Posted on blog on 11/12/12
Today viewed blogged and on this computer=no pictures=so posting pictures again:
But first Bridget McCr-y's who lives at a dead end street [Logan l-ne]; but does not have dead end on the street=ALL the other streets that do not have an exit= have dead end=Butterfield and Oakride=is a dead end and the street sign says dead end; Oak ridge and John Hardin is a street that has no exit and it has dead end on the street sign:
Street [Logan l-ne] the Bridget McCr-y lives on is a street that has no exit
AND this is crucial=but does NOT have dead end written on the street=why because that is males of the larger society way of communicating to Bridget McCr-y that because she is a prostitute for males of the larger society= meaning that she treats African American male[s] the way that males of the larger society communicate to her to treat them= then Bridget McCr-y is not locked in a dead end in society because of the color of race =WHY son Brian got a job in city of Winston-Salem, North Carolina= at the prosperity center and they intimidated my child out of the state.
System=when African American females marry=males of the larger society=send prostitutes=African American females that work for males of the larger societythem to target the husband and treat the husband nice[=why males of the larger society target the wife for harassment[usually through children] for abuse=so that the wife is so stressed, not able to focus/communicate the abuse from males of larger society to husband who is being entertained by an undercover prostitute.
In the meantime=African American females/wifes that do figure it out and don't cooperate males of the larger society try and set them up to make money off of them in confinement.
Tyler Perry's movie about female D.A. who set female who guy she was dating loved; don't know name of movie. African American female wives being attacked and abused by males of the larger society while African American husbands are rewarded for turning to African American females who work for males of the larger society. When the African American male turns from his wife to the African American female prosititue working for males of the larger society=the males of the larger society=stop the pressure; harassment,etc. that is occuring in African American husbands life to communicate=that the African American's wife is wrong for him=if he wants some peace and any type of normal life; but the African American female prositute working for males of the larger society is a much better choice because then the African American male is rewarded instead of attacked.
Which includes=Donald H-ll,Therman Jord-n, Charles McCr-y, and Willie Andr-ws=systemWhich includes:
1.Paulette [Donald H-ll sister's name]
2. Paulette Moore[female use to date Willie],
3.Paula[female at the CSR library],
4.Paulette[Walter Marsha-ll's wife name],
5.Paula [daughter of major James Allison of Salvation Army][who was put at local Winston-Salem Salvation Army office after Major Davis helped me with getting foods, water,etc. when local WSSalvation Army on Trade St. denied me help because I did not have any [income][money][finances][?];speciality of Major James Allison=minister/finance];[also has daughter name Katrina=?]
With Willie Andr-ws=African American female was hired to specifically drive the WSTA[Winston-Salem Transit Authrity]bus route 13; had a thug put on back of bus when I went to resturant to eat [Willie approaced me first]to intimidate me if I attempted to respond to any type of harassment that she did
The bus drivers/supervisors are trained to commit specific types of abuses/harassments; why African American female was hired from upstate[why I know she was from upstate=because of her conversation with people riding the bus; when they ask where she was from].
Why doesn't Logan Lane have dead end on the street sign? [city post street signs=?; Paula works for CSR library [city or county];Paulette [sister of Donald H-ll]=works for Winston-Salem Chronicle=who ALWAYS says I have no strory;Paulette is the wife of Walter Marsh-ll[works for county or city];Paulette Moore income[disabilities comes from [state, county or city]; Major James Allison whose daughter is named Paula works for the Salvation Army in Winston-Salem who partners with those who put people in confinement[state,city,county][?];
Females Darlene Anderson and Debra Jordan [who tried to intimidate out of employment benefits if wanted to date Willie Andr-ws both work for Employment Security Commission=city, countyor state;
Robin [African American female][working for males of the larger society][city of Winston-Salem ]WSTA][Winston-Salem Transit Authority driving route 13=Robin=Robbery.]
Thus Two things=:
1.Picture of Deacon Murden at CRC church trying to intimidate me not to come to church while also communcating to authority that CRC church is in agreement with what his name represents: to the members of community and church=Murder.
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2. After posting of WJA's name= today at CRC branch library=William/HERman/BreANNA= not working for males of the larger society=no healthy male=confirmation on Winston-Salem Public Library webpage=MED-ALERT/medicare=BECAUSE African American males who have relationships with African American males not working for males of the larger society are ATTACKED in all ways, which causes health problems=when are people going to reverse the situation=God said regardless of what reason given for the attack=the same applies on the other side=99% of most African American males don't have a clue=that males of the larger society have a secret war going on against them= why current RE-elected=? person in adminstration of the United States is NOT an African American male=more specifically that he has the color of an African American=but not the mindset=his mindset is/ white=was raised by his family members all-Caucasians.
Thus Willie Andr-ws remains healthy as long as Paula the prostitute[taking instructions from males of the larger socity][which makes them pimps]concerning how to treat Willie Andr-ws.

For example: went to local Walmart to buy calcium supplements; about the second time=but the calcium that bought the first time=was not on shelf=HOWEVER= lot of calcium supplement from EQUATE=[right not have bruise on body=like when Forsyth Emergency room tried to force me to take three white pills where the side effects after I took half of one left a bruise about the size of a man's first on my right side]=?[changed the Equate health drink packaging]=Now a bruise on body that wasn't there before;
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The Calcium supplement that purchased the first time was Oscal with pink; above picture shows there is no Oscal in pink; rode the WSTA bus to Walmart=which takes approx and hour; and being that they know how much money/needs are can just about calculate what purchase will be[in other words=before or that day Oscal in pink was removed:
Movie: The Teminal=Scence:
The director of the Terminal[airport] asks his assistant="How much money does Victor make?" because the director wants to control "Victors life"=interestingly person who teaches sunday school is name Victor=who is one of the person who cued me that something wasn't right=Victor had education=was good person=good personality,etc. but could not get a job=he raised his children=?= him and his wife[marriage]who gave me the other cue: knew they loved each other but forces were seperating them [technique and system operated my males of the larger society]; In the movie "The Terminal"=Victor in the movie had just about the same type attitude of Victor the sunday school teacher=meaning he lived as a person with morals=just like the man in the movie-Victor decided to wait till he was allowed to leave the airport=was communicated to me=to follow Victor.
The above picture of the Calcium supplements [a lot of them which can't see are made by Equate]=[?]
And last but not least = males of the larger society killing of African American females and children who do not stay in order=do as African American female prositute[working for males of the larger society] say= thus has been communicated = stay BEHIND Bridget McCr-ay or sacrafice of my close relative= and I say= Bridget McCr-ay relative=she is the one working for males of the larger society=ought to be her punishment. My relatiave is innocent and the one that Bridget McCr-ay and her group stole[twin child] is also innoncent.
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