1a. Today is VOTING day; of which called the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Election board and Mazzie Woodruff Forsyth Tech last week to make sure that I could vote because according to Jamie[at the main campus Forsyth Tech security] stated that Craig Edwards[direcctor of Mazzie Woodruff Forsyth Tech] had me put off of the campus, of which did inform that I was not given a reason of why was being put off of campus; and after telling Jamie [black female][?] stated that as long as Craig Edwards says person can come back on the campus, they can; of which Craig Edwards stated that I could come back on campus to vote; but IF ANYTHING ELSE IS DONE, the original orders to arrest for being on Mazzie Woodruff campus exited; and again told the campus security would not be setting foot on Mazzie Woodruff campus; and Craig Edwards when spoke to him constantly kept saying "I CANNOT STOP YOU FROM VOTING; YOU CAN VOTE!"; and I kept asking him is I was allowed on the Mazzie Woodruff campus and he would not say "YES"; so I called the main campus security and asked them being that the last person who told me not to come onto the campus was a Black male[john] in campus security;
After getting out of car and going into the Voting room; there was a black male in all black standing at the door as part of the line; and the lady was asking for last names to put person in line with last name; when gave my name, black male in black stepped back and I in turned walked around; then while at table-AGAIN Kate[kkk-code] Stanley could not find my name; then told me again to get out of line; and go to BARRY[bury-code]; of which I got on phone and called the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Election board about precint[304] and explained that again after calling last week and being told that everything assoicated with my voting information was correct; and while on the phone KATE [kkk-code] found my name in the registered voters book; and while all this was going on; noticed the black male in all black who had handcuffs and walkie talkie on his black belt:

Taken while trying to vote; black male authority at door [intimidation to keep from voting] when got to Mazzie Woodruff Center and who KATE tried to make sure I stood in the place where black male authority was standing-link in jail;
1b. And when trying to vote was told that I had to select a ballot-Democratic/Republican/libertarian and ? ; which never been told that before-an registered as an idependent; by having people select a party form that is one way that they are identifying peaople as to weather they are democratic/republic, etc. because they put the forms for Democratic in one place-on the front table; the republicans in another place on the back tables; etc. and in the Carver School road area;if person is not a demoncrat=notification goes out to attack the person;
2.Only picture could get to post:
appr x. fall 2015
That is picture of where bastards poured something by nephews car when he took me shopping for groceries; they follow him, so that anytime he does anything with certain people; they leave subliminal messages; if he takes one of their prostitutes-they probably put an expensive car beside his car;
3. Since last post have been back to the Forsyth Hospital because of ran out of food; went to CINTAS to eat; which CINTAS said, no problem come and she would help eat; CINTAS did the same dam thing again; she would ask me what food I need, when she went to the grocery store; she got the opposite and I had to eat what was available; which meant I did not get the nutrients which were needed and as a result glucose level hit the ceiling again; and again I went to primary care giver who sent me to the emergency room and the hospital kept me:
taken in Feb., 2016
I did give primary care giver a note stating that my sibling was holding me hostage[did not explain that it was concerning trying to force me to be a prostitute for white males-which is who/what CINTAS is-by force]
Which stayed for about two weeks; and while there asked if I could please get some help with food; that the EBT amount was not adequate;their response was black bitch to send ROBIN MANson to the hospital room; who called STEVE Sands [psychiatrist] who called "JOHN" who works as volunteer in the BEHAVIORAL HEALTH dept. who called DR. HERMAN after I asked "John" to leave the room; and Dr. HERMAN called Dr.[AFrican] who called gave a diagnosis of "person has problem"-which somehow coincide with the article in the national news about an airplane pilot who crashed airplane into something-where the issue of "getting ride of people who are a threat to society=that was overseas; in the United States, Trump has already said-"get rid of them[?]"; and as posted on blog when issue of mental health arose, that millions of African Americans who would not CONFORM to who white males[kkk] say they are that they would be put into institutions;
STEVE Sands [psychiatrist;"JOHN" who works as volunteer in the BEHAVIORAL HEALTH dept;
DR. erica HERMAN [head of Behavioral Health dept.]:

and the AFrican Dr.[psychiatrist], whose assistant is African male by the name of MANual and an African nurse by the name of Patricia-which is probably the name of African dr. psychiatrist female relative name= all part of the secret system of prostitution at hospital; Of which did call and file a complaint when saw what they were in the process of getting ready to do; of which some of the people/organizations called already KNOW of what they do in secret in hospitals- they call them hospital jails; of which the hospital informed me that regardless of what I want; I was on their property and could do whatever they want to do to a person on their property;
However before they major attack by white males[all]:[tried to upload a picture];Did call the United Nations, left name/address and concern for safety;
4. Picture of Arts car parked at 3713; he goes from Gwyndolyn Gwyns house to Mooreshouse
taken appx. nov. 2015
5. Picture of harassment; when garbage men put my garbage container back; they always put it back in front of the MOOres house intentionally:
taken 3/15/16
5. This is a picture of a board about STRESS at office of the nurse practioner who is primary care giver[as they are called][who is being targeted/harassed also]:
Of which the close up picture that lists the LONG term effects of stress/harassment/intimidation=all in the same category-forces person in a mode to attack:
which the LONG term effect is BEHAVIORAL=AGGRESSIVE ATTITUDE= which AFrican Americans are not allowed to exhibit in white male[s] culture;
The question is [after explaining to Joanna L---[nurse practioner] about the harassment/intimidation/stress from outside forces]why has not the primary care giver spoken up about the issue[s] [because one of the first things that they ask you in the emergency room is do you feel safe and for the second time told them NO! because of the intimidation from people who live around me; that they come into my house when I am gone;etc.]
picture board about STRESS that is inside primary care givens office;
taken 3/2016[from 2nd stay at hospital]
picture taken March, 15, 2016
In the picture above it looks like the black male authority is ONLY voting;It is what he is doingin secret; that he KNOWS he is doing=intimidation;
picture atken apprx. March 7,2016
However when one adds up the numerous of strange appearances of authority, such as the three white male authority who appeared in front of house [even though they went up the street to DD's house] in three authority vehicles while being on the phone speaking to Senator Richard Burrs office, where the clerk [susan] hurried up and hung the phone up on me; did not finish the conversation and when called back, she would not talk to me; on way to library two authority vehicles [one was 1183=sept., 2011 and 1983 year twin child was stolen-driven by white female authority]were pulling up to DD's house and DD said, "NOW what is it?'-DD doesn't know it but she represent BIG CASH MONEY to the AFrican American culture and is only one on street who is civil towards me=attack and keep DD under constant attack=nobody on the street to tell what they do;
The reason for the constant harassment/intimidation= is coded in the DVD "Contagion"-where Forysthia[code for Cynthia in Forsyth County] as the ONLY ONE who can stop the attack to the virus that is out of control=because CYNTHIA is only one that has access to person;also name of guy who wears royal blue who wants to date me is in DVD=W-----;which the virus=AFrican American who has overcome white male[s] systems= no white male control=AFrican American[s] can prosper without white males= real BLACK Wallstreet-which is where white male[s] wallstreet came from; of which the Carver Road area is in the process of being primed to do the same thing to other African American[s] again= Keith KING running for office;
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