Copy of part of an email sent to agency that is suppose to help resolve issues of harassment/intimidation and abuse by other agencies:[?];
To: S------ D----
City ---- D------- | --- Coordinator
B A S M B;000 East ----- Street
Winston Salem , NC 20000
Re: Subject: local environmental factors that are beyond local citizens control
The question or concern that that would like for you to follow up with is concerning:
# 4. City of WS inspector #415 gave a warning ticket for placement of royal blue recycle bin:[5/8/14];
1. The royal blue recycle been was in the same place it had been from the first issuance of the royal blue bin in 2011 or 2012;
2. Have only/always used the royal blue bin to stop strange cars from parking in front house
The question is why was a ticket given on 5/8/14 after the royal blue bin had been sitting on the street for two or more years[from the first issuance date of the royal blue bin]?;
Thank You,
ps. [potrctpifohstg,d,m,r-h]
ps.[pictures of two red city trucks parked in front of house sent to greesboro, davis , marion relations-human]=ps. [potrctpifohstg,d,m,r-h]
Also re-sent copy of picture sent in 2012/2013 to outside agency [g,d,m,r-h] as confirmation that royal blue recycle bin had been there for a long time;
Part of email sent by the North Carolina Utilities Commission who sent email to "PAULA"[?]=Coincidental=[?];
"Entered on 05/22/2014 at 11:13:42 EDT (GMT-0400) by S-ra C-----s:
reiterated info in email; also wanted to inform psncuc that she got a ticket for a recycle bin she put in front of her house on the st to keep ppl frm parking in front of her house; she feels it is too much of a coincidence that she shld rcv this ticket the day after her srvc ws recon by DE; she feels there are too many coincidences in her case;
advised cons wld contact DE abt her concerns and get bk to her.
How coincidental that DUKE ENERGY[DE] contact person concerning my lights/electricity is named "PAULA"? and how coincidentaly that Duke energy's initials are "DE"=code=[never thought about Duke Energy's initials; but they flow with the concept of "Coal ASH cleanup deadline"=ash=de=
Also in the email is issue about dog[blogged about the fact that Duke Energy told the NC Utilities commisssion that I had a dog; which was incorrect information]; told the NC Utilities Commission that Duke Energy had given them the wrong information;S--a -------s tried to insist that I told one of them at the NC Utilities Commission that I had a dog; which I replied in an email-respectfully that I knew that I had told anyone that I had a dog;that there has not been a dog since 2003; however
S--a -------s tried to insist that I did=must be one of their systems to deal abusive white males that work for Duke Energy;
On 6/6/14=TWO day=City of Winston-Salem truck[like kind that showed up on 5/7/14] went down the street;
Winston-Salem Journal is designed to communicate with local secret group on a TWO DAY [6/6/14];
Today is a TWO day and the Winston-Salem Journal is designed to communicate with locals in Winston-salem on a TWO day which the core of the communication is that STEVE[whiteheart] is to reign in the African American community; starting with codes from the Maya Angelou passing-people are being given assignments by white males-what they are to do and how they are to treat African American[s] not working in secret for white males:
1. Starting at Reyolda Branch Library Lobby:
All of the books in the display case have the name of "STEVE" on them; and in the display at the Reynolda Branch library[west side/white side of town-where Wake Forest University is located] are two books-One has the title "STEVE is "it";
2. Carver Road Branch[east side of town]library/Mazie Woodruff Forsyth Tech on 6/6/14 white male and white female met after getting off of the WSTA transit where white male was the WSTA driver; the white male and white female who met me at the Carver Road Branch Library and the Mazie Woodruff Forsyth Tech parking lot worked for[it appeared they worked for] TERMINEX[code-kill-like killing bugs];[ both the white male and the white female were blocking entrance to forsyth tech[both in the guise of working of coarse-so where the people who helped Hitler to kill the jews];
3. Winston-Salem Journal article=
"NC Senate pushed to set coal ash cleanup deadline"
Confirmation that 'COAL [code for black]ASH[code for death]=
4. Winston-Salem Journal Article=
"Genereal Assembly BILL would exempt fairs from sales tax" by Bertrand M. Gutierrez
5.Which found article, which is on the far right side of the hard copy of the Winston-Salem Journal 6/6/14; and has a picture of HolloWAY; but on the internet the article is titled:
"County fairs at center of debate over sales tax exemption "
and the picture taken by ANDREW Dye is of the county fair;
which is still code conncected to guy who wears blue clothes that wanted to date me;
6. And incase the locals missed all of the codes that "STEVE" [whiteheart] is suppose to be the mindset that is lifted up after Maya Angelou died; then the big picture of the old white male Henry W. HARRIS[code name] makes it plain through the picture in the hardcopy of the Winston-Salem Journal where the girls are of color; but they are not of African American girls/but girls mixed with white[hair is a clue];[which could not locate the picture on the Winston-Salem Journal website/only pictures of Henry W. HARRIS;
"Mount Airy man among B-17 crew who participated in D-Day 70 years ago today";by JOHN HINTon;

could only find picture of white male, Henry W. HARRIS
7. the Winston-Salem Journal Article:
"Security concerns force adjustments" with Michelle Obama and Lee Ann Womack pictures in the upper right corner of the first article:Maya Angelou
which they don't have any pictures on the WSJournal webpage; bye Angeou:
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