Taken when staying with Cynthia during the 9/13 to 3/14;
Cynthia stated she and I would go into buisness together; I would make the dresses and she would put them on Ebay or another internet website to sell because you have to have credit/debit card;
Victoria Secret magazine left on porch-code to white males that come on Cynthia porch that she is working in secret with them;

View of Cynthia's porch and the porch of the black couple that moved in next door to Cynthia-code to Cynthia what is suppose to be in my life and offering the reltionship/marriage to Cynthia by block me;

Part of the Gwynolyn Gwyn's group/family trying to intimidate after Gwyndolyn Gwyns son knocked down my mailbox and threaten me with a weapon when I was putting the mailbox back up; and because the authorities went to the Gwyns house and did not come to mine; the group gathered to try and send intimidating message;

Picture of camera at the front of WSTA city buses "TRACKING" African Americans actions and behaviors[based on Cspan Conference about what negative use can be made of information obtained through tracking a person.];

Picture of camera in the middle of the WSTA city buses used to "TRACK" African Americans actions and behaviors[based on Cspan Conference about what negative use can bedone with the information obtained through tracking a person.];

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