Came to the Carver Road Branch Library this morning[lights turned off last week]=SHEY[like shay's rebellion-working] and white male sitting on Massie Woodruff Forsyth Tech steps; I was the first person at the CRB library=Shey opened the door and I did not go in=because he wanted to go through the door behind me [While at Winston-Salem State Univeristy=white males would almost knock other people that were walking behind me down trying to go through the door after I went through the door=did complain to the WSSU administration/authorities=tricked me into going into the captain of security at WSSU office[they told me I had an appointment with Dean Sutton-then told me to go to Mr. Sutton's office [who turned out to be Captain Sutton]-which is where Captian Sutton took his weapon out and placed on a book while emphasizing various topics[first intimidation done with a weapon]-he knew he was to have a meeting with me=while I was trying to understand why was I having a meeting with the captain of WSSU's security=hindsight=ANSWER=SECRET EDUCATION of African Americans who do not obey white males instructions in African American community];
After white male did not go through the door after me=next hispanics went through door; I was intentionally standing waiting for white male to go through the door=he did not; he stood waiting for me to go through the door; so I walked off; then white male stood for about two to five minutes; finally he went into the library; I waited a five minutes more and then went into the library; and I went through the exit door on the inside corridor to the library; as soon as I shute the door-who quickly comes out of the men's restroom and catches the door as it is closing but the same white male; so I quickly turned and went back and caught the door and went back out of the door;[Shey on the CRB desk being fully aware of who the white male is; and also being fully aware of her name and how white males use her=making her an African American female prostitute working for males of the larger society;
Speaking of Shey's Rebellion=female Shirely[prostitute working for white male]owner of house that she lives in=getting ready to put a roof on the house=the cars/color cars have all been rearranged by Gwendolyn Gwyns' son/family to communicate to the other people working in secret that work for white males weather they can ATTACK me or not=CODE=COMMUNICATION=depending on the placement of the cars and colars=weather they can get away with ATTACKING me=weather they have backup from downtown;
CONFIRMATION="WE SERVE A MIGHTY GOD"=[sign on the marquee at the church on the corner of Carver and Butterfield]=PAULA BACK=Paula dean on television with her son=or system has attacked guy who wants to date me so badly=he yielded back to African American female Paula who is a prostitute working for males of the larger society=
Usually there are TWO people who work at CRB library on Saturdays=right now ONLY SHEY is working-CODE=COMMUNICATION to MELISSA WILLIAMS [dirt. of Carver Road Branch Library] that there Shey's rebellion is most prevelent;
When went to get help again from Crisis Control ministry=the answer=you don't have income=you don't get no help=HISAPANIC-who went to CYNTHIA FEARRINGton;
Pictures from the local sports paper for African American YOUTH;
WhitLOCK=code=WHITE LOCK= white male system lock out the African American female from the African American male;= message to African Americans male/female/coaches[have a lot of impact on an African American male mindset]to direct young African American male youth towards African American females [young and old] who are prostitutes for and work for white males and white males agenda; And being that ONLY African Americans who work for white males are allowed to access the resources in the local white community[who control the resources], most children will want to go where the toys, vacations, good stuff is[who control the resources];
Which brings me to the fact that when I planted a garden-it was attacked=AIRPLANES from the Smith Rynolds Airport -flew over head EVERY TIME I went out into the GARDEN=EVERYTIME-they did not miss not one time=which means that they had to have a camera somewhere; NOW the people who live at
--13[THIRTEEN] put a GARDEN in their yard-pretty decent size-and NOT ONE AIRPLANE has flown over when they are in their GARDEN=? WHY NOT=could it be because they are working for white males=? so the white males don't intimidate them or spray stuff so their garden won't grow=?;
Which brings me to the AIR SHOW at the SMITH REYNOLDS AIRPORT=which the entire show =code=COMMUNICATION=to WHITE MALES what they can and can't do in and to the local African American communicty surrounding the SMITH REYNOLDS AIRPORT=

ART Bevins[sp]COACH over ALL the African American male YOUTH teams in the northside area=gurantees that there will be a SINGLE direction that African American male youth will have-look to an up to COACH ART;
CONFIRMATION=of Preparation by local [?] to prepare an entire community of African American female prostitutes working for white males to ATTACK regular African Americans [male/female/boy/girl is in the Winston-Salem Journal HEADlines=[Winston-Salem Journal and Wall Street Journal=have the same initials=WSJ]=EXPANDING the ARTS=[key words-EXPANDING and ARTS];
EXPANDING WHAT?=the ARTS=maintaining and raising up the ideology,concept,lifestyle where white males control the minds/mindsets of African American male youth;which includes ATTACKING any and all African Americans [male/female/boy/girl] who do not line up with; do as they are told by white males or African Americans prostitutes working for white males; and
CONFIRMATION=ALL other African American male youth=are to be directed to [lifestyle associated with jails and prisons]=where white males are guaranteed to make money off of them=because the African American male youth will be/already has been targeted to be harassed, intimidated and threaten with those who are suppose to stop those who do the threating/harssing being paid=reward their family members gets special privilege in white society=to turn their heads:
New CHIEF MAGISTRATE POSITION-[created specifically for/to operate a system to make MONEY off of African American male[s]= the judges same will be ReING GOLD=code=a RING to make GOLD[money]; and being that in approx 1991[gave earline parmon,D-Forsyth a copy of a research report concerning why ONLY African Americans were living in projects][think that was my first encounter with white males=everywhere I went to local community/board meetings=there was always a white male who would speak right before or after I did-like they were telling the people on the board ahead of time-what was going on; who the white males view of me was:

Website [ ] had BIG picture of Judge ReING GOLD and a picture of a little African American boy under his picture and the article=code=COMMUNICATION- WHITE MALES make MONEY off of African American boys in/through the JUDICIAL system:
The picture of the African American boy [Bluecross/Blueshield ad] will not allow the picture to be copied=?
but the website is[];
ART Bevins[sp] ALREADY is in place to ensure that the African American male youth[who think they are going to be somebody] do as they are told IF they want the rewards offered ONLY through the WHITE MALE SYSTEM=why the WHITE MALES at/through SAM'S CLUB communicated that if an African American female not working for white males obtain HONEST work=means the bastards can't make any money because then African American boys/girls would have a way out of the system designed to entrap them in illegal/immoral activity;
Maybe I got SHEY working=Shay's Rebellion all wrong=right now at least 2/3 of the people at Carver Road Branch Library are WHITE=first TWO WHITE MALES came in sat in corner chairs; then out of nowhere-a whole wod of white people=?=maybe that is the Chay's rebellion=white people taking over Carver Road School area=?;
They are ALL very aware of the fact of an African American female sitting basically in the midddle of the library=typing on a computer=but SHAY=African American female prostitute working for white males ALWAYS has a following=a GROUP=they work in GROUPS= NO COINCIDENCE; and one white couple-the female has on a NOVANT HEALTH shirt[ROYAL PURPLE[like the theme color for the NATIONAL BLACK THEATER FESTIVAL-where the head person's husband started]=?
While searching for Sept.20,2013 article= located:];
Arts United executive director takes N. Carolina job";
that stated" Executive Director Jim Sparrow has accepted the position of president and CEO of the Arts Council of Winston-Salem & Forsyth County in North Carolina effective September 20, 2013" [that there is a NEW ART driector]=SPARROW=code=CHURCH SONG= his [meaning God's eye is on the SPARROW]=CODE TO WHITE MALES=that white males watching the African American churches more closely;
Being that could not locate the article on the internet under WSJournal; took picture and posted of article:=Front Page of the Winston-Salem Journal, September 20,2013; The other picture witht he article is a picture of a GROUP and only ONE [what looks like] AFRICAN AMERICAN FEMALE;
But did locate article : "
"Hanes earns recognition as top magnet school in nation"
which is also an article connected to Arika HERron- Hanes Middle School is a school located in the African American neighborhood off of PATTERSON Ave.-it is where there are HOUSED white gifted students[lot of males] in the middle of an African American population; the white students do NOT intermingle with the regular African American children; they are not allowed to: went to the school as a substitute teacher and was shocked that in the middle of all the lack and poverty in the community there were these well off white children being given an EXCELLENT education while African American children were being denied to basic skills to read and write=THUS some kind of a way those white children are being placed in a position to help thier white daddy's STEAL the good heritiage that should to go to African American culture;CONFIRMATION: check the enrollment at Hanes Middle School in Winston-Salem, N. C. and compare it to the enrollment of other middle schools and you will find that the WHITE children at African American schools did QUITE well; whereas the African American children will be directed to JUDGE RING GOLDdd;=may every dollar made off an African American child who was intentionally denied access to the basic necessitites of life because of the color of their skin[and that is the bottom line]=lead to the death of the person/people who are operating the system of CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION= [white males designed system to transform the good of African Americans into bad IF they do not serve white males=SLAVERY];
Lowrance elementary and Hanes Middle School[both around the corner from Hanes hosiery Recreation Center[where ART Blevins is the COACH]-where people/children go that don't have a lot of money] MUST BE where the neighborhood where the African American boys are to come from;
And why don't they have a NEWSPAPER telling what little white boys are doing in SPORTS=?;
[HANES HOSIERY RECREATION CENTER AND HANES MIDDLE SCHOOL are both operated by WINSTON-SALEM CITY and FORYSTH COUNTY=it is not the gov.=it is who is working in the positions that use their positions to rob from African Americans-as someone said=FOLLOW THE MONEY;
Statement as issued Friday by the Arts United’s board of directors:
Fort Wayne, Indiana, August 9, 2013: Arts United’s board of directors announced today that Executive Director Jim Sparrow has accepted the position of president and CEO of the Arts Council of Winston-Salem & Forsyth County in North Carolina effective September 20, 2013.
Mr. Sparrow has served as the executive director of Arts United of Greater Fort Wayne in northeast Indiana since 2006, and has been a part of the Arts United staff since 1998. Before becoming executive director, Sparrow served as director of development and education specialist.
In his 15 years of service to Arts United, Mr. Sparrow has played a crucial role in supporting more than 70 partnering arts and cultural organizations and facilitating arts-based community development initiatives such as the Fort Wayne Cultural District, Elevate Fort Wayne, IPFW Sculpture with Purpose, and the Indiana Arts Commission Regional Arts Partnership. During Mr. Sparrow’s tenure as executive director, Arts United has expanded grant opportunities to arts organizations, expanded the Arts Campus to include the Auer Center for Arts & Culture and the forthcoming ArtsLab black box theater, and deepened the level of business support services offered to arts organizations.
In addition to his leadership of Arts United, Mr. Sparrow has served as a board member of several Fort Wayne-based organizations including Leadership Fort Wayne, Downtown Improvement District, Early Childhood Alliance, Downtown Development Committee for the Fort Wayne-Allen County Economic Development Alliance (now a part of Greater Fort Wayne, Inc.), and the Fort Wayne Community Schools Foundation Board. After his departure from Fort Wayne, Mr. Sparrow will continue to serve on the Americans for the Arts Private Sector Giving Board.
“Jim has been an amazing asset to both Arts United and our community,” said Andrew Boxberger, Arts United’s board chair. “His vision and efforts have helped Arts United grow and expand our impact in the city, county and region. Thanks to Jim we are poised to continue with our vision of becoming a truly identifiable arts community. “
“It has been one of the most rewarding parts of my life to serve this community and to work with such outstanding arts groups and community volunteers. I know that the community is positioned for continued growth and success and am proud to have played even a small role in it over the years,” said Mr. Sparrow.
Determined to build in Mr. Sparrow’s successes, the Arts United Board of Directors will launch an extensive search that will likely include applications from both local and national candidates. More information about the search will be released in the coming weeks.
Established in 1955, Arts United’s mission is to develop, coordinate and support arts and cultural efforts in northeast Indiana. To learn more about arts United, visit
New state law establishes chief magistrate position for Forsyth County
For the past 14 years, C. John Phillips has been the unofficial chief magistrate, but he had no real authority under state law.
That changed on Thursday, when he was sworn into office as chief magistrate by Sen. Earline Parmon, D-Forsyth, who, along with Sen. Pete Brunstetter, R-Forsyth, sponsored a bill that gave Chief District judges throughout North Carolina the authority to designate a chief magistrate.“I’m glad we’re able to make it official,” Chief District Judge William Reingold said during the small swearing-in ceremony at his office in the Forsyth County Hall of Justice.
In North Carolina, magistrates are nominated by the clerk of superior court and appointed to initial two-year terms by the senior resident superior court judge. Chief district judges supervise magistrates.
Phillips said Forsyth County now has 18 magistrates working in the civil and criminal divisions. Reingold unofficially designated Phillips as chief magistrate in 1999. As chief magistrate, Phillips said he has helped develop training for magistrates and create policy and procedures for the criminal division, among other things.
Reingold said that magistrates conduct hearings and initiate a process for every criminal action that happens in Forsyth County, and small claims magistrates hear 15,000 to 16,000 cases a year.
“For any Chief Judge to effectively supervise such an organization while being responsible for the rest of the District Court is a practical impossibility,” Reingold said later Thursday in an e-mail.
He said the legislation is important because magistrates who have been serving as delegated supervisors under chief district judges deserve recognition and compensation for the work they do.
Parmon said that the new legislation would benefit both urban judicial districts such as Forsyth and smaller judicial districts.
“I want to thank you for having the vision,” she told Reingold and Phillips Thursday
The Winston-Salem Journal Saturday paper=
Winston Salem Air Show
- Visit website
- Repeats every year on the 3rd Saturday of September until Sunday, September 22, 2013, all day.
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