On the way to CSR branch library on WSTA city bus=car #1150 or 1250[?] =? BUT when get to library= PAULA working at front desK=[spirit representation]=?
On 11/18/12 went to Carver Road Christian Church [had OLD FASHION TEA]=no Victor[victory]sunday school teacher]because of surgery=who is suppose to be getting married next month=means he is working for them=they don't let any male get married=unless working for them or the female=hope the marriage ends up like the ones males of the larger society broke up=Victor's real wife=who didn't know to be a prostitute for males of the larger society; So in Sunday School was [W. E.] johnson, minister Moore, and Socialpeacest= code designed by church= no Murder=don't kill W.E. and MOORE of Socialpeacest life=constant harassment; To confirm= EK Givens had great granddaughter VICTORY on the pulpit with her to communicate to authorities that they are not for Socialpeacest victory but for the Victory of GIV[ing]ENS [turning their back on anything that authorities want to do to SOCIALPEACEST]; confirmation csar #1250/1150 when Socialpeacest was on WSTA to Caraver Road Library; [Socialpeacest walked out];
The old fashion tea=also used to communciate to authorities that CRCC is in agreement with whatever authorities want to do like the old way=you know like the 3k's;etc..
Now confirmation =The New York Amsterdam News front page of the current RE-elected? administration of the United States and their family=with the word VICTORY=[who appear happy; but they appear in great distress as if the VICTORY is really not a VICTORY; code=from Carver Road Christian Church [no victor]and through picture in paper of current RE-elected? administration of the United States and their family [VICTORY]=African American[especially females] not allowed to have Victory only people with the appearance of being an AFrican American but who actually have a white heart [Whiteheart Goodyear Tire Co., Patterson Ave. Winston-Salem, North Carolina]
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All pictures from New York Amsterdam News hard copy;
Confirmation= Movie=Chronicle[2012];[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1706593/] where the three characters are:
1. STEVE [running for president][whiteheart in real life; owner of whiteheart goodyear tire co.];
2. Andrews [last name of the guy who wants to date me]
3. Mat[represents the situation][you know like something matted][that needs attention];
4. CASEy[female that Mat likes]
Andrews and Casey[female] both have cameras that record everything=? CASEy has a blog;
The movie: Chronicle=was made in 2012=lets you know how quick they can make movies:
In the movie the race of Steve and Andrews was turned around; [Steve was black in movie-in real life-Steve is white; Andrews in movie was white; in real life Andrews is black]; there is a scene in the movie=in which the statement is made Steve for President=meaning the whiteheart for president; and what does the current re-elected administration of the United States have =a white heart=he loved his mother=who was white; and he loved his grandparents who were white; whenever he got hurt or cried it was a white heart that saved him=should have been a Godly heart; but from a social prespective it was a white heart;
Movie,Chronicle=code=the CASE is that Andrew killed Steve[whiteheart]; then Mat [killed Andrew]=even if Andrew wins=Andrew loses because African Americans are not allowed to have VICTORY and mat [the case] will exist and be ongoing=no solution because males of the larger society do not allow African Americans to have their own [controlled] businesses=;
Confirmation=14th and Cameron=1. a store=beside an African American school in an African American community=hispanics just opened; 2. a store on the corner of Cameron and 12th Street= hispanics work in the store; 3. Store on the corner of Trade and North West Blvd an African American Community=owned by foreign people from overseas[down the street from the Salvation Army]=?mostly AFrican Americans go there for service ][white people get jobs]; did hear that a few stores were being opened by people who have black skin=but in acutality they are not working to promote wealth in the African American community=they are working to promote the wealth of males of the larger society=who they are working for=as a promise to take money OUT of African American community instead of put into the growth of the African American community.
[note] Go for it[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1307926/]=movie about a hispanic dancer=?name of CARMEN=[KC and Carmon show-Carmon's husband is hispanic=?] name of Logan[name of street of the African American female prostitute that work for males of the larger society [the twin was stolen to attract the male to the African American female prostitute that work for males of the larger society]=? ; and Vanessa Williams was a judge at the end of the movie-Carman was a dancer=?;Carver Road Brach library kept a picture up of Vanessa Williams for about a year=till socialpeacest contacted someone who called them,etc. about using media to intimidate a patron=?
[have tried to send ten pictures of current re-elected ? administration of the United States] to post= and will not go to email=?]
Picture finally got to email=
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Observe the real emotion;
All pictures from New York Amsterdam News hard copy;
Tango and Cash=movie]=[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1307926/]=who are athorities in the movie=BUT code=even though their skin color is white=in acutality they represent African Americans who are working as authorities to protect African American wealth and families=code is to tell authorities who are males of the larger society to set up and put African American authorites behind bars; than any African American [male/female] who wold defend[TANGO with males of the larger society to get their wealth]; that it is to be fixed so that after setting them up=to not allow them to come out of confinement; the Newspaper headlines in the movie=confirm and identify issues associated with African Americans tangoing[their wealth or cash]; Tango wanted to date [Kathy]=[name of white wife to socialpeacest's daddy's nephew]; INteresting=actors: 1. sylvestor Stallone; KURT[Curt-name of brother murdered]; Russell[name of local funeral home];Teri Hatcher[code for hatch=?]=local restruarant=name [Hatch];
Cobra-Movie [1986]=[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090859/]=Cobra [real name[MARION Colbretta]is an authority person in movie; trying to protect COVINGTON[name of chancellor of WSSU] who is portrayed as Caucasian female; Sarget that Cobra does not like is named "MONEY"; Cobra and Covington leave city in a black pickup=to protect Covington-[child=?]; Cobra and Covington are trailed by two authorities[male and female[both Caucasian][female was helping thugs][was part of secret group]; all stopped to get soemthing to eat=scene=view of "the CROSS[church] Road Motor [Court][like courthouse]; next scene is of Covington putting ketcup[like catch-up] on fries [churchs or court?]; next scene Covington asks Cobra where were they?-Corbra answer ="FAILURE" Town;
Scenes in the movie-Cobra-says in scence #1. "It is more than one killer; It is a GROUP" ; Cobra says in scene #2. "They got someone on the INSIDE."
Beginning of movie=scene= of one of killers on motorcycle going around corner and sign KING is in front of killer going around corner;
Interesting=scene-Cobra is standing beside Pepsi machine/ and a Coors beer display while the killer is on the other side of the store shooting at Cobra; then the killer yells-[while group of Caucasian customers in the store are hurdled in a group beside a freezer with a cross[?][like S-m's Club had me to stand beside before they killed my mama]"Way of the New World" to kill people=each time killer yelled that-the camera showed Pepsi and ?Coors display in store=?[possible code to use beer and soda to kill people=?]; list of actor names=code=name or part of mentioned on blog before.
Both the movie Cobra and Tango and Cash were together in DVD; Sylvester Stallone played lead role in both;
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