First time at Carver Road Branch Library since 8/8/13= NEW female=looks like African American female=TOO professional compared to the other regular employees?[what] at reference desk=nobody else in sight as an employee of WSFC libraries; got on research computer; after about fifteen minutes= MELISSA WILLIAMS-African American female who works for white males for a dick-director came and put up books;=VANESSA DAVIS GRIGGS[practicing what you preach], Dwane S.Joseph-Betrayal, my son's ex-wife-the aftermath [sheila e. lipsey],E.N.Joy[the perfect christian]; the books were put on 1Aand B row=which is right in front of the research computer;
Melissa Williams also has up "When Helping Hurts"[author]=harassment;
Approx. 4:45-Security guard L. Cooper-just came by[FIRST TIME] [to my left side [while on research computer];
and asked me how I was doing[nice nasty manner]=because his superiors told him that if he puts me out of the Carver Road Branch Library-he can't put me off of the Mazzie Woodruff Forsyth Tech Campus; and don't think he likes that-he had one of those nice, nice, nasty grins-like didn't get you this time; but will get you;
The house where the Royal blue souped up car that had DUKE on the front of the car that use to be parked at Corner of Carver Road and Butterfield in the process of being gutted out/RE-modeled-to communicate to ex-Charles Mccrae-the other one- that white boys is working on it[blocking me from living a life that is not control by the white god];the working on the house on the corner of Carver Road and Butterfield is to communicate to believe in the white God-confirmation=Syborg-dvd movie=scene=where there is a shot of a white male then camera goes to the word GOD[think with blue/onin shot] and lingers on the word GOD for a long time-to communicate the message that white males think their system is GOD;
CONFIRMATION= church across the street from the house where the Royal blue souped up car that had DUKE on the front of the car used to parked has on its marquee[Presypaterian][sp] a question-"Do you believe in GOD"-meaning the white God can interfere and stop relationship;stop African American female/male marriage that white males don't control;stop any African American male or female who will not be a slave to white males=haven't the white males that control the Carver Road School area already proved that they have the inside connections to all the right crooks to make it [whatever it may be] happen?;
Other CONFIRMATION= on the front door of the Carver Road Branch library=statement=come to the DIVORCE class-which has a picture of wedding rings in the middle of the statement=thus Thanking the Devine God for the divorces of all the African American female prostitutes and the johns that they have made out of African American mean and Thanking God for sending the African American men to wife that the Devine God selected for the African American male;
Approx. 5:03 pm.- African Her[bert]man walked past me on my left side[while on research computer];
Computer at Carver Road Branch Library will not allow me to sign off of blog=?=harassment;

Picture of one of two blue cars parked on corner of 6th and liberty street-winston-salem, nc.-the light blue sign on the right bumper says TWIN;[july,2013];

The three to four cars parked down the street on 5th and liberty street -across from the WSTA bus station=the last blue small SUV had [on the right side of the bumper in the same place as the word TWIN on the royal blue SUV]the word "marine";
[in picture[white male] in far left corner with a spray container on his back][was hiding face];
Ray's pest control-parked at TURNER house-where the mother was just killed; the father is in the process of being killed now;
E. Wayne PATTERSON-NAACP president-also a authority officier-who came to call to ask Gwyndoln gwyns son to not harass or threaten me when putting the mailbox back up=I got the opposite=Patterson is probably best buddies with 'gwyns' and the son who works as an authority officer;

After informed the informant dad who supplied the sperm for the twins that there were two=to communicate to the rest of the people=Gwyns removed the RED VW and put a car[black] under a car over and parked in the place of the RED VW;[over weekend-lot of talk about RED LINE by the current re-elected? head administration of the United States];

This is a picuture of the usual color of the dumpsters in the African American community since my elementary days;

After I met guy who wants to date me-Crisis control-where Cynthia FEARrington is in charge and Cynthia is in charge of the food-Crisis control got a NEW dumpster-Royal Blue; the green dumpster is first dumpster that was at Crisis control; the Royal Blue dumpster is suppose to be code concerning secret system design by city for the color royal blue;
Beside the Gwyns house is a fire hydrant that is painted royal blue on top and red in the front=which are gang colors=control and creation of gangs [working for authority?]=is through authority=?;
WSTA route 23 was moved to C1=suppose to represent birth and belongs to cynthia=anything I overcome through their harassment system;
Picture[turned sideways] at the entrance to K&W cafateria; the picture is of the first opening of K&W cafateria=TWO white males and TWO African American males=the most interesting thing=the
butchering knive-what a picture to put at the entrance of a restuarant=knive=sharpness=not welcome;
Picture taken on a TWO day-documented where TWO white people sitting across the street from the WSTA bus station-African Americans not allowed to sit at the Pavillion and are harassed if they sit at the Pavillion;
Front page article-after the father that supplied the sperm for the twins communicated to some people; the following Sunday the article to communicate to their group=daughter and mother both not desiring to participate in illegal activity; the article,"Both have the passion" was on the front page of the Winston-Salem Journal Newspaper
Article about somebody dieing-code to locals=?[documented article and page# from the Winston-Salem Journal-was in the same paper as the article-"Both have the passion";
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