UPDATE:1. Posted on blog that first boyfriend was name "DONALD" and along with family member by name of "CHARLIE"-middle name "WADE" was how "DONALD TRUMP" was in position he was in; CONFIRMATION-Movie-TWO weeks notice/starring Sandra bullock; Scene where Donald Trumps says "WADE";
UPDATE:1. Posted on blog that first boyfriend was name "DONALD" and along with family member by name of "CHARLIE"-middle name "WADE" was how "DONALD TRUMP" was in position he was in; CONFIRMATION-Movie-TWO weeks notice/starring Sandra bullock; Scene where Donald Trumps says "WADE";

[NOTE: the question is WHY is the government attacking its citizen[s];have gone through at least four presidents and all do the SAME thing-operate the TWO systems-and of them is to keep African American[s] out of the white male main stream economic and social systems];
1. Today is a TWO day [8th day and 18th year=2-8's]; rode wsta rte96 to downtown; then 89 to area near Walmart; rte was clean and OLD buses, riders were complaining;
2. Received another JURY summons coincidently the number was [SEX]#69; again was not selected to serve; in the meantime because of limited budget washing clothes is an issue; and the pair of underwear that had out of the wash load was missing when got ready to put underwear on; and on the date of the jury summons that the TRIAL was taking place, white vehicle was parked in front of the place where habitat worked on African American female[prostitute?] place and an African American male rode up and down the street on a motorcycle[witchcraft];
3.Bastards/moore/JORDAN-shirely JOHNSON's relative/chris hayes [associate that drives a silver hatchback] kept going to back of house; when i went to the back of the house; they had pulled off one of the bevlin boards, broke the "faucet" in back[water still running-about three weeks ago] and they pulled off a board that was on the side of the house; one of chris hayes/judge hayes son-associates/black male went to the back of edwina moore and used the bathroom as intimidation/ anytime i do anything that looks like improvement to residence; chris hayes and group do something to take away from residence;
4. Did call one of the city link depts. in another city; and white lady told me to call the "SBI"-called the "SBI" who said the "SBI" cannot get involved unless the "WSPD"/? ask them to get involved; ask the white male at the "SBI" what would he tell his daughter what to do if the family members of authority were harassing and intimidating her; he said call the local pol-ce; told him that i do not call the local authorities but called the local city link who told me that anytime i call them that they were told to call the local authorities;
Copy of letter faxed to Dept. of Justice:
Dept. of Justice
To who it may concern:
Criminal Division
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
“NY AG Eric Schneiderman
resigns after 4 women accuse him of abuse”; The Associated
Press contributed to this report.) Eyewitness News; Tuesday, May
08, 2018 06:18AM;;
State AG Eric Schneiderman to resign, after multiple
women accuse him of physical abuse
By Spectrum News Staff & Associated
Press | May 8, 2018 @12:23 AM
[Song now playing at Office Depot-“I’ll be watching
Being that the issue of an official being identified
as being abusive to females; this is expressing concern for scam/safety of
self/child stolen at birth by those in official capacity/child raised and
intimidated by officials/family/friends and acquaintances; not to mentioned
family members taken off the earth through questionable methods; and constantly
intimidated by officials family members; thus have followed all of the proper
protocol and crys for help have been ignored; stress overboard; ; Access to
resources to decrease stress blocked; don’t have to put my identity because of
the constantly tracking where constantly harassed/threaten-such as your fax
number “6777” is part of a number connected to a family member; abuse to “Tony”
safety, connected to statement;
Thank you,
5. All four presidents have done the SAME thing-operate the TWO systems-and one of them is to keep African American[s] out of the white male main stream economic and social systems and only allows for African American[s] to be attacked unless the African American[s] join the white males in abusing African American[s];what the MEEK Mills system is; why MEEK[African American males] best buddy is an white male by the name of MICHAEL-code for Michael is an African American male who is "meek" who has the privileges of a white male and to not put him in jail; entire show DATEline was devoted to MEEK Mills getting out of prison and prison [REFORM=joke]; "These sysstems are designed to keep Blacks entrapped in system[s] for LIFE" quote Meek Mills; Global=Back CUBE -Black Cube is a private intelligence agency, which is based in London, Paris and Tel Aviv,[1] and is the trading name of BC Strategy Ltd.;[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Cube]-which is connected to "stopping HARVEY Weinstein[should be Steve HARVEY]WIVES and something to do with a connection in IRAN=code have posted on blog that the muslims and the violence was directed towards the African American[s] who were not subservient to white male[s]-especially the African American female not submitting to the white male[system of control of the African American male; they secret prostitution system is GLOBAL;
6. Was trying to leave a reply on Variety.com; it did not post; don't know what happen to the post, so am posting on blog; the blog was in response to Vivan Fox new show:
CBS to Launch Syndicated Talk Show ‘Face the Truth’ With Vivica A. Fox;By Cynthia Littleton; March 28, 2018 10:51AM PT;[http://variety.com/2018/tv/news/vivica-a-fox-talk-show-face-the-truth-fall-2018-cbs-1202738454/];
[note: The new show "Face the TRUTH" is to tell the bastards who are faced with getting around the TRUTH on how to get around the TRUTH;[should be seen a lot more "CYNTHIA's" and "CINDY's"];
Vivan[like vivan burke]A. Fox played role representing l--a Rowell in a movie-Charlie ROSE system using females as secret prostitutes-to/that hinder African American females having a mate or husband which is why Mark Zuckerberg is starting a new DATING app.-to ensure that GOD ordained natural relationships do not take place in African American culture; also part of system to destroy African American birth PATH; ethnic cleansing vs. ethnic intimidation equals CONye West statement that slavery was achoice-meaning blacks chose to be paid by white males to rob/steal/kill/intimidate black people[like oprah winfrey/beyonce/steve Harvey-don't be fooled by their niceness];wonder who Vivian a. fox is helping to rob/steal/kill and intimidate,etc.;
Channel 2 CBS this morning-segment instructions-bring story to life; 5th graders-ACTION PLAN-create your own[METHOD]; CURTIS l--a Rowell [nephew] was killed and whose killer was never brought to justice; two JAMIES'; the killing method to be brought to life by chris hayes[judge son whose father practiced ethnic intimidation, Edwina moore-father an ex-deputy sheriff, gwydolyn gwyn and pookie, whose relative, son, brother work/ed for authority; chris mccrae who father worked for [ws,nc]and whose father was caught in back yard of person across the street and the next day the person went to the backyard[same] and the back yard facucet had been broken ]; Shirley Johnson and POPS[old black male at 3713/ringleader][note:with POPS being the name of a CBS tv Show-coincidently:
List of programs broadcast by Pop (U.S. TV network)
Because of participants Oprah winfrey, beyonce,whoopie, steve Harvey in ethnic intimidation, white people look at the crooks robbing African Americans as legitimate spokes people for African Americans which blocks blacks from accessing the systems that are to address abuse[email does not work];name #metoosurvivor of two=decades of abuse; would not post;
Steve Harvey invited the African American male who got the gun from the white male shooter at the WAFFLE House and gave him a vacation to BARbaydos-code BAR African American male[s] protecting themselves or anybody else by taking a gun from white male[s];
List of programs broadcast by Pop (U.S. TV network)
Because of participants Oprah winfrey, beyonce,whoopie, steve Harvey in ethnic intimidation, white people look at the crooks robbing African Americans as legitimate spokes people for African Americans which blocks blacks from accessing the systems that are to address abuse[email does not work];name #metoosurvivor of two=decades of abuse; would not post;
Steve Harvey invited the African American male who got the gun from the white male shooter at the WAFFLE House and gave him a vacation to BARbaydos-code BAR African American male[s] protecting themselves or anybody else by taking a gun from white male[s];
7. New BOOK-MARGRET is the HERo-book starts off in 1954 about the time MARGRET [relative] was a child;-
8. BRIGIDs PATH for crack babies-segment on television news show-where person by the name of Bridget to be used to access relative that went to AT&T due to inability to yield to being subservant; also did segment "Seperarting parents and Children-code separate/ take African American CHILDREN from PARENTS of African American parents who will not be subservant [how they decided to steal twin child at birth-in 1983-system process is documented through media;
9. The issue is Constitutional Rights;
9. The issue is Constitutional Rights;
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