS];
2. The Mark Zuckerburg hearings are to intimidate Mark Zuckerburg into submitting and follow the White Male authority in the United States to hinder African American[s] communications through FACEBOOK; that is the ONLY reason why Mark Zuckerburg is before basically an ALL WHITE CONGRESS; When Zuckerburg was being lead into building to talk before Congress; he was lead in by an African American male authority=rare-all the other white male authority were standing/walking off to the side so that Mark Zuckerburg could see what his instruction were;
then on one of main talk shows an African American female was shown saying ZuckerMAN; etc.;
[note: all of the CONSTRUCTION documented in #1 is to support what WHITE MALES intend to do to African American[s] throughout the United States];[note how many African American[s] own/have their own "facebook" and even if they did-WHITE MALE have already stated they are working ing "LEVELS" of interaction on facebook=BLOCK/CONTROL AFRICAN AMERICANS from communicating/communications];[note: on one of local channel they posted that they have devices that can read a person's thoughts; and can look at a person's eyes and determine if they are lying[wonder when they are going to start using it on WHITE MALES];[anybody who trust white male[s] border on having MENTAL issues-what they should have before the public-a lot of people know anyway];
3. CONFIRMATION that Donald Trump made DEAL=the Hispanics are back at "COOK's Flea Market; just like nothing ever occurred;
[note: IHOP on Peterscreek Parkway,WS,NC/manager DAVID[white males savior name/not Jesus] and 95% hispanic customers];and Donald Trump want people on gov. assistance to go to WORK=which is fine; it would be so much better if Donald Trump told the white male authority to enforce the laws that protect African American[s] so they can work; because majority of African American[s] that are on gov. assistance might as well be in the street being hit in the head by white males wearing white cloaks; because white male[s] KNOW that nobody is going to stop them from abusing African American[s]; to force African American[s] to WORK means they are only getting up every day to be paid [almost nothing] to be attacked by WHITE MALE SYSTEMS and then intimidated if they [African American[s]] attempt to give a "human response" and if they give a "human response" then it is time to call in WHITE MALE AUTHORITY because the African American does not know how to behave-like a DOG=do as told; BUT hold on; a new system is on the arise;they are stopping the pet system and starting to an "OBJECT" system="THE TOY" system;
have encountered at least five "TOYa's" spelled in about five to six different ways; thus African American[s] will not be considered to be a PET[you know people love their PET's]; African Americans will be considered "TOYS" [you know people get tired of "TOYS and throw them away; then move on to other "TOYS";[note: Toya/shelly at novant health office where blood is drawn in WS,NC where "TOYA" could not stop grinning because she thought she was the only one who knew the SECRET that whoever blood she draws is to be considered a TOY for WHITE MALE[S]][Be it known; I am not a TOY];
WHITE MALE Research shows that it is better for a person's HEALTH to be release their anger through violence instead of holding their anger when they are constantly harassed/intimidated;
4. ONE issue= The father and daughter who were poisoned told "Russia" no thank you to help; after the Russian[s] poisoned the girl and her father=that is what WHITE MALE[S] want African American[s] to do; accept "help" from people who have and are doing everything they can to "destroy" the African American and usually with a smile on their face; the WORLD understands why the father and daughter do not want to accept Russia's help; yet look at African American[s] like they have a "MENTAL" problem when they say. "no thank you" and the WHITE MALE SYSTEM is getting ready to use the "MENTAL" problem/issue big time to force African American[s] into line with being a "LIE" like the word "LIE"B. HERR on the CRANE that was being used to BLOCK 4th and MAINst.;
5. MAIN Street being BLOCKED OFF is code to BLOCK access to house through tax foreclosure; even though documentation proves it is a system of 'FRAUD'; thus WHITE MALEs system[s] have had something done to the "water" system in house; so that the "water" bill is over 1200.00 dollars and can't get anyone to address the "water" issue; After getting to point could pay light bill; which found out last year the lights were shut off in my and name and another account was opened in my; ;which I did not do; as a way of effecting credit as well as LIMIT INCOME=if you have to spend money repairing; then you don't have MONEY to move ahead; -SAME system with a "car"-they kept breaking the car was driving and since all my MONEY went into repairing car; stopped driving the car; now bastards doing the "water";thus-ANYTHING that happens to [tax forclosure]house- WS, NC was done intentionally [WHITE MALES keep instructions[documented] before their secret groups through media]to use AREA to SELL DRUGS [POPS at "13"-found POPS MONEY; system at Piedment "FEDEREAL";Between you and other people with Popmoney

- Simple and secure way to send and receive money without having to share private account information.
- You can use Popmoney regardless of where payees or payers bank.
6. The "OBJECT" system="THE TOY" system being started at novant health in WS,NC [where have encountered at least five "TOYa's" spelled in about five to six different ways; thus African American[s] will not be considered to be a PET[you know people love their PET's]; African Americans will be considered "TOYS" [you know people get tired of "TOYS and throw them away; then move on to other "TOYS";[note: Toya/shelly at novant health office where blood is drawn in WS,NC where "TOYA" could not stop grinning because she thought she was the only one who knew the SECRET that whoever blood she draws is to be considered a TOY for WHITE MALE[S]][Be it known; I am not a TOY];
7. It was stated on local news show[documented]that Donald Trump is a "MOB BOSS"; which wrote an Affadavit of TRUTH; that the relative that went to A&T University was coerced off of Carver School property [band] and without my permission which resulted in a secret name/jersey with words connected to words "MOB BOSS" when Dan Picket was the principal at Carver School and was charged with sexually exploiting students/secret gangs[which is where they are presently creating/designing gangs for African American[s] males so the young African American male will preoccupied with chasing illegal/activity vs trying to advance as a human being;
[note: After leaving the novant health for a checkup; glucose levels were not normal;]
[note: was told that assistance would be given to help access resources to publish documentation-lets see what WHITE MALES do to get rid of the people who would help];
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