Thursday, May 30, 2013

Pew Study Shows Women Leading Breadwinners in 40 Percent of Households"


Women Leading Breadwinners in 40 Percent of Households=sent information to United States Supreme Court about fact that SAM's club intimidation and to consider that millions of females were being intimidated into serving in a manner other than as paid employee position on file.

WHY is it that EVERYBODY in the media that is talking about being targeted for harassment is only
WHITE?=may God so fix it so that for every white person that talks about their being targeted for
harassment [that is a part of the front system]that God allow the harassment to be  a trillion times more because the REAL ISSUE is suppose to be discussed in/by the African American community where African Americans are targeted by white males; The harassment issue is an African American issue which white males are hiding from the public and putting in white male society[hopefully it will do exactly to the white people[participating in harassing African Americans]what was/has/is being done to African Americans[not working for white males]. White males are paying African American bastards [male and female] to target innoncent African Americans- it is called ethnic intimidation. The subject that is suppose to be before the media and the public is ETHNIC INTIMIDATION: AND rush limbough, chaun hannity, glenn beck all KNOW it; all the issues before the news-harassment, abuse, psychologicial abuse, being targeted are issues on this blog.
ALL WHITE males:

Took TWO days [April/May 2013]to cut limbs off of tree=harassment

Workers for DUKE energy=left trash/ limbs on sidewalk; had to clear path for myself and put all the tree limbs that were in the yard on the curb, so they wouldn't have to come back in the yard.[didn't do any good=white male still walked up to the porch anyway [form of harassment]=all the tree limbs were on the curve.

Big as truck is; when I asked for a work order number; write information on piece of paper so I could call and get a work order number white male=don't have any paper;
When called duke energy EVERY customer service REP=would NOT let me talk to a supervisor; kept telling me they could call me back[control]; but that I couldn't call in and talk to the supervisor.

It's like somebody  said = it is like the elephants in the room; you can't miss them, white males harassing, intimidating African American females I mean [and to put a foreigner in the mix every now and then is a JOKE].
Even if I don't leave the house; white males find a way so that they are seen; every day= why the g-n issue was so prevelent; because if female[s] have g-ns; that means they have backup and white males may not be so inclined to try and intimidate; being that the African American male is targeted[that is who really should be in the NEWS-the African American male who everybody KNOWS;white and black  that the African American male is/has always been a target] of white white males.

BUT being that there are NOT any REAL African American newspeople/stations[Al sharpton-work for white males-to stay alive[why he married a WHITE woman]; herman cain[work for white white males]=why he was allowed to have a radio show.

EVEN with the harassment in the news; television/radio/and newspaper can't seem to find a place where an African American female harassed by white males has an issue let alone a story=?

At the crb library; tired to use the scanner to send north carolina authorities documents to verify the harassment from gwyns and those connected tot he gwyns in carver road area. people at work=
paula and alisha[like keys]; and sharlene[breanna left when I was walking up to the library=?-close to 2:00 pm.=code=can't have nothing out of the white males system unless dumb ass paula[who can't read,think is the dam leader and everybody do what she says; I say kill the dam prostitute paula and lhopefully all  your dam white ass daughters have to be prostitutes before they are allowed any type of propserty  or life;
CONFIRMATION of concept=have to be a prostitute to live or else die=DVD BUNRAKU=weird movie=BUT with various messages that current society is using; scene 7-8 where asian female is taken
hostage and females are fixing her up as a prostitute; when one of the females tells her to stop fighting her; isn't it better to be alive [as a prostitute] than dead.

And sure enough in the national news today:=to put females;women in right mindset-to REMIND them=that they are working[for white males]=and they don't have a MAN to defend them; the vast majority of the 40% of women; especially African American are controlled/prostitutes and can keep and maintain a JOB as long as they do what white males tell them to do. []Gwyns females would fit in that category=working=no man or in acutality a prostitute allowed a john by their pims[white males].

"Pew Study Shows Women Leading Breadwinners in 40 Percent of Households"

 What that means is that MEN who don't have a job either do  what the white male pims tell the African American female prosititue to do,  or they[the African American men get no money]; not to mention that an excellent way to control the male in another race=is to keep the MONEY f rom them and give it to the African American female.[Simple Justice][Richard Kluger][]; read the book Richard Kluger varifies everything that has been posted on blog:

African American females not working for white males targeted for harassment, intimidation=that is the other issue that should be in the main stream media=[which male in the house that is white knows];And it is not just the single females; the married[especially the married females fall into the same category; the men have to wait for the females to bring home the money.

Which this morning=NEW African American female prostitute driver on the WSTA=last time there was a NEW African American female prostitute driver on the WSTA; they paid her to harass me; then promoted her to be an authority[carrying a weapon];

Heard on radio [980 am or 94.5 fm] that man in house that is white is in the process of making changes so that ROBERT [--ll-r] is being dismissed and that a JAMES comey is taking his place who would be in charge of the monkeys[based upon white males concept of African Americans in the mainstream of the
white society]=may the Divine God so fix it so that the innocent African Americans KNOW that white males consider them to be no more than a monkey, dog,etc., but not human and hopefully the Divine God will show African Americans how to be acknowledged by white malese as being human.

One of the ways that a person is considered human is that when someone kills their family members; they seek the so called JUST us; mean justice system].  In fact that is what white male system is doing=African Americans trying to survive and white male system[highly organized and approved]=taking them out by the community[s]; and they have no one to go to.

Do KNOW the phase is associated with JAMES and a PATTERSON coming out of the house that is white.

Authority [African American male]=name PATTERSON=first time seen an African American male authority in at least seven years=probably trained in ethnic intimidation;2nd authority =white male=HARRISON[same name associated with 36 years of harassment of CW];

To CONFIRM harassment=CW MEDICAL=at house on corner=TURNER=code=CW MEDICAL van sent to turner household as form of harassment; white male driver; white bastards killed CW through medicine AFTER they set him up and stole decades from his life[not that he was an angel]; BUT neither are they angels in the current re-elected?head of the Unidted States Administration=see how many of the thousands of employees win the privilege of being put in confinement and even if they do=get some type of time in confinement;BET the loopholes allow for time served JUST because they white=which means they may get a dam day.

Like I said=don't think GOD like African Americans;black people;the Divine God does; but not man God=????; guess everybody has to wait until the Divine God shows up=which will probably be very nasty= because it is better that a millstone be hung around a persons neck that to offend one of the Divine God's little ones; and I am one of the Divine God's little one AND am VERY OFFENDED. Nobody should have to spend a lifetime looking for a plain simple job with benefits; thus prayer is that the Divine God so fix it that all those with jobs are blessed[that what the bible says do];But that the Divine God show man God the result of offended one of the Divine God's little ones=me.

And this morning on the local news stations=TWO females robbed at g-n point by African American male=one on CHURCH st; the other on WOODside in ?, N. C.=and this morning

"Pew Study Shows Women Leading Breadwinners in 40 Percent of Households"


WHY is it that EVERYBODY in the media that is talking about being targeted for harassment is only
WHITE?=may God so fix it so that for every white person that talks about their being targeted for
harassment [that is a part of the front system]that God allow the harassment to be  a trillion times more because the REAL ISSUE is suppose to be discussed in/by the African American community where African Americans are targeted by white males; The harassment issue is an African American issue which white males are hiding from the public and putting in white male society[hopefully it will do exactly to the white people[participating in harassing African Americans]what was/has/is being done to African Americans[not working for white males]. White males are paying African American bastards [male and female] to target innoncent African Americans- it is called ethnic intimidation. The subject that is suppose to be before the media and the public is ETHNIC INTIMIDATION: AND rush limbough, chaun hannity, glenn beck all KNOW it; all the issues before the news-harassment, abuse, psychologicial abuse, being targeted are issues on this blog.

ALL WHITE males:

Took TWO days [April/May 2013]to cut limbs off of tree=harassment

Workers for DUKE energy=left trash/ limbs on sidewalk; had to clear path for myself and put all the tree limbs that were in the yard on the curb, so they wouldn't have to come back in the yard.[didn't do any good=white male still walked up to the porch anyway [form of harassment]=all the tree limbs were on the curve.

Big as truck is; when I asked for a work order number; write information on piece of paper so I could call and get a work order number white male=don't have any paper;
When called duke energy EVERY customer service REP=would NOT let me talk to a supervisor; kept telling me they could call me back[control]; but that I couldn't call in and talk to the supervisor.

Even if I don't leave the house; white males find a way so that they are seen; every day= why the g-n issue was so prevelent; because if female[s] have g-ns; that means they have backup and white males may not be so inclined to try and intimidate; being that the African American male is targeted[that is who really should be in the NEWS-the African American male who everybody KNOWS;white and black  that the African American male is/has always been a target] of white white males.

BUT being that there are NOT any REAL African American newspeople/stations[Al sharpton-work for white males-to stay alive[why he married a WHITE woman]; herman cain[work for white white males]=why he was allowed to have a radio show.

EVEN with the harassment in the news; television/radio/and newspaper can't seem to find a place where an African American female harassed by white males has an issue let alone a story=?

At the crb library; tired to use the scanner to send north carolina authorities documents to verify the harassment from gwyns and those connected tot he gwyns in carver road area. people at work=
paula and alisha[like keys]; and sharlene[breanna left when I was walking up to the library=?-close to 2:00 pm.=code=can't have nothing out of the white males system unless dumb ass paula[who can't read,think is the dam leader and everybody do what she says; I say kill the dam prostitute paula and lhopefully all  your dam white ass daughters have to be prostitutes before they are allowed any type of propserty  or life;
CONFIRMATION of concept=have to be a prostitute to live or else die=DVD BUNRAKU=weird movie=BUT with various messages that current society is using; scene 7-8 where asian female is taken
hostage and females are fixing her up as a prostitute; when one of the females tells her to stop fighting her; isn't it better to be alive [as a prostitute] than dead.

And sure enough in the national news today:=to put females;women in right mindset-to REMIND them=that they are working=and they don't have a MAN to defend them; the vast majority of the 40% of women; especially African American are controlled/prostitutes and can keep and maintain a JOB as long as they do what white males tell them to do. []

"Pew Study Shows Women Leading Breadwinners in 40 Percent of Households"

 What that means is that MEN who don't have a job either do  what the white male pims tell the African American female prosititue to do,  or they[the African American men get no money]; not to mention that an excellent way to control the male in another race=is to keep the MONEY f rom them and give it to the African American female.[Simple Justice][Richard Kluger][]; read the book Richard Kluger varifies everything that has been posted on blog:

African American females not working for white males targeted for harassment, intimidation=that is the other issue that should be in the main stream media=[which male in the house that is white knows];

Which this morning=NEW African American female prostitute driver on the WSTA=last time there was a NEW African American female prostitute driver on the WSTA; they paid her to harass me; then promoted her to be an authority[carrying a weapon];

Heard on radio [980 am or 94.5 fm] that man in house that is white is in the process of making changes so that ROBERT [--ll-r] is being dismissed and that a JAMES comey is taking his place who would be in charge of the monkeys[based upon white males concept of African Americans in the mainstream of the
white society]=may the Divine God so fix it so that the innocent African Americans KNOW that white males consider them to be no more than a monkey, dog,etc., but not human and hopefully the Divine God will show African Americans how to be acknowledged by white malese as being human.

One of the ways that a person is considered human is that when someone kills their family members; they seek the so called JUST us; mean justice system].  In fact that is what white male system is doing=African Americans trying to survive and white male system[highly organized and approved]=taking them out by the community[s]; and they have no one to go to.

Do KNOW the phase is associated with JAMES and a PATTERSON coming out of the house that is white.

Authority [African American male]=name PATTERSON=first time seen an African American male authority in at least seven years=probably trained in ethnic intimidation;2nd authority =white male=HARRISON[same name associated with 36 years of harassment of CW];

To CONFIRM harassment=CW MEDICAL=at house on corner=TURNER=code=CW MEDICAL van sent to turner household as form of harassment; white male driver; white bastards killed CW through medicine AFTER they set him up and stole decades from his life[not that he was an angel]; BUT neither are they angels in the current re-elected?head of the Unidted States Administration=see how many of the thousands of employees win the privilege of being put in confinement and even if they do=get some type of time in confinement;BET the loopholes allow for time served JUST because they white=which means they may get a dam day.

Like I said=don't think GOD like African Americans;black people;the Divine God does; but not man God=????; guess everybody has to wait until the Divine God shows up=which will probably be very nasty= because it is better that a millstone be hung around a persons neck that to offend one of the Divine God's little ones; and I am one of the Divine God's little one AND am VERY OFFENDED. Nobody should have to spend a lifetime looking for a plain simple job with benefits; thus prayer is that the Divine God so fix it that all those with jobs are blessed[that what the bible says do];But that the Divine God show man God the result of offended one of the Divine God's little ones=me.


At 11:42 AM CALLED 7737700-WS AUTHORIES; ASKED FOR PERSON TO COME AND TELL THE GUY AT gWYNS THAT  I HAVE A RIGHT TO PUT MAILBOX BACK UP; that African American male postal supervisor [--st-r] told me on 5/23/13 to put mailbox back up on 5/24/13 or they would not deliver any more mail. African American authority male[first one that I have seen in person for almost seven years][all the rest almost three/four times a day have been white males of authority][and it is not a coinicidence that that sent a black male authority=means person can't yell discrimination when person is denied rights-also system of ethnic intimidation]; Authority with the same name as the radio announcer who works with BILL flynn on 980 am radio []smith Patterson [everything associated with PATTERSON in the African American community is negative;   from one end of Patterson ave [near University] to the other end on  Patterson and liberty street; at Patterson and MLK where ethnic intimidations process starts: through Goler[where NEW pastor is named BANKS=all those helping with ethnic intimidation get paid] who help to set up TRUliant Credit Union; everything else after that from Patterson and MLK to Patters and 2nd or 3rd have been taken over by white male system=with BIOtechnology lab[means they experimenting on African americans on Patterson ave. to figure out how to make them obey white males orders]being the largest co. EXCEPT for PET co. that makes ice cream, milk,  etc.; which is symbolic of PET like a dog= all who are not working with white males and are their pet are put in category to be used as experiment; there are no inbetweens.


"Pew Study Shows Women Leading Breadwinners in 40 Percent of Households

The phenomenon of women bringing home the bacon is nothing new. But a new study shows that women are now the leading – or only -- breadwinners in 40 percent of American households.

Women earn more than men in almost a quarter of U.S. households, a huge leap from 50 years ago, when only a handful of women brought home more income, according to a study released Wednesday by the Pew Research Center.

Women are now the leading or solo breadwinners in 40 percent of households, compared with just 11 percent in 1960, according to Census Bureau data analyzed by Pew.

That's both good and bad, depending which part of the ladder you're on: At the top, educated women are catching up with men in the workforce, but on the bottom rungs are more single moms than ever—most of them living near the poverty line.

"It's a long-term trend since the '60s that the breadwinner moms have gone up," said Wendy Wang, a Pew research associate and the lead author of the report.

Seventy-one percent of husbands are working in households where women make more money than their spouses, and they have a median family income of $80,000, according to 2011 data.

In 1960, only 4 percent of women made more than their husbands; it's now 23 percent. That translates into 5.1 million married "breadwinner moms." Of those making more than their husbands, 49 percent have at least a college degree, 65 percent are white and 67 percent are between the ages of 30 and 50.

Women, who for generations were not in the workforce in the same numbers as men, are still catching up. The Pew study noted that despite the fact that women are now equally or better educated than their husbands, most men still earn more than their spouses.

While Oprah Winfrey and Marissa Meyer are often mentioned as high-profile examples of that trend, the other end of the economic spectrum is driving the numbers.

The other part of the female breadwinner equation focuses on the steep rise in unwed mothers. In 1960, only 5 percent of women with children were unmarried. In 2010, that number had increased to 41 percent, according to research from the National Center for Health Statistics cited in the Pew report. The median income for a single mother who has never been married was $17,400 as of 2011. That can include income from a job, child support and government assistance.

In 1960, only 4 percent of women made more than their husbands; it's now 23 percent. That translates into 5.1 million married "breadwinner moms."

Of the never-married mothers, 49 percent have a high school education or less, and 46 percent are 30 or younger; 40 percent were black, 24 percent Hispanic and 32 percent white.

The Pew survey also gauged opinion on more women becoming the primary breadwinner."The public is really conflicted about the trend," Wang said.

Overall, survey respondents liked the economic benefits to their families but also worried that work might take a toll on their children and marriages. About 67 percent said the change made it easier for families to earn enough money to live comfortably; about 28 percent said it was harder for families to earn enough, and 2 percent said it made no difference, according to Pew."

Pew Study 40% of Women head of house, earn the income

WHY is it that EVERYBODY in the media that is talking about being targeted for harassment is only
WHITE?=may God so fix it so that for every white person that talks about their being targeted for
harassment [that is a part of the front system]that God allow the harassment to be  a trillion times more because the REAL ISSUE is suppose to be discussed in/by the African American community where African Americans are targeted by white males; The harassment issue is an African American issue which white males are hiding from the public and putting in white male society[hopefully it will do exactly to the white people[participating in harassing African Americans]what was/has/is being done to African Americans[not working for white males]. White males are paying African American bastards [male and female] to target innoncent African Americans- it is called ethnic intimidation. The subject that is suppose to be before the media and the public is ETHNIC INTIMIDATION: AND rush limbough, chaun hannity, glenn beck all KNOW it; all the issues before the news-harassment, abuse, psychologicial abuse, being targeted are issues on this blog.

ALL WHITE males:

Took TWO days [April/May 2013]to cut limbs off of tree=harassment

Workers for DUKE energy=left trash/ limbs on sidewalk; had to clear path for myself and put all the tree limbs that were in the yard on the curb, so they wouldn't have to come back in the yard.[didn't do any good=white male still walked up to the porch anyway [form of harassment]=all the tree limbs were on the curve.

Big as truck is; when I asked for a work order number; write information on piece of paper so I could call and get a work order number white male=don't have any paper;
When called duke energy EVERY customer service REP=would NOT let me talk to a supervisor; kept telling me they could call me back[control]; but that I couldn't call in and talk to the supervisor.

Even if I don't leave the house; white males find a way so that they are seen; every day= why the g-n issue was so prevelent; because if female[s] have g-ns; that means they have backup and white males may not be so inclined to try and intimidate; being that the African American male is targeted[that is who really should be in the NEWS-the African American male who everybody KNOWS;white and black  that the African American male is/has always been a target] of white white males.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Memorial day 2013


Went to the npblvd post office to pick up mail after requesting that mail is held for 30 days[which would have been 5/23/13]; spoke to postal supervisor?[--st-r] who informed me that I could not pick up my mail; that mail man [----y ----k] had my mail; I asked how is that possible told the post office that I would be picking up my mail on the 23rd. [--st-r] stated again,"your mail is NOT on the premises; then said well I will go and get mail from ----y -----k] and --st-r said oh no you will not; I will call ----y -----k and tell him to put your mail on your porch. [--st-r] had a very nasty attitude and told me that the Gwyns had a right to take down my mail box and put up another mail box without my permission.

At 11:42 AM CALLED 7737700-WS AUTHORIES; ASKED FOR PERSON TO COME AND TELL THE GUY AT gWYNS THAT  I HAVE A RIGHT TO PUT MAILBOX BACK UP; that African American male postal supervisor [--st-r] told me on 5/23/13 to put mailbox back up on 5/24/13 or they would not deliver any more mail. African American authority male[first one that I have seen in person for almost seven years][all the rest almost three/four times a day have been white males of authority][and it is not a coinicidence that that sent a black male authority=means person can't yell discrimination when person is denied rights-also system of ethnic intimidation]; Authority with the same name as the radio announcer who works with BILL flynn on 980 am radio []smith Patterson [everything associated with PATTERSON in the African American community is negative;   from one end of Patterson ave [near University] to the other end on  Patterson and liberty street; at Patterson and MLK where ethnic intimidations process starts: through Goler[where NEW pastor is named BANKS=all those helping with ethnic intimidation get paid] who help to set up TRUliant Credit Union; everything else after that from Patterson and MLK to Patters and 2nd or 3rd have been taken over by white male system=with BIOtechnology lab[means they experimenting on African americans on Patterson ave. to figure out how to make them obey white males orders]being the largest co. EXCEPT for PET co. that makes ice cream, milk,  etc.; which is symbolic of PET like a dog= all who are not working with white males and are their pet are put in category to be used as experiment; there are no inbetweens.

The authority by name of patterson with the WS Forsyth au;thorities would not give badge #; he was with the NEW division[cars] white with BROAD blue strip[front to back] in the middle of car#110 took pictures; he stated a;uthorities have nothing to do with the mailbox issue; it is a civil matter and have to go to court; it is civil matter=which is a lie; it is a criminal matter; destruction of property; identity theft, vandelism,etc.; patterson[ws authority] was trying to help Gwyns by giving the wrong information. patterson arrived about 30 minutes latter that the white lady operator at authority station said someone would arrive.

The fact that patterson[authority] came to the call=patterson[African American male] is suppose to cover up the filth[ the fact of over two almost three decades of harassment of white male authorities that work for the city of Winston-salem, N. C..

Thus called various churches and asked for prayer and informed them of the fact that I had called authorities to address the situation concerning the Gwyn guy telling me that the city easement was his property; that the gwyns had taken down the original mail box that belong to me and put up another mail box with my address on it without my permission; also asked for help with water/food/etc. being that Switzer haven't allowed me to work on farm since receiving communication that I am not a dog; last week when working [ one of the  white males [working as authority] who train K-9[dogs] drove on to Switzers farm and told one of the African American males working there to tell Switzers that he had lost one of his dogs; he had a dog in the back of his vehicle; a black german shephard; after that Switzer stated that I needed to take a break from working[had worked  for only two to two and half days.]

At about mid day, on 5/24/13 walked across the street from the house to where the orginal mail box had been for over 40 plus years and started to dig a hole to put the mail box in that I had repaired as best I could with no money and supplies that I had; about five minutes later-Gwyn guy who took down the original mail box stomped up to me and yell; stop digging in my yard; told him it was not his yard; it was city easement; that the mailbox had been there for over 40 plus years and that  I was going to put the mail box up today [5/24/13]; of which Gwyn stated; keep digging; I'll go and get my g-n[weapon]; I ignored him and kept digging the hole; he went back into his house[kept yelling at Chris Hayes[deceased judge Roland Hayes son as he walked back into the house]-watch this; I have told the b-tch to stop digging in my yard or I'm going to blow her brains out; about five minutes later Gwyn came out with g-n in hand and said you better stop digging; I kept digging the hole; when he got to me and point the gun; something said move; and I did walked back across the street; call people in another city and informed them of the fac that Gwyn had pulled a g-n on me; that I had call the WS authorities early this morning and they said they had nothing to do with the issue[which explained the Gwyn had knocked down my original mailbox; trying to force me to take one he put up]; they told me that I needed to call the city authorities; asked them to make call; they transfered me; who transfered me; who transfered me and stayed on the line[recorded the conversation] and then I told the WS authority officier that Gwyn had pulled a g-n on me; WS authority wanted to know what he had on; told him black hat/light blue shire; WS authority said someone was on the way; about ten minutes later? WS authority with the name of HARRISON [them trying to put same type of harassment as they did another relative/have blogged about the name of HARRISON]pulled up at 3713; not in front the my house address; seemed  a little happy[like with a slight smirk on face]; asked where was the guy; I pointed to Gwyn who walked out from the side of his house with a big [GRIN] on his face; HARRISON[authority] patted Gwyn down for a g-n. While HARRISON was talking to Gwyn; I called relative[male] and told them the situation; told him one of the authorities was smirking at situation;

After getting off of phone talking to relative; another athority person[asian] pulled up and HARRISON told him to go and finish getting GWYN's story while he talked to me; and as Harrison talked to me; a sargent authority[white male] pulled up; I was surrounded by the three authorities talking to them [and all three of the authorities kept asking why I didnot like the mail box; the sargent said I could take the black mail box off and put up my family mail box on the mail posts]; tried to explain that had taken 3723 to court; the three mailboxes would allow for constant harassment and don't want to deal with that when my relative pulled up; and he asked in a very stern manner-who had pulled a g-n on me?; the sargent authority asked my relative his name and who and what was his relationship to me; relative only gave name; relative was a surprise because the authorities thought for sure everybody had been intimidated to stay away from me and not help me; which would have allowed them to harass me to death[heard guest on radio show say; if any person is harass to the point of being kept in isolation-they will die].

After showing relative the mailbox, Gwyn put up; the sargent authority had asked did I call the authorities; I had told him no; and while talking to relative and showing him the mailbox; the sargent said, mam, I thought you said you did not call us; told him, I did not call you, I called someone esle who called you.  After sargent got off of the phone, asked me if I wanted to go to the majestic on 2nd street beside the jail and file charges on Gwyn; then asked me if I was going to go and file charges; I asked my relative what would he do; he said if somebody pulls a g-n on you, you need to file charges; then sargent asked me what did I want; I said I want to be left alone; stop being harassed; for Gwyn to take my address off of the mailbox, I want my mailbox back up so my mail can be delivered in my mailbox;

The sargent authority told HARRISON and the asian to go and make sure Gwyn was in agreement with the numbers for my address being taken off of mail box he put up=? and that he would leave me alone; HARRISON and asian came back sargent authority asked if Gwyn said he was in agreedment with numbers being taken off and he would leave me alone: HARRISON said yes; but before he could say yes asian authority was trying to say something else; asian authority kind of turned his head, squinted his eyes as if to say iffy situation.

Then called the npblvd post office and checked with them [--st-r]answered said mail would be delivered as long as mail box passed inspection[wonder why no body has been out in rural hall, n. c. as well as the other streets where mailboxes almost alsmost falling to the ground and locally where some mailboxes have no door[since it was checked that my mailbox was not waterproof=?];

The sargent authority and other two authority all left; relative stayed while I put up mailbox which had the shorter legs on the mail box just hanging; told him I did not have the tools to get it off; he looked in the back of his truck and he did have the tools either, which make the mail box look strange; BUT the door shuts with no problem, the mailbox has been raised 10inches[higher than the Gwyns mailbox]; and cement was put over the holes [about as tiny as a head of a needle] so it would keep the water out.

Talking about being targeted; talking about those who participate in system that target African Americans not working for white males; even with the issue being in national news; those who have been assigned the duty to protect targeted people; still don't seem to be able to acknowledge abuse by those working in the system who are being paid to target African Americans because of one reason; the African Americans ideology is that African Americans have the SAME EQUAL rights and are entitled the SAME EQUAL treatment as white males; all African Americans who have that ideology are targeted by white males whose ideology is that African Americans are not allowed the rights and privileges as white males/people;  white males idealogy of African Americans is that African Americans can only be considered as dogs/pets/monkeys and anybody who disagrees with the white male idealogy of African Americans are targeted by white males and those who work in the white males system[s];

Thus gwyns, moores,halls, mccraes, bostons, pickets,shirley next to 3713, martins, denise hartsfield, womble, cookie[on carver with twin sibblings],ekgivens,tyrine johnson, we johnon, harris at crcc, williams at crb library, sprinkle at main library, watts at main library, bridget,charles [other mccraes],evon and buddel rucker, deacon and female murden at crcc, shelton mccarter at gcc, legal aid ws[knoww about hrassment sysytm=help in harassment of person by never addressing ANY legal issue African American has concerning being harassed.,soild rock-female to pastor,banks at goler, annette red at crcc,iesha redd in training at crcc,v.switzer, cris control-ws,salvation army-ws, red cross ws, authorities-ws, wake forrest ws.all the various businesses in ws [k&w; goodyear tire-PATTERSON ave,ws; northside bowling lanes-PATTERSON ave,ws;northside shopping center PATTERSON,ws; sams club and ALL their secret members]steve whitehart,

Everybody is so concerned[especially the white boy radio network] about the tparty being targeted for harassment to the point that MEMBERS of the tparty's work/income is being blocked; but even with the whole country watching [2008 bail out] and an entire race of people whose work/income had been/is blocked in and out of  a booming economy [before and after 2008]=nothing is being said as if the situation is invisable and it is=BECAUSE ONLY WHITE BOY NETWORK allowed to speak to public media;
ANY African American malewith a white female is only giving the illusion of being married; in actuallity
[don't care how tough he appears=is or their family/memers are in actuallity being held hostage] African American male has to chose a white female prostitue IF he wants to have some of the threats sent to him to intimidate him or his family to stop= all African American males have been living under being targeted since before the civil war.

Happy memorial day-live free-IF YOU CAN!

Also think it is VERY interesting that the issue of being HARASSED in NOW a national issue; sort of like
person's personal situation[African American] of harassment =not being addressed; but transfered to the white society where white people are reconized as people [and harassment is illegal]; somebody said=if they want allow you to live like a person; they can't stop you from dying like a person.



T party harassment


Went to the npblvd post office to pick up mail after requesting that mail is held for 30 days[which would have been 5/23/13]; spoke to postal supervisor?[--st-r] who informed me that I could not pick up my mail; that mail man [----y ----k] had my mail; I asked how is that possible told the post office that I would be picking up my mail on the 23rd. [--st-r] stated again,"your mail is NOT on the premises; then said well I will go and get mail from ----y -----k] and --st-r said oh no you will not; I will call ----y -----k and tell him to put your mail on your porch. [--st-r] had a very nasty attitude and told me that the Gwyns had a right to take down my mail box and put up another mail box without my permission.

At 11:42 AM CALLED 7737700-WS AUTHORIES; ASKED FOR PERSON TO COME AND TELL THE GUY AT gWYNS THAT i HVAE A RIGHT TO PUT MAILBOX BACK UP; that African American male postal supervisor [--st-r] told me on 5/23/13 to put mailbox back up on 5/24/13 or they would not deliver any more mail. African American authority male[first one that I have seen in person for almost seven years][all the rest almost three/four times a day have been white males of authority][and it is not a coinicidence that that sent a black male authority=means person can't yell discrimination when person is denied rights-also system of ethnic intimidation]; Authority with the same name as the radio announcer who works with BILL flynn on 980 am radio []smith Patterson [everything associated with PATTERSON in the African American community is negative;   from one end of Patterson ave [near University] to the other end on  Patterson and liberty street; at Patterson and MLK where ethnic intimidations process starts: through Goler[where NEW pastor is named BANKS=all those helping with ethnic intimidation get paid] who help to set up TRUliant Credit Union; everything else after that from Patterson and MLK to Patters and 2nd or 3rd have been taken over by white male system=with BIOtechnology lab[means they experimenting on African americans on Patterson ave. to figure out how to make them obey white males orders]being the largest co. EXCEPT for PET co. that makes ice cream, milk,  etc.; which is symbolic of PET like a dog= all who are not working with white males and are their pet are put in category to be used as experiment; there are no inbetweens.

The authority by name of patterson with the WS Forsyth au;thorities would not give badge #; he was with the NEW division[cars] white with BROAD blue strip[front to back] in the middle of car#110 took pictures; he stated a;uthorities have nothing to do with the mailbox issue; it is a civil matter and have to go to court; it is civil matter=which is a lie; it is a criminal matter; destruction of property; identity theft, vandelism,etc.; patterson[ws authority] was trying to help Gwyns by giving the wrong information. patterson arrived about 30 minutes latter that the white lady operator at authority station said someone would arrive.

The fact that patterson[authority] came to the call=patterson[African American male] is suppose to cover up the filth[ the fact of over two almost three decades of harassment of white male authorities that work for the city of Winston-salem, N. C..

Thus called various churches and asked for prayer and informed them of the fact that I had called authorities to address the situation concerning the Gwyn guy telling me that the city easement was his property; that the gwyns had taken down the original mail box that belong to me and put up another mail box with my address on it without my permission; also asked for help with water/food/etc. being that Switzer haven't allowed me to work on farm since receiving communication that I am not a dog; last week when working [ one of the  white males [working as authority] who train K-9[dogs] drove on to Switzers farm and told one of the African American males working there to tell Switzers that he had lost one of his dogs; he had a dog in the back of his vehicle; a black german shephard; after that Switzer stated that I needed to take a break from working[had worked  for only two to two and half days.]

At about mid day, on 5/24/13 walked across the street from the house to where the orginal mail box had been for over 40 plus years and started to dig a hole to put the mail box in that I had repaired as best I could with no money and supplies that I had; about five minutes later-Gwyn guy who took down the original mail box stomped up to me and yell; stop digging in my yard; told him it was not his yard; it was city easement; that the mailbox had been there for over 40 plus years and that  I was going to put the mail box up today [5/24/13]; of which Gwyn stated; keep digging; I'll go and get my g-n[weapon]; I ignored him and kept digging the hole; he went back into his house[kept yelling at Chris Hayes[deceased judge Roland Hayes son as he walked back into the house]-watch this; I have told the b-tch to stop digging in my yard or I'm going to blow her brains out; about five minutes later Gwyn came out with g-n in hand and said you better stop digging; I kept digging the hole; when he got to me and point the gun; something said move; and I did walked back across the street; call people in another city and informed them of the fac that Gwyn had pulled a g-n on me; that I had call the WS authorities early this morning and they said they had nothing to do with the issue[which explained the Gwyn had knocked down my original mailbox; trying to force me to take one he put up]; they told me that I needed to call the city authorities; asked them to make call; they transfered me; who transfered me; who transfered me and stayed on the line[recorded the conversation] and then I told the WS authority officier that Gwyn had pulled a g-n on me; WS authority wanted to know what he had on; told him black hat/light blue shire; WS authority said someone was on the way; about ten minutes later? WS authority with the name of HARRISON [them trying to put same type of harassment as they did another relative/have blogged about the name of HARRISON]pulled up at 3713; not in front the my house address; seemed  a little happy[like with a slight smirk on face]; asked where was the guy; I pointed to Gwyn who walked out from the side of his house with a big [GRIN] on his face; HARRISON[authority] patted Gwyn down for a g-n. While HARRISON was talking to Gwyn; I called relative[male] and told them the situation; told him one of the authorities was smirking at situation;

After getting off of phone talking to relative; another athority person[asian] pulled up and HARRISON told him to go and finish getting GWYN's story while he talked to me; and as Harrison talked to me; a sargent authority[white male] pulled up; I was surrounded by the three authorities talking to them [and all three of the authorities kept asking why I didnot like the mail box; the sargent said I could take the black mail box off and put up my family mail box on the mail posts]; tried to explain that had taken 3723 to court; the three mailboxes would allow for constant harassment and don't want to deal with that when my relative pulled up; and he asked in a very stern manner-who had pulled a g-n on me?; the sargent authority asked my relative his name and who and what was his relationship to me; relative only gave name; relative was a surprise because the authorities thought for sure everybody had been intimidated to stay away from me and not help me; which would have allowed them to harass me to death[heard guest on radio show say; if any person is harass to the point of being kept in isolation-they will die].

After showing relative the mailbox, Gwyn put up; the sargent authority had asked did I call the authorities; I had told him no; and while talking to relative and showing him the mailbox; the sargent said, mam, I thought you said you did not call us; told him, I did not call you, I called someone esle who called you.  After sargent got off of the phone, asked me if I wanted to go to the majestic on 2nd street beside the jail and file charges on Gwyn; then asked me if I was going to go and file charges; I asked my relative what would he do; he said if somebody pulls a g-n on you, you need to file charges; then sargent asked me what did I want; I said I want to be left alone; stop being harassed; for Gwyn to take my address off of the mailbox, I want my mailbox back up so my mail can be delivered in my mailbox;

The sargent authority told HARRISON and the asian to go and make sure Gwyn was in agreement with the numbers for my address being taken off of mail box he put up=? and that he would leave me alone; HARRISON and asian came back sargent authority asked if Gwyn said he was in agreedment with numbers being taken off and he would leave me alone: HARRISON said yes; but before he could say yes asian authority was trying to say something else; asian authority kind of turned his head, squinted his eyes as if to say iffy situation.

Then called the npblvd post office and checked with them [--st-r]answered said mail would be delivered as long as mail box passed inspection[wonder why no body has been out in rural hall, n. c. as well as the other streets where mailboxes almost alsmost falling to the ground and locally where some mailboxes have no door[since it was checked that my mailbox was not waterproof=?];

The sargent authority and other two authority all left; relative stayed while I put up mailbox which had the shorter legs on the mail box just hanging; told him I did not have the tools to get it off; he looked in the back of his truck and he did have the tools either, which make the mail box look strange; BUT the door shuts with no problem, the mailbox has been raised 10inches[higher than the Gwyns mailbox]; and cement was put over the holes [about as tiny as a head of a needle] so it would keep the water out.

Talking about being targeted; talking about those who participate in system that target African Americans not working for white males; even with the issue being in national news; those who have been assigned the duty to protect targeted people; still don't seem to be able to acknowledge abuse by those working in the system who are being paid to target African Americans because of one reason; the African Americans ideology is that African Americans have the SAME EQUAL rights and are entitled the SAME EQUAL treatment as white males; all African Americans who have that ideology are targeted by white males whose ideology is that African Americans are not allowed the rights and privileges as white males/people;  white males idealogy of African Americans is that African Americans can only be considered as dogs/pets/monkeys and anybody who disagrees with the white male idealogy of African Americans are targeted by white males and those who work in the white males system[s];

Thus gwyns, moores,halls, mccraes, bostons, pickets,shirley next to 3713, martins, denise hartsfield, womble, cookie[on carver with twin sibblings],ekgivens,tyrine johnson, we johnon, harris at crcc, williams at crb library, sprinkle at main library, watts at main library, bridget,charles [other mccraes],evon and buddel rucker, deacon and female murden at crcc, shelton mccarter at gcc, legal aid ws[knoww about hrassment sysytm=help in harassment of person by never addressing ANY legal issue African American has concerning being harassed.,soild rock-female to pastor,banks at goler, annette red at crcc,iesha redd in training at crcc,v.switzer, cris control-ws,salvation army-ws, red cross ws, authorities-ws, wake forrest ws.all the various businesses in ws [k&w; goodyear tire-PATTERSON ave,ws; northside bowling lanes-PATTERSON ave,ws;northside shopping center PATTERSON,ws; sams club and ALL their secret members]steve whitehart,

Everybody is so concerned[especially the white boy radio network] about the tparty being targeted for harassment to the point that MEMBERS of the tparty's work/income is being blocked; but even with the whole country watching [2008 bail out] and an entire race of people whose work/income had been/is blocked in and out of  a booming economy [before and after 2008]=nothing is being said as if the situation is invisable and it is=BECAUSE ONLY WHITE BOY NETWORK allowed to speak to public media;
ANY African American malewith a white female is only giving the illusion of being married; in actuallity
[don't care how tough he appears=is or their family/memers are in actuallity being held hostage] African American male has to chose a white female prostitue IF he wants to have some of the threats sent to him to intimidate him or his family to stop= all African American males have been living under being targeted since before the civil war.

Happy memorial day-live free-IF YOU CAN!


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Tornado Moore, Oklahoma


Tornado/MOORE OK-la-HO-MA;[]
[where SAM's CLUB was started in 1983[same year TWIN was stolen at birth];
MOORE also name of retired African American authority that lives/d next door;
MOORE=also MOOR=also some type of secret system operated=[1966] papers filed/registered in the United States Department of Justice u;nder Truth A1-Library congress Copyright Office; which states that white males consider African Americans, black and all people of color as MONKEY'S.

Not to mention that current re-elected? head administation of the United States spoke at MOOREhead college[an ALL Black African American college]=?[];


T party


At the Office Depot, Univeristy parkway= white male-Troy coble[famous name?] and ?[white male] stood behind me emphazing the word[subliminally WALL][like Walmart]; think they sending messages to people's subconscious mind; hopefully the walls they talking about loudly will be ones the Divine God put up to block them from robbery of African American wealth. also sending fax to USPS[United States Postal Service requesting that mail be held for another 30 days because of white males blocking from employment =court case=CASH=MONEY].


Upon getting on route 1[wsta][]; at liberty and 5th street=white authority vehicle driven by white male; and three whites located at the bus stall[s]=route 4 was on bus sign so got on a  fake route 4 bus; black male authority for wsta got on fake route 4 bus[harassment]after I got on; after fake route 4 bus pulled out of  bus stall and turned right; asked what bus was I on;[driver[indian from india said, you want to go in the other direction and with out the driver even making a call [bus was by the jail/court house]wsta black supervisor showed up blowing horn yelling get into van; which did not get into=because wsta authority operating system with w-s authority to intimidate, harasss and put African Americans in confinement;change the spelling of the names or something on their birthdate, which allows the authorities to keep the African Americans in confinement and make money off of them; and after cahnign the spelling of their names and something about their birthdate, when anyone asks for the correct person with the correct spelling of their name and birthdate=the authorities can truthfully respond; don't know who or where the person is.
Current NEW monkey system attempting to develop and operate over African American communities in Winston-Salem,n.c.=Wake Forest graduation speaker[GWYN]; confirmation-building in downtown Winston-Salem, N. C. has ["K"co.][like kkk];beside WF water tower?[facing north]=code=Wake Forest buying the Joel Colisium=so wake forest/system of ethnic intimication] can keep African Americans out of colisium as punishment for black people not going along with the program[white]; those who voted for wake forest to buy the colisium KNOW exactly what wake forest intent to do: Check the council members family, friends, stocks, sudden or long term economic/social progress, privileges=the council sell communities freedoms and rights and rewarded for doing so; confirmation blacks can no longer get off of the front of WSTA; they have to get off at the back door; person in charge of WSTA=Reynolds; like babCOCK reynolds; meaning instructions coming from CINTAS=reward for turning back on African American community; CINTAS one of African Americans ALLOWED to be heard as a person that whites have to respond to;CINTAS suppose to be secret person making decisions for African American community; long as CINTAS agree to turn head[rewarded with a COCK] and job?

Wake Forest considers African Americans to be monkeys[];

[]Published: March 7, 2013
Ifill to speak at Commencement;By Stephanie Skordas Office of Communications and External Relations;check GWYNS bicycles[rural hall,n.c.]in someway];
googled[]; w-s schools came up=kkk's taking over public schools in winston-salem, n.c=?;K&W came up=k&w connected to kkk's=?

When google Kco=[]=also the city of Winston-Salem, N.C. comes up=kkk's control Winston-Salem, N. C.[gov.]=?

Picture of supervisor authority[KNOWS what he is doing[harassing black people for white male
authority]pict. posted 1/9/13 after he and other African Americans males harassment; next day heard over the news where female had been raped by a bunch of males in foreign county on a bus; while others helped/watched ;
 not all of them have up pictures=?;
Went to CINTAS website and KmK LAW gave CINTAS an AWARD;[notice the K element];

Cintas Corporation Wins ACG Cincinnati Deal Maker Award Following Nomination from KMK Law

Sent an email to the tparty:

Email sent to the tparty::


Sent the following email below; called one of boston globe reporters; couple days later issue associated with t-party members being targeted for harassment was in media; have documented harassment for a least a decade; currently mailbox taken down by people that live around me who are part of group that harass me; even though told guy did not want my mailbox removed in private home; he took down my mailbox without my permission; put up a new one with my address on it without my permisssion; after putting my mail on hold for 30 days in which told them that I would pick up my mail; for the second time when ever I pick up my mail; they tell me it is not at the post office and that the mail man has my mail in his mail truck; the mail person at the North Point post office stated that the guy who put up mail box without my permission could do what ever he wanted to-to and with my my mail box including taking it down and putting up anthother my mail box; the guy who took down my mail box and all the people who stay around me are connected to those who based upon the current issue of intimidation/harassment of the tparty in the national media; local news papers W-S journal[located in Winston-Salem, N. C.] will not cover any of the issues of harassment or intimidation of within the local community=so much so that DOT[WSTAsupervors]using supervisors buses to trick people off of buses and direct them their system of confinement[changing name and birthdate[similar]so system will register them as being in system of confinement.

Issue of harassment/intimidation is an issue[s] that should be addressed specifically in the African American community; have over two decades of harassment, intimidation,etc.. The issue of the harassment/intimidation of the Tparty in the media is a secret system of robbery of the issue[s] of intimidation/harassment that should be addressed specifically in the African American community. The issue of harassment/intimidation of Tparty members is cover up that is being used to communicate the issue of harassment and intimidation of African Americans living in African American communities in the United States who are being held in secret system of secret confinement. When African Americans, not in the spot light attempt to exercise their freedom[s][such as just walking down the street[downtown or in their own community without permission from authority], those who operate the various systems of society target the person, family, acquaintances, put the person in isolation, keep the person constantly up under duress, stress, harassment [minute to minute, hour to day, day to day], all usually done by officials, those who hold an official capacity.

You may contact at the email above[], thank you for your help.


To: ""

Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 4:18 PM
Subject: bosston mass


Sent following statement by cell phone4/23/13:
Am writing and taking a picture of message because can;t send text message to emails by phone.
Brother name CURTIS; Boston is code for BOSS; Mass. is code for MASSES; "blast is code
for kill or killing; Kill the boss of masses.[MONEY ISSUE];
symbolic grave-corne Carver Road and AIRport Road in Winston-Salem, N. C.-put there day after Boston Killings as code to local secret group in Carver School Road area. Next day or so [Gwyns took down my mailbox without my permission and put up mailbox with my address on it]


DVD's/movies are codes-"The Happening" coded -main character name Mr. Moore-name of man live/d beside me; WIN was killing the masses; "BILL" landscaping scene-stop 9:27; 9 is the code for birth; 27 is the birthday of TWIN that was stolen at birth by people connected to MOORE next door-like GWYNS across the s treet who participated in stealing of TWIN child [TWIN TOWERS were knocked down on 911[nine eleven]. After symbolic grave was put on corner of AIRport and Carver Road, Gwyns took down my mailbox[without my permission and put up mailbox with my address on it]; as symbolic of killing.[I did file complaints with the city of Winston-salem, the post office and local authorities; and did ask the post office to put a hold on my mail because the mailbox that was put up that has the address where I live is not my mailbox[and was put up without my permission];

The main character in "The Happening" initials are the same as Mr. Moore who live/d beside me;
"E.M." Scenece on the DVD that talks about small TOWNS-NEW TWN, WATER TOWN;Milton V. of the B. Globe asked on local radio program:"WHY did it take TWO hours for the shooter to get from one TOWN to the next[WATERTOWN]? Answer- the shooter HAD to be in "WATER" town to communicate with local secret group the day after the WATER town/BOSSton.,MASS. killings [the "water" of many were turned off in the city of "Winston-Salem, N. C." day or so after the BOSS, MASS killings];

Interestingly the person by the name of MARTIN[like Travon MARTIN] was killed in the BOSSton, MASS. killings; MARTINS live on the corner of AIRport, in Winston-Salem, N. C.; probably the same or similare situations across the United States[like there isa McDonald's in every city].

Picture taken on 1-3-13 [first time on WSTA city bus]=old blue and white bus was SENT BY WSTA MANAGEMENT ; females were already on bus=?;felt like part of their secret group; window with the bullet hole=code=negative [sit where we want you to sit [obey] or the above picture];


Posted by peaceblog at 2:38 PM No comments: Wednesday, January 9, 2013

WSTA [wintonston salem buses]


Heard over the weekend of the girl that had gotten raped on a BUS:

"The attack, which took place on a bus in New Delhi, left the victim with such severe internal injuries that she died two weeks later. A new fast-track court in south Delhi, inaugurated on Wednesday, will deal specifically with crimes against women."

#1. From 2006 to 2013 Have begged and blogged about the fact that local authorities do nothing about harassment at WSFC Public library[s] and on WSTA buses route 1 [night route re-route to route1717[like set of twins]-drug area by WSTA management]and the WSTA Indian bus driver from INDIA; along witht he white hispanic bus driver [both who harass African American female bus riders[the cameras don't catch everything];

#2. ON 1-3-13, called the WSTA bus station to ask to speak to the supervisor of WSTA route 13;that turns into 2323[like set of twins][An error occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again.Ignore warning ][message came up after typing the above statement]at night; was told that I could NOT speak to a supervisor; all they wanted to know was, what's ya name?; told them I was not working for the public; their response you cannot speak to a supervisor; sent me from the Trade Street Office where Mr. Barnes[like during slavery]is the director; but only spoke to the Dispatch operator who told me that if I have a problem talk to her only and she will talk to the supervisor[sound stupid?]; when I didnot listen to that she said well call and ask for #29 and they[the WSTA [bus] supervisor will be waiting by the phone; they were not; so called city link whose attitude was the same=What's ya name?; told them I am not working for the public-can a person call in and request to speak to a supervisor; someone who is riding the bus or someone from out of town; what is your policy on customers/public speaking to a supervisor; reponse from CITY LINK=Well, I'll take the question and call you back." My response-No, Thank You, I' ll call you back; female at CITY LINK stated=well give us three business days; which I did.

#3. I called back today 1-9-13 and again; What's ya name? along with What's ya number[and person kind of got the idea they wanted your name for another reason]; After toldthe female at City Link that I was told that I could not speak to a supervisor; the female [management] at City Link told me that should not have taken place that when I ask to speak to a supervisor; that I should have spoken to a supervisor; finally spoke to male who works at WSTA=who also wanted to know "What's ya name?"- he said that they would have to find out WHO the supervisor was that I was asking about; did not seem to happy about having to get the information.

Heard about the following over the weekend after experience on the WSTA buses:
"Delhi gang-rape accused face rape and murder charges";Attack fuels calls for tough new rape laws and better police protection for women across India


Have rode the WSTA city buses for more than six years and can almost count the number of males of the larger society[white males] that have been on buses on one hand, but on 1-3-13 there were almost ten [males of the larger society on one bus route, Route 13[the same route where WSTA set me up and put me behind bars as punishment for not stopping to eat at restuarant where guy who wants to date me worked]; On 1-3-13 was waiting at the WSTA bus station in Winston-Salem, North Carolina to get on Route 13; but the regular bus[new bus green] for route 13 did NOT show; a bus [blue and white-fumes [old bus] was brought from the downtown garage; got on it because needed to use the transfer;did not have the money to pay another fare; The old bus from the downtown garage was stinking and smelled like pea and other foul odors [bus driver-AFrican American female[you know what] bus driver said she did not smell anything; there were also a lot of males of the larger society[white males][apprx 4 to 5];

As WSTA bus Route 13 continued more males of the larger society [white males] got on the bus; so that it became difficult to sit anywhere without a males of the larger society [white male] sitting somewhere close [pictures below]; one of them having the name of RICHIE[use to work at restuarant where guy who wants to date me worked]; After got off of the bus, went shopping and then got back on the WSTA bus, route 13 at night-which turns into the night route 2323, again the bus was an old bus with fumes; they again had taken a WSTA old Blue and white bus and driven it at night [because they KNOW people who ride the bus regularly what their schedules will probably be-because they track the regular riders of WSTA buses];
[An error occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again.Ignore warning ]

BUT when old blue and white bus pulled into the stall; it pulled into different stall [C4] than the one that Route 13 ususally pulls into [C3]=harassment/witchcraft=whatever you want to call it;

The Night supervisor [African American male] is one of the people who were the orginal harassers when first start riding the bus; he is the one that said; don't worry about nothing because all of the people who were causing me trouble were gone; think I blogged that was not the case because he was one of the one who had been participating in the system of harassment.
Heard about the girl being raped and then the males laughing making a video of what they had done; have blogged that the WSTA has kidnapped a bus with me on it by keeping the bus on its route, while putting only members of their secret club on the bus.

[On 1-3-13 after transfering from route 2323 to route 1 and then from route1[regular people][green bus] to route 1717[new route][old blue and white bus-ad for habitant for humanity[picture of adult male,female and child-all African American] where TWO African American males 1/2 and 1/2 thug got off of route 1[first time anybody has transfered from route 1 to route 1717 besides myself]on to froute 1717][had to run from route 1 to route17-TWO African American males were running behind me=intimidating]; Parked on the corner of Carver School Road and Tereasa was route 1717[old b;ue bus]; nothing but males[all I saw] was on the WSTA route 1717 bus;the bus driver was African American male-the two African American males that were running behind me=ran past me and got on the bus; when I reached the bus=All the front seats were African American males and their were sitting in the front section as if to communicate the other sections are closed; like there was no choice of place to sit; I walked through to the back section; and then got off the bus;

Since that time 1-3-13 have seen one of the African American guys who ran behind me every time get on WSTA bus, route1 to go to the SCR branch library;and upon getting off of the WSTA [green]bus, route 1

at corner of Carver and Lansing=African American male[young 3/4 thug] tried to intimidate me to walk in the direction he selected; said excuse me and kept walking=after seeing authority vehicle [white with red and blue stripes]parked in section/street where went to see person couple of week ago;[1-10-13]];

Tried to make new post=computer would not allow me to.



Email that had been placed in gmx email=the Vanessa [family member name]and the Baker[like the Lena Baker Story]=Vanessa Williams[name that CSR branch library kept up on eletric bulletin board for almost a year];[]

"Hope & Redemption: The Lena Baker Story (2008) The Lena Baker Story (original title)"

In movie the only way Lena Baker, the African American female in the movie escaped the abuse of the white male was that she had to kill the white male in self defense which meant death to Lena Baker=or any African American that kills a white.

First time ever saw so many white males on WSTA bus,

Route 13 on 1-3-13;

White male=first time ever saw on WSTA bus;
White male sat in front of me at GOODWILL on Peterscreek Pkway[first time
ever saw on WSTA bus];
White male[extremely unusual to see on a WSTA bus[regardless of the route];
example of some of the males that are intimidating and worse African American
females not prostituting for white males along with the pictures of some of the
other white males above;[Had on one #23 on window vs 2323];
hispanic female driver[nasty attitude];[Had on one #23 on window vs 2323];

Picture taken 1-3-13 of old white bus=no ads=white=death; night route 2323[#13 day];
stinking, fumes; hispanic female driver[nasty attitude];[Had on one #23 on window vs 2323];

Picture taken on 1-3-13 Route #2323[night route for route #13]; which
supervisor had parked in stall C3[C=Cintas][message all day from WSTA
staff [bus management]=am not allowed to birth [#23 stands for birth=
23 chromosomes] anything in #13[Thirthteen Amendment];also where
Paula gets on bus to go to Academy; which message also is only Cintas and
Paula can use education/academics to progress and prosper becausethey are prostitutes working for white male of the larger society;

Picture taken 1-3-13 at night after evening movie [New green bus was already parked
in stall C3 when pulled up in old WSTA bus with fumes, hispanic female driver];

Assignment=see if you can DECODE the messages to the secret group[s] in the United States:

Cintas Corporation Wins ACG Cincinnati Deal Maker Award Following Nomination from KMK LawCINCINNATI --

In recognition of its successful transaction activity over the past two years, Cintas Corporation has been selected as a recipient of the Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) 2013 Deal Maker Awards.

The Deal Maker Awards Program recognizes the significant achievements of companies that have been successful in their pursuit of corporate growth through acquisition, joint venture and/or divestiture transactions, especially over the past two year period. Cintas accepted the ACG Deal Maker-Public Companies Award at the Cincinnati chapter’s annual awards dinner on May 22, 2013.

Within the past two years, Cintas has acquired companies that expanded the products and services it has traditionally offered. In December 2010, Cintas acquired Metro Door, a leading provider of 24/7 facilities maintenance services to national retailers. In 2010, Cintas also acquired Cleanway, a leading provider of floor care and related maintenance programs with nationwide emergency and on-call response in all 50 states, Canada and Puerto Rico. Since 2010, Cintas also has been very active in the acquisition of businesses in the confidential destruction, fire protection, document management, first aid and safety and uniform businesses throughout the U.S. and Canada with more than 50 acquisitions which have added in excess of $240 million in company revenues. In addition, over the course of the last two years, Cintas has acquired five companies internationally, adding in excess of $36 million in company revenues.

“Despite the economic downturn over the past several years, Cintas has remained very active acquiring companies both domestically and internationally,” stated Robert E. Coletti, Partner at the Cincinnati law firm of Keating Muething & Klekamp (KMK). “KMK was pleased to nominate Cintas for this well-deserved recognition.”

With more than 1 million customers, Cintas is the largest uniform supplier in North America. The company has more than 430 facilities across North America and employs approximately 30,000 people. Cintas was recently named one of the Top 150 Workplaces in the United States, and Cintas has been named among the 50 Best Employers in Canada for the past two years by Report on Business magazine.

Cintas provides highly specialized products and services to businesses of all types primarily throughout North America, as well as Latin America, Europe and Asia. Cintas’ products and services are designed to enhance its customers’ images and brand identification, as well as provide a safe and efficient workplace. From humble beginnings in 1929, when Doc Farmer started a small business to reclaim and clean rags for local factories, Cintas has grown to clothe more than 5 million people for work each day. Cintas has a long history of acquiring other industrial laundry businesses and has developed additional products and services that complement its core uniform business and broaden the scope of products and service available to its customers.

About Cintas Corporation

Headquartered in Mason, Ohio, Cintas Corporation provides highly specialized services to businesses of all types primarily throughout North America. Cintas designs, manufactures and implements corporate identity uniform programs, and provides entrance mats, restroom cleaning and supplies, tile and carpet cleaning, promotional products, first aid, safety, fire protection products and services and document management services for more than 1 million businesses. Cintas is a publicly held company traded over the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbol CTAS and is a component of the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index. Additional information is available at

About Keating Muething & Klekamp PLL

The law firm of Keating Muething & Klekamp PLL (KMK®), based in Cincinnati, Ohio, is a nationally-recognized law firm delivering sophisticated legal solutions to businesses of all sizes — from Fortune 100 corporations to start-up companies. Chambers USA: America’s Leading Business Lawyers® 2013 recognized KMK as a leading law firm in Ohio in Bankruptcy & Restructuring, Corporate and Mergers & Acquisitions, and General Commercial Litigation. KMK received 20 first tier rankings in the 2013 Best Law Firms survey (Metropolitan Cincinnati) by U.S. News and Best Lawyers. Founded in 1954, KMK has approximately 110 lawyers and a support staff of 150 employees. Additional information is available at




****At Office Depot; Univeristy Parkway: when called the United States Post Office and thier customer service=there is not a FAX number; thus looked up on the internet and the following info came up:not to mention that the LAW LIBRARIAN for usps = Is WHITE=means all post office everything connected ALL LAWS=support ONLY WHITE society:

Law & Reference Library

Charlotte C. White, Librarian

Main Office: 202-523-5762

Not to mention  that the DIRECTOR  of  Consumer Affairs and DISPUTE RESOLUTIONS services  is VACANT=means temporary[so can use person in charge [foreigner]to attack people; then get rid of them and replace with another person to attack another group of people; like the IRS who targeted the T-party.

Office of Consumer Affairs & Dispute Resolution Services
(Vacant), Director

Jennifer M. Gartlan, Deputy Director

Zoraya De La Cruz

Theresa Dike

Jason Guthrie

Philip Lee

Tara E. Nielsen

Sharia D. Sherman-Shelton

Nancy K. Shoupe

Main Office: 202-523-5807

Fax Number: 202-275-0059

Monday, May 20, 2013

Winston-Salem Journal: Ask Sam

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Contact InformationFirst Name : American
Last Name : Consumer
Address :
City : Winston-Salem
State : NC
Zip Code : 27101
Phone : (336) 700-1000
E-mail Address :
Your QuestionThank you for your submission. : 5/20/13
What options does a person [such as a T party member or individual] have- if they have been targeted; and have followed the proper protocal by writing/calling/ and emailing,etc. the various organizations who are to address the abuse; but even in the mist of going through situtation that is in the public newspapers as curretn events; the organizations still tell the person[along with the local newspapers[wsjournal,etc.] that they do not have a story and that there is nothing that they can do to help the person. [have documented for decades the abuse; intimidation, harassment, espcially related to employment; filed with the EEOC [who gives me a letter every time and everytime no attorney will take the case]; Who is the t-party member to go to to have issues addressed locally[and hopefully all are well after this is sent].
Also have at least two decades of harassment and intimidation, such as people who live around me taking down my mailbox without my permisssion and putting up an new mailbox with my address without my permission and even after filling out the forms, no response; along with answering the question up above; please inform of who/how to deal with people taking down my mailbox without my permission. [please send response to email address. Was told there was nothing to be done; that I just have to suffer. Thank you