1. road the wsta route 96 to downtown; then got on route ____-the same route where the bus driver ran into a car and took off their side mirrow so that the wsta supervisor could be called it was on a two day-one day last month;
2. Justice Anthony KENNEDY "RESIGNED"- on the same day that the Social Security Administration announcement for disability hearing arrived in the mail and the same date as the day that the TWIN stolen was born the 27TH[NOT A COINCIDENCE];
Dr. Charlie Kennedy, Pediatrics - Winston Salem , NC ...
Dr. Kennedy's Background Bio Charlie L. Kennedy, MD is a practicing Pediatrician in Winston Salem, NC. Dr. Kennedy graduated from Meharry Medical College in 1963.
is the one who birth the TWIN that was STOLEN; posted on blog about the secret prostitute [at the church by the expressway-highway 52] who was working with people who needed help with electricity and had contacted the judge in Greensboro concerning the case where SAM's Club secret authority members had threaten with confinement for obtaining [legal] employment vs. illegal employment based education;
note: CHARLIE is the name of the grandfather of the stolen TWIN;
Comprehensive coverage on Justice Kennedy Resigned
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy resigned. …
Jun 27, 2018 · It's only Wednesday, but the US Supreme Court's already eventful week has reached a dramatic turning point: Justice Anthony Kennedy, arguably the last bipartisan justice on the bench, announced his resignation.3. At the Goodwill Career Center-ONLY hISPANICS IN CHARGE; at the OFFICE DEPOT on University there is a hISPANIC name "CARlos" who could not ring up my items correctly[why hispanics put in key places relating to JOBS and BUISINESS and ECONOMIC 'PROSPERITY";
hispanics harassing the African Americans at the Goodwill on Peterscreek parkway