1. Road wsta 96 to downtown; then to employment center; long story short; typed up statement and am posting:
A. Statement sent to Human Rights Watch in Washington, DC and Geneva:
9/ 11/18
Fax +31 (0)00 000 0000
Re: Florence the Hurricane [note growing up mother
relatives were near Florence, SC];
On 9/10/18-PBS News Hour; channel 26.4, it was
stated, “the largest sexual harassment complaints come from food and service
workers from 2005 to 2015;
On 9/10/18-ET[Entertainment Tonight] television
program,channel 12.1, it was stated the
Les Moonves(the spouse of Julia of “The Talk” television show) had six more females to come forward with allegations
of “sexual harassment”; and a host of “The Talk” stated, “When a “NEW REGEME”
comes into office, we all know they sweep clean.”
Point being “PART”
of the “NEW” regime started with the “Charlie Rose” step down that occurred after
white male authority stole the flash drive from Office Depot on Hanes Mall Blvd
and used it the way they wanted, which is to knocked down white male[s] abusive
sexual/harassment /ethnic intimidation system to start a new
sexual/harassment/ethnic intimidation system operated through “FEMALES”, which
are in reality are “SECRET PROSTITUTES”- in other words it is the same system,
just flipped to the other side, instead of men being the abusers, females will
be the abusers[in secret of coarse];
Part of the female abusive system by female[s] will
include the [RACHEL-Megan-Markle] system were African American/? Females will
be called RACHAEL-with the term having various meanings; #1 the RACHAEL female
will be identified as a male and forced
into a male/man’s mind set[why new MISS
America is an African American female-code for African American female[s]
missing being a female in American]:
Why they have put a lot of manly African American
females up front –like Leslie on SNL-no competition to the Caucasion female];
all African American males that are to be in the African American female life
will be blocked out of their life;
The other system that will be used is African
American males who are suppose to be mates with African American female[s] will
be forced/intimidated[subliminal] into relationships with white/hispanic females
and being ignorant the African American male will join the Caucasion/Hispanic female
in attacking the African American female; the stage has already been set; For
example: Was in line with a female relative waiting to order something the
other day and a Black male [whimppy] and Caucasian female got out of their car,
went inside the building and while me and a relative looking at items to order,
the Black males says, “You “GUYS” can go ahead” ; I said, “NO” you “GUYS” can
order first;
With the stage having already been set with the name
calling of sweetie, sugar, darling, honey-directed at the African American female[s] by Black female secret prostitutes and white
females, where the Caucasion culture has already established female[s] being
called guys so that the transition to
calling the African American female “GUY” is an easy transistion; For the African American female in a
relationship with a member of the hertosexual
African American male-there is no issue; however for an African American female
of child bearing years who wants to have children it is a major issue and
especially when they are called “GUYS”-all part of the design of white male[s]
system of abuse of “ethnic
Which going back to the above statement:
“On 9/10/18-PBS News Hour; channel 26.4, it was
stated, “the largest sexual harassment complaints come from food and service
workers from 2005 to 2015”;
Where a harassment complaint was made in 2008/2010
about harassment from “Sams CLUB” yet to this day 9/10/18 the entire country is
talking about harassment/sexual[that’s one of those white male flips] abuse;
all of personal issues in media are being addressed on a national basis, but none of personal
issues addresses in personal life- the
solution to the issues connected to being harassed and intimidated have yet to
reach a personal level-except more harassment; For example; Duke Energy came
and turned off my lights again; after I had called them two days prior
discussed situation and was told that issue could be put off until 9/14/18; yet
on 8/10/18 this time an African American male showed up in a Duke Energy truck
with a lime green vest, and when I inquired of ID and as to why my lights were turned off;
as the African American male in the Duke
Energy truck was walking towards me, while I was standing in the yard, pulled
back his lime green vest and showed his weapon[knife] and tried to approach
like “you don’t have the right to question me and are you sure you want to take
me on”; where it was requested that he
come no closer and while the African
American male in the Duke Energy truck was making his weapon obvious, C----
H---- was walking across the street with a hammer [coincidental]; the African
American male in the Duke Energy truck showed a Duke Energy badge with a
face[was not allowed to see up close] while the African American male in the
Duke Energy truck covered up the name on the Duke energy badge; after I told
him the authorities told me/Gover. Office in Raleigh and Duke Energy officials
that when I asked for Identification from Duke Energy, the Duke Energy workers
are suppose to show their id;
So the African American male in the Duke Energy
truck did not show me his Identification, but he called white male
authority[white and bald headed-like B---- P---- the ex-mail man], and both
came and knocked on the door and I did not open; but had Duke Energy supervisor
on the phone who heard them knock on the door; [they walked past a “NO
TRESSPASSING “ sign; moved the chair that was on the porch in front of the door
[to keep the locals from having access to the front door] and then reached and
turned off my music]; Then after speaking to
Duke Energy supervisor who told me they could not tell who the
supervisor was; called the NC Utilities Commission and was told by Ms. Rogers
that I needed to call Duke Energy back and speak with a supervisor who could
tell you who the African American male in the Duke Energy truck supervisor was;
So called back to Duke Energy and the supervisors name was “SHAWN”-is a code
name in white male[s] system to attack African American[s]/rob them of their
rights and sure enough-Shawn apologized nicely, then turned around and very
nastily said, “You will not be getting the name the supervisor of the African
American male in the Duke Energy truck” and told Shawn that I would just call
back to the NC Utilities Commission; which I did; and again Ms. Rogers took my
information where did tell Ms. Rogers that the African American male in the
Duke Energy truck was having what looked like “buddy/buddy conversations with
Chris Hayes” and the black male that lives beside Chris Hayes; that heard the
African American male in the Duke Energy truck say he grew up in Winston-Salem,
NC and he lives off of REYNOLDS PARK[where secret black prostitutes and secret
johns dwellings located]and Ms. Rogers said that an “analysis” would be calling
I said, “ Thank You”-hung up the phone and forgot
about it; approx. 3:15pm; then approx.
5:30 pm heard roaring trucks-looked out the window
and there were TWO more DUKE Energy trucks, TWO white male[s] –one walked again
pass the “NO TRESSPASSING” sign up to the door and saw the sign “Doctors care
to avoid stress”-he then went back out to the street and talked to the other
white male from Duke Energy and C---- H----; which is when got back on the
phone called Duke Energy again and expressed concern for my safety, female
relatives, other family members, friends, associates, etc. and stated that
Chris Hayes should discuss nothing concerning residence where white male had
been in yard; the Duke Energy supervisor[Caucasion female] said she was in
shock, the African American male in the Duke Energy truck that turned off my
lights should not have treated me that way, that “SHAWN should have confirmed
the name of the supervisor-“Garvly”[ the female Duke energy supervisor said “the
name “Garvly sounded like gravely” informed the Duke Energy Caucasion female
that had filed numerous complaints concerning Duke Energy workers as far back
as 1999-which was like the Larry Nasser situation [girl atheletes sexual
molestation ignored for decades]; the
female Duke energy supervisor said that a higher supervisor at Duke Energy was
going to be informed, I thanked her and then asked for the supervisor’s name
and she said, “PAUL”[the first name]-with PAUL being code name to rob from
African Americans also; I did not say anything to the female Duke Energy Supervisor [Caucasian] that it is just a
circle of abuse;[note: if Duke Energy is so abusive concerning access to
electricity before “Florence” the Hurricane which is aimed at the TRIAD area and
is to do so much destruction; what kind of treatment will Duke Energy workers
be instructed to do to African American[s] after “Florence” the Hurricane?];
Where a host of “The Talk” stated, “When a “NEW REGIME”
comes into office, we all know they sweep clean.” [Concerning Les Moones having to step down
because of six more sexual allagations] but the problem is that the cleaning is
an illusion-only the FRONT people are being removed, and all the white male
secret systems/scams against African American[s] remain the same; nothing ever
changes for African Americans except transformation of the African American
wealth into what white male system[s] think is the equivalent-for example
instead of raising TWINS-white male system decided they have the RIGHT[Florence
the storm is to effect WRIGHTSVILLE Beach] to decide at birth that they could separate
one twin from the other twin and the twin from the mother of the twin; or if
the African American is suppose to be a
wealthy person, the white male system [from observation] decided that the
African American can do anything that is beneath white male-example-can you see
Donald Trump cleaning toilets;
[note: Confirmation is on 9/10/18; “The PBS NEWS
HOUR” where they had TWO females on to discuss political issues; one was an “African
American Female –SHAWNa Thomas and the other a Caucasian female-AMY Walters; TWO
female names are code [after SHAWN at
Duke ENERGY incident where Shawn would
not give the name of Duke Energy Supervisor] to white male secret groups to
kill African American females against the “SHAWN” system; both of the females
were in “RED”];
[note: Omarosa Manigan Newman entire name is CODE word- relating to
young African American female[s] in the white male abusive secret systems- “MA” “ROSE” “a” “MAN” “again” “NEW” “MAN” in all Omarosa Manigan Newman does- she is working for white male[s]
as a secret prostitute and setting the situation up so that white male[s]
abusive secret systems of abusing African Americans remain in place for African
American female[s]-with the head of the United States Administration being
informed of the process]:
Omarosa, there'd be no President Trump
By Arick Wierson
Updated 9:31 PM ET, Mon
September 10, 2018

[Note: Using name code-CAR of “cara” and “FRANK” of “Franklin”-White
female is to use the “car” of “FRANK” for the Black female-meaning white females
[Savanah/Hoda Kotb being trained] all pretty black females to be put in category
of male[Frank]; part of how they used
Aretha FRANKlin]:
Miss America 2018, CARa Mund, crowns Miss New York, Nia Franklin, as Miss America 2019 in Atlantic City, New Jersey, on

Miss New
York wins Miss America in a new-look, swimsuit-free pageant; by Associated Press / Sep.10.2018 / 3:30 AM ET;
B. Sent statement to the SSA regarding the issue of stable income because of being intentionally blocked from access to MONEY while system[s] threaten more abuse if they don't get MONEY:
To: SSA/OFDAAR/---------, NC
Re: application for Social Security Disability (SSD/
Access to Finances and Food/ Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome [PTSD]/ Ethnic
Intimidation/Systematic National “Cue”[ing] System
allow the following facts to be considered for “V------ A-- P-----l “ [0000000005 based on
8c-40; Article 4. ;Relevancy and Its
Rule 401.
Definition of "relevant evidence."
"Relevant evidence" means
evidence having any tendency to make the existence of any fact that is of
consequence to the determination of the action more probable or less probable
than it would be without the evidence. (1983, c. 701, s. 1.) [https://www.ncleg.net/gascripts/statutes/StatutesTOC.pl?Chapter=0008C]
It is relevant that
“in 1990-Claimant took a Theatrical
analysis class where the objective was to be able to observe and identify the
era of a theatrical production; and while claimant was watching the movie
“Poetic Justice” in approximately 2010 saw
the 1966 address[2810 (of North Patterson Ave, Winston-Salem, NC)]of
the claimant in the movie “Poetic Justice”
and as claimant continued to watch the movie other elements of the
claimants/relatives life were also coincidentally in the movie; and as of
9/4/18 other elements of the claimants/relatives life were posted through the
Poetic Justice (1993) - IMDb
Directed by John Singleton. With Janet Jackson, Tupac Shakur, Regina King, Joe
Torry. In this film, we see the world through the eyes of main character
Justice, a young African-American poet.
Fast forward to
September 2018 and elements of claimant’s personal information [from claimant’s
name to claimant’s social security number] is observed almost on a daily
Claimant /Claimant’s relative[s] information used through
media in an ethnic intimidation system [national] that interferes with
claimant’s/relatives quality of life. Almost everyday since 1995 [started in
1954 Claimant’s father C------ W. -----ll/Myrtle Beach]claimant has had to
deal with stress from people that stay around claimant; Claimant had to take Ed----
M---e to Forsyth County Court [10cvd0000] in 2010 because of long term
harassment/ ethnic intimidation type situation] and the same type of
intimidation/harassment still exists; all of the people who stay around the
claimant lived in “housing projects” [prior
to living in 3700 Block of Prospect Drive]which has caused claimant to suffer
from “Acculturative stress” which is an intense or prolonged stress and can be overwhelming on the body/health.
[note: presently Claimant has no form of relief to point of mail/communication interferred with so that
is caused no access to healthy FOOD [no SSI income];
stress” refers to the feeling of tension and anxiety that accompany efforts
to adapt to the orientation and values of dominant culture (Rathus &
Nevid, 2003). It can have an influence on physical and mental health(Kaholokula
et al, 20100); Jang & Chiriboga, 2010). Acculturation stress was found to
be significantly associated anxiety
disorders (Ehlers et al, 2009). [http://www.apa.org/topics/health-disparities/fact-sheet-stress.aspx];note:
presently Laura Chavez and hispanic male talking so loud it is like they are
outside and after asking three to four times if they could speak softer, have
been basically ignored/[note: Cha[is the beginning of the name of Claimant’s
relative who is dealing with appropriate work/food issue];
where on 9/4/18;channel 12.1 WXII 12 New[Media] [6:00PM]Segment-New “HOUSING
PROJECT”is information to the people who stay around the claimant that
lived in “housing projects [Ed---- M---e/G-------
G---/C---- H----/etc.]; Claimant [---------] and claimants female relative
social security number or elements thereof are often shown on television in a
negative manner[9855];which is the use of media to intimidate/harass;
Being of sound mind Claimant states that it has been observed and documented that the reason why a relative who could take one
dollar and make a profit without illegality but could not pay his light/water
bill was the result of what was being done to him through ethnic intimidation
by the personnel that worked in the offices who would take the relatives money
when they were trying to pay their bill; in other words the relative was
healthy; but because of the harassment/intimidation from the personnel who harassed and intimidated
them so much that it affected the mental/physical health of relative that the
relative was not able to function; thus it is not what the person is but what
the culture intends to do to the person through a structured/organized system of ethnic intimidation to remove the health of
the person;
of the Claimant’s environment [Winston-Salem, North Carolina] seeking “Sanctuary
City” status [hostile to African American[s], Claimant can
only look forward to Chronic stressors associated with health disparities
include perceived discrimination, neighborhood stress, daily stress, family
stress, acculturative stress, environmental stress; (Djuric et al, 2010; NIH,
2011); Claimant’s observation that media is used to “cue”daily/monthly/yearly
instructions of systematic ethnic intimidation/harassment can only lead to
Claimant’s suffering greater anxiety[Claimant
gave Judge F------- ------- copy of statement from Forsyth Emergency Room
concerning Claimant anxiety issue];which will strengthen the post-traumatic
stress syndrome process;
Claimant could not get food stamp assistance that lead to the Claimant being in
ICC [Intensive Care Unit] at local Forsyth County Hospital [twice] until
Claimant’s female relative drove
from New York and watched as Claimant filed for food stamp assistance; now
Claimant is observing female relative being punished for assisting relative
obtain food stamps to eat; where Claimant’s female relative[not sibling]
harassment on job were so bad that they had to resign, which has put them in a
place where the Claimant’s female relative is now dealing with a “FOOD’ issue;
which Claimant put documents in case “V------ P----l” -----------
stating that there was a big issue with the Claimant’s father
C------ W. P----- [was in the United States Army] getting money to
Claimant’s mother [L----- B. P-----]
to eat in 1954 when L----- B. P----- was
carrying Claimant[V------ A. P-----] in the womb; where the issue was of hunger for Claimant’s
mother[1954]/ for Claimant[2015/2016] and for Claimant’s female
relative[2018], each from a different era but the issue of hunger the same; where Claimant’s mother
[L----- B. P------] suddenly developed cancer
when she started to not sit at home, Claimant and Claimants friends/associates that try to visit Claimant are
psychologically attacked through Ed---- M---e/C---- H----/G-------- G---,
“Jordan, C---- M-----,
associates, etc. ethnic intimidation abuse/media system and now Claimant is
observing Claimant’s female relative [unaware] who helped Claimant access
food stamps being intimidated/harassed out of healthy social encounters;
Claimant cannot go outside without being harassed; Claimant cannot relax at
home-based upon instructions the Ed----
M---e/G-------- G---“housing project” group will hit on the outside of
the house to make a loud noise; [s]/have heard C---- H----/ Ed---- M---e tell
little boy[apprx. 10] to harass Claimant [have witnesses of the little boy
harassing Claimant];Claimant can only
look forward to Chronic stressors associated with health disparities that
include perceived discrimination, neighborhood stress, daily stress, family
stress, acculturative stress, environmental stress; (Djuric et al, 2010; NIH,
2011).[note: Claimant has observed all of the above stressors operating locally
[in Winston-Salem, North Carolina] on a daily basis and nationally; [http://www.apa.org/topics/health-disparities/fact-sheet-stress.aspx]-where
media cues to Ed---- M---e/C---- H----/G--------
G---,etc. include instructions to treat Claimant as a man/note a female-[Claimant is not gay; part of the ethnic intimidation system is to block Claimant/Claimant’s female relative from romantic/ relationships with heterosexual African American male[s];[presently the “housing project”group put an item in the middle of the street to threaten attack;
G---,etc. include instructions to treat Claimant as a man/note a female-[Claimant is not gay; part of the ethnic intimidation system is to block Claimant/Claimant’s female relative from romantic/ relationships with heterosexual African American male[s];[presently the “housing project”group put an item in the middle of the street to threaten attack;
An Example
of the media “cue” system is of ; Diane King Hall [note King is Ellen
Givens maiden name-Ellen was the name of the female roommate at the hospital
Diane King Hall joined NY1 in February of 2010
as the news channel's business anchor/reporter.
Diane King Hall – Business Anchor/Reporter
ne King Hall – Business Anchor/Reporter

King Hall/business anchor Reporter
[note: Hall is the last name of relative; King is
maiden name of Ellen Givens; ANN-is middle name of Claimant];
Example of the media “cue”system is of ANNE Marie Greene
CBS News April 13, 2017, 3:53 PM

[Note: ANNE is the middle name of
Claimant; Greene the color of MONEY; Diane King Hall and Anne Marie Greene
usually have a segment where they each talk to each other about MONEY];
Thus Claimant states that all of the
above are factors to be considered for case “V------ A. P-----” --------- being
that “ethnic intimidation’ is national [where one race pays another race to
attack their own race]in the United States [example is Chicago, Ill] and there
is no place in the United States for Claimant to escape “ethnic intimidation”;
Thank you,
B2. [Note: John
Bolton- said, “use force to force enemies in line”[PBS News hour][BCC World