WHY is it that EVERYBODY in the media that is talking about being targeted for harassment is only
WHITE?=may God so fix it so that for every white person that talks about their being targeted for
harassment [that is a part of the front system]that God allow the harassment to be a trillion times more because the REAL ISSUE is suppose to be discussed in/by the African American community where African Americans are targeted by white males; The harassment issue is an African American issue which white males are hiding from the public and putting in white male society[hopefully it will do exactly to the white people[participating in harassing African Americans]what was/has/is being done to African Americans[not working for white males]. White males are paying African American bastards [male and female] to target innoncent African Americans- it is called ethnic intimidation. The subject that is suppose to be before the media and the public is ETHNIC INTIMIDATION: AND rush limbough, chaun hannity, glenn beck all KNOW it; all the issues before the news-harassment, abuse, psychologicial abuse, being targeted are issues on this blog.
ALL WHITE males:
Took TWO days [April/May 2013]to cut limbs off of tree=harassment
Workers for DUKE energy=left trash/ limbs on sidewalk; had to clear path for myself and put all the tree limbs that were in the yard on the curb, so they wouldn't have to come back in the yard.[didn't do any good=white male still walked up to the porch anyway [form of harassment]=all the tree limbs were on the curve.
Big as truck is; when I asked for a work order number; write information on piece of paper so I could call and get a work order number white male=don't have any paper;
When called duke energy EVERY customer service REP=would NOT let me talk to a supervisor; kept telling me they could call me back[control]; but that I couldn't call in and talk to the supervisor.
Even if I don't leave the house; white males find a way so that they are seen; every day= why the g-n issue was so prevelent; because if female[s] have g-ns; that means they have backup and white males may not be so inclined to try and intimidate; being that the African American male is targeted[that is who really should be in the NEWS-the African American male who everybody KNOWS;white and black that the African American male is/has always been a target] of white white males.
BUT being that there are NOT any REAL African American newspeople/stations[Al sharpton-work for white males-to stay alive[why he married a WHITE woman]; herman cain[work for white white males]=why he was allowed to have a radio show.
EVEN with the harassment in the news; television/radio/and newspaper can't seem to find a place where an African American female harassed by white males has an issue let alone a story=?
At the crb library; tired to use the scanner to send north carolina authorities documents to verify the harassment from gwyns and those connected tot he gwyns in carver road area. people at work=
paula and alisha[like keys]; and sharlene[breanna left when I was walking up to the library=?-close to 2:00 pm.=code=can't have nothing out of the white males system unless dumb ass paula[who can't read,think is the dam leader and everybody do what she says; I say kill the dam prostitute paula and lhopefully all your dam white ass daughters have to be prostitutes before they are allowed any type of propserty or life;
CONFIRMATION of concept=have to be a prostitute to live or else die=DVD BUNRAKU=weird movie=BUT with various messages that current society is using; scene 7-8 where asian female is taken
hostage and females are fixing her up as a prostitute; when one of the females tells her to stop fighting her; isn't it better to be alive [as a prostitute] than dead.
And sure enough in the national news today:=to put females;women in right mindset-to REMIND them=that they are working=and they don't have a MAN to defend them; the vast majority of the 40% of women; especially African American are controlled/prostitutes and can keep and maintain a JOB as long as they do what white males tell them to do. [http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/05/29/pew-study-shows-women-leading-breadwinners-in-40-percent-of-households.html]
"Pew Study Shows Women Leading Breadwinners in 40 Percent of Households"

African American females not working for white males targeted for harassment, intimidation=that is the other issue that should be in the main stream media=[which male in the house that is white knows];
Which this morning=NEW African American female prostitute driver on the WSTA=last time there was a NEW African American female prostitute driver on the WSTA; they paid her to harass me; then promoted her to be an authority[carrying a weapon];
Heard on radio [980 am or 94.5 fm] that man in house that is white is in the process of making changes so that ROBERT [--ll-r] is being dismissed and that a JAMES comey is taking his place who would be in charge of the monkeys[based upon white males concept of African Americans in the mainstream of the
white society]=may the Divine God so fix it so that the innocent African Americans KNOW that white males consider them to be no more than a monkey, dog,etc., but not human and hopefully the Divine God will show African Americans how to be acknowledged by white malese as being human.
One of the ways that a person is considered human is that when someone kills their family members; they seek the so called JUST us; mean justice system]. In fact that is what white male system is doing=African Americans trying to survive and white male system[highly organized and approved]=taking them out by the community[s]; and they have no one to go to.
Do KNOW the phase is associated with JAMES and a PATTERSON coming out of the house that is white.
Authority [African American male]=name PATTERSON=first time seen an African American male authority in at least seven years=probably trained in ethnic intimidation;2nd authority =white male=HARRISON[same name associated with 36 years of harassment of CW];

To CONFIRM harassment=CW MEDICAL=at house on corner=TURNER=code=CW MEDICAL van sent to turner household as form of harassment; white male driver; white bastards killed CW through medicine AFTER they set him up and stole decades from his life[not that he was an angel]; BUT neither are they angels in the current re-elected?head of the Unidted States Administration=see how many of the thousands of employees win the privilege of being put in confinement and even if they do=get some type of time in confinement;BET the loopholes allow for time served JUST because they white=which means they may get a dam day.
Like I said=don't think GOD like African Americans;black people;the Divine God does; but not man God=????; guess everybody has to wait until the Divine God shows up=which will probably be very nasty= because it is better that a millstone be hung around a persons neck that to offend one of the Divine God's little ones; and I am one of the Divine God's little one AND am VERY OFFENDED. Nobody should have to spend a lifetime looking for a plain simple job with benefits; thus prayer is that the Divine God so fix it that all those with jobs are blessed[that what the bible says do];But that the Divine God show man God the result of offended one of the Divine God's little ones=me.
At 11:42 AM CALLED 7737700-WS AUTHORIES; ASKED FOR PERSON TO COME AND TELL THE GUY AT gWYNS THAT I HAVE A RIGHT TO PUT MAILBOX BACK UP; that African American male postal supervisor [--st-r] told me on 5/23/13 to put mailbox back up on 5/24/13 or they would not deliver any more mail. African American authority male[first one that I have seen in person for almost seven years][all the rest almost three/four times a day have been white males of authority][and it is not a coinicidence that that sent a black male authority=means person can't yell discrimination when person is denied rights-also system of ethnic intimidation]; Authority with the same name as the radio announcer who works with BILL flynn on 980 am radio [http://www.eagle980.com/]smith Patterson [everything associated with PATTERSON in the African American community is negative; from one end of Patterson ave [near University] to the other end on Patterson and liberty street; at Patterson and MLK where ethnic intimidations process starts: through Goler[where NEW pastor is named BANKS=all those helping with ethnic intimidation get paid] who help to set up TRUliant Credit Union; everything else after that from Patterson and MLK to Patters and 2nd or 3rd have been taken over by white male system=with BIOtechnology lab[means they experimenting on African americans on Patterson ave. to figure out how to make them obey white males orders]being the largest co. EXCEPT for PET co. that makes ice cream, milk, etc.; which is symbolic of PET like a dog= all who are not working with white males and are their pet are put in category to be used as experiment; there are no inbetweens.
"Pew Study Shows Women Leading Breadwinners in 40 Percent of Households
The phenomenon of women bringing home the bacon is nothing new. But a new study shows that women are now the leading – or only -- breadwinners in 40 percent of American households.
by Amy Langfield
Women earn more than men in almost a quarter of U.S. households, a huge leap from 50 years ago, when only a handful of women brought home more income, according to a study released Wednesday by the Pew Research Center.
Women are now the leading or solo breadwinners in 40 percent of households, compared with just 11 percent in 1960, according to Census Bureau data analyzed by Pew.
That's both good and bad, depending which part of the ladder you're on: At the top, educated women are catching up with men in the workforce, but on the bottom rungs are more single moms than ever—most of them living near the poverty line.
"It's a long-term trend since the '60s that the breadwinner moms have gone up," said Wendy Wang, a Pew research associate and the lead author of the report.
Seventy-one percent of husbands are working in households where women make more money than their spouses, and they have a median family income of $80,000, according to 2011 data.
In 1960, only 4 percent of women made more than their husbands; it's now 23 percent. That translates into 5.1 million married "breadwinner moms." Of those making more than their husbands, 49 percent have at least a college degree, 65 percent are white and 67 percent are between the ages of 30 and 50.
Women, who for generations were not in the workforce in the same numbers as men, are still catching up. The Pew study noted that despite the fact that women are now equally or better educated than their husbands, most men still earn more than their spouses.
While Oprah Winfrey and Marissa Meyer are often mentioned as high-profile examples of that trend, the other end of the economic spectrum is driving the numbers.
The other part of the female breadwinner equation focuses on the steep rise in unwed mothers. In 1960, only 5 percent of women with children were unmarried. In 2010, that number had increased to 41 percent, according to research from the National Center for Health Statistics cited in the Pew report. The median income for a single mother who has never been married was $17,400 as of 2011. That can include income from a job, child support and government assistance.
In 1960, only 4 percent of women made more than their husbands; it's now 23 percent. That translates into 5.1 million married "breadwinner moms."
Of the never-married mothers, 49 percent have a high school education or less, and 46 percent are 30 or younger; 40 percent were black, 24 percent Hispanic and 32 percent white.
The Pew survey also gauged opinion on more women becoming the primary breadwinner."The public is really conflicted about the trend," Wang said.
Overall, survey respondents liked the economic benefits to their families but also worried that work might take a toll on their children and marriages. About 67 percent said the change made it easier for families to earn enough money to live comfortably; about 28 percent said it was harder for families to earn enough, and 2 percent said it made no difference, according to Pew."
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