Women Leading Breadwinners in 40 Percent of Households=sent information to United States Supreme Court about fact that SAM's club intimidation and to consider that millions of females were being intimidated into serving in a manner other than as paid employee position on file.
WHY is it that EVERYBODY in the media that is talking about being targeted for harassment is only
WHITE?=may God so fix it so that for every white person that talks about their being targeted for
harassment [that is a part of the front system]that God allow the harassment to be a trillion times more because the REAL ISSUE is suppose to be discussed in/by the African American community where African Americans are targeted by white males; The harassment issue is an African American issue which white males are hiding from the public and putting in white male society[hopefully it will do exactly to the white people[participating in harassing African Americans]what was/has/is being done to African Americans[not working for white males]. White males are paying African American bastards [male and female] to target innoncent African Americans- it is called ethnic intimidation. The subject that is suppose to be before the media and the public is ETHNIC INTIMIDATION: AND rush limbough, chaun hannity, glenn beck all KNOW it; all the issues before the news-harassment, abuse, psychologicial abuse, being targeted are issues on this blog.
ALL WHITE males:
Took TWO days [April/May 2013]to cut limbs off of tree=harassment
Workers for DUKE energy=left trash/ limbs on sidewalk; had to clear path for myself and put all the tree limbs that were in the yard on the curb, so they wouldn't have to come back in the yard.[didn't do any good=white male still walked up to the porch anyway [form of harassment]=all the tree limbs were on the curve.
Big as truck is; when I asked for a work order number; write information on piece of paper so I could call and get a work order number white male=don't have any paper;
When called duke energy EVERY customer service REP=would NOT let me talk to a supervisor; kept telling me they could call me back[control]; but that I couldn't call in and talk to the supervisor.
It's like somebody said = it is like the elephants in the room; you can't miss them, white males harassing, intimidating African American females I mean [and to put a foreigner in the mix every now and then is a JOKE].
Even if I don't leave the house; white males find a way so that they are seen; every day= why the g-n issue was so prevelent; because if female[s] have g-ns; that means they have backup and white males may not be so inclined to try and intimidate; being that the African American male is targeted[that is who really should be in the NEWS-the African American male who everybody KNOWS;white and black that the African American male is/has always been a target] of white white males.
BUT being that there are NOT any REAL African American newspeople/stations[Al sharpton-work for white males-to stay alive[why he married a WHITE woman]; herman cain[work for white white males]=why he was allowed to have a radio show.
EVEN with the harassment in the news; television/radio/and newspaper can't seem to find a place where an African American female harassed by white males has an issue let alone a story=?
At the crb library; tired to use the scanner to send north carolina authorities documents to verify the harassment from gwyns and those connected tot he gwyns in carver road area. people at work=
paula and alisha[like keys]; and sharlene[breanna left when I was walking up to the library=?-close to 2:00 pm.=code=can't have nothing out of the white males system unless dumb ass paula[who can't read,think is the dam leader and everybody do what she says; I say kill the dam prostitute paula and lhopefully all your dam white ass daughters have to be prostitutes before they are allowed any type of propserty or life;
CONFIRMATION of concept=have to be a prostitute to live or else die=DVD BUNRAKU=weird movie=BUT with various messages that current society is using; scene 7-8 where asian female is taken
hostage and females are fixing her up as a prostitute; when one of the females tells her to stop fighting her; isn't it better to be alive [as a prostitute] than dead.
And sure enough in the national news today:=to put females;women in right mindset-to REMIND them=that they are working[for white males]=and they don't have a MAN to defend them; the vast majority of the 40% of women; especially African American are controlled/prostitutes and can keep and maintain a JOB as long as they do what white males tell them to do. [http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/05/29/pew-study-shows-women-leading-breadwinners-in-40-percent-of-households.html]Gwyns females would fit in that category=working=no man or in acutality a prostitute allowed a john by their pims[white males].
"Pew Study Shows Women Leading Breadwinners in 40 Percent of Households"

African American females not working for white males targeted for harassment, intimidation=that is the other issue that should be in the main stream media=[which male in the house that is white knows];And it is not just the single females; the married[especially the married females fall into the same category; the men have to wait for the females to bring home the money.
Which this morning=NEW African American female prostitute driver on the WSTA=last time there was a NEW African American female prostitute driver on the WSTA; they paid her to harass me; then promoted her to be an authority[carrying a weapon];
Heard on radio [980 am or 94.5 fm] that man in house that is white is in the process of making changes so that ROBERT [--ll-r] is being dismissed and that a JAMES comey is taking his place who would be in charge of the monkeys[based upon white males concept of African Americans in the mainstream of the
white society]=may the Divine God so fix it so that the innocent African Americans KNOW that white males consider them to be no more than a monkey, dog,etc., but not human and hopefully the Divine God will show African Americans how to be acknowledged by white malese as being human.
One of the ways that a person is considered human is that when someone kills their family members; they seek the so called JUST us; mean justice system]. In fact that is what white male system is doing=African Americans trying to survive and white male system[highly organized and approved]=taking them out by the community[s]; and they have no one to go to.
Do KNOW the phase is associated with JAMES and a PATTERSON coming out of the house that is white.
Authority [African American male]=name PATTERSON=first time seen an African American male authority in at least seven years=probably trained in ethnic intimidation;2nd authority =white male=HARRISON[same name associated with 36 years of harassment of CW];

To CONFIRM harassment=CW MEDICAL=at house on corner=TURNER=code=CW MEDICAL van sent to turner household as form of harassment; white male driver; white bastards killed CW through medicine AFTER they set him up and stole decades from his life[not that he was an angel]; BUT neither are they angels in the current re-elected?head of the Unidted States Administration=see how many of the thousands of employees win the privilege of being put in confinement and even if they do=get some type of time in confinement;BET the loopholes allow for time served JUST because they white=which means they may get a dam day.
Like I said=don't think GOD like African Americans;black people;the Divine God does; but not man God=????; guess everybody has to wait until the Divine God shows up=which will probably be very nasty= because it is better that a millstone be hung around a persons neck that to offend one of the Divine God's little ones; and I am one of the Divine God's little one AND am VERY OFFENDED. Nobody should have to spend a lifetime looking for a plain simple job with benefits; thus prayer is that the Divine God so fix it that all those with jobs are blessed[that what the bible says do];But that the Divine God show man God the result of offended one of the Divine God's little ones=me.
And this morning on the local news stations=TWO females robbed at g-n point by African American male=one on CHURCH st; the other on WOODside in ?, N. C.=and this morning
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